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Johnny's P.O.V. *Present* "May I come in Mr. Orlando?" A voice knocked me out and I look up. It was my assistant, Caleb. "Come in." I said as I close my laptop and take the cup of black coffee in my hand when he got into the room. "I'm really sorry, but we couldn't get the contract." He said while I was taking a sip but immediately choke on it. "You mean the one we were about to get in Los Angeles?" I almost yelled at him and keep the cup back. "Yes, sir." "But how?" I slammed my hand on the table. "That Ziegler didn't take part in the bid? did they?" "No, but another Portuguese company bought it." This is a bad news. I needed this contract for a long time, now I let it slip away this easily. How irresponsible I'm? "Portuguese company?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who are they?" "Um, it's the Mendes. A company named 'Mendes Enterprises'." "Mendes?" I narrowed my eyes. "Why I haven't I heard this name before? And how the hell did we lost the bid?" I yelled at him. "The Mendes paid more than we can even afford." "Are you stupid? I already know that!" "But they paid money that we can't afford. If we did it, we would have had a big lose." "Now stop your nonsense and get the hell out of here! I want our next project to be done sooner than I can even think!" I yell loudly as he got out. I punched my fist on the table and rested my elbow on the table, head on hand. I somehow got that Ziegler out of the business by kidnapping his daughter so that I can actually live in peace but now where did this come from. I don't like when people give me these kinds of challenges in business. In the last four years of my experience, I never lost any bid, specially in the U.S. I used to have a lots of problem with the Zieglers' but I eventually won. And now, all of a sudden, just a Portuguese company jumps in and takes this whole plot away from my hands? They paid money 'I' can't afford? But how? I need to get every single detail out of this Mendes. Let's also see who this new rival of mine who actually could win over me. Suddenly my phone beeps and I take it out of my pocket, noticing the reminder popping out. Shit, today Lauren's coming. I have to go back to the house, I really have an important work to do. _ _ I opened the door with the keys and get in and swiftly close it. Mackenzie was sleeping as I slowly walked to her and kept the box on the table which was in my hand. "Hey Frances?" I shook her a bit and sit on the bed . Then she moved as she rubs her hand back on her eyes. I told her to sit on the bed as she adjusted her eyes with the light and looked at me. "What? Again here to rape me?" She said as she leans against the head board. "Or here to kill me?" She looked at the gun in my belt which doesn't even have any bullets, never even had. "Shut up." I say as I take the box and open it. "You're always obsessed with raping, killing, beating and torturing right? Oh god, now this girl is totally getting on my nerves. Well what else did I expect? She's also Ziegler. She needs to be tied down or else she'll also be end up like her father. I might teach her a lesson as well. "Be happy that I still didn't kill you." "Maybe after you'll kill me, you're again gonna rape my corpse." She rolls her eyes as I give her a disgusted look. "Why the heck I would do it?" I asked as I take her hand and she promptly also lends it, of course she's scared of me. She's just trying to hide it. Yeah maybe she thinks I'm like her father. A murderer. I can be a rapist to someone who deserves it but not a murderer. Does she even know that her father killed my parents? "What are you gonna do to me?" She asked as I took the injection and the moment she saw it she tried to take her hand back. "Are you gonna drug me! You also sell drugs!" She yelled as I gesture her to stay silent. "Shut your nonsense up! You'll be in deep sleep that's all." I said and don't late a bit to push it in her hand and she squeezed her eyes. "Do you also have plans to rape me while I'm sleeping?" She slowly said while I take it out and place a cotton over it to stop the blood. "Why are you always saying stuffs about raping and killing?" I furrow my eyebrows. "Cause you're always doing stuffs like that! It's been four days since I'm here and you raped me three times! Beat me up with a whip five times! And pointed a gun at me for like a million times!" She yelled as I roll my eyes. I think I really should start drugging her to control her much easily. And I'm not that bad like the way she's complaining. "Now just shut the f**k up and sleep." I pulled back the cotton as I close the box and pull out a drawer and keep it inside. "Why do you want me to sleep? What do you want?!" "I said shut up!" I yelled as I get up. "Aren't you gonna at least give me something to eat? I'm starving!" "No, later." I say as I get out of the room and lock it. Her hunger is the least thing I'd think about right now. I injected her so that she doesn't wake up for hours. As a result, when Lauren, Maddie and Darian will be here, they never will understand that their brother actually has made someone his captive. Even if I tell them that her Dad killed our parents, they'll still say that it's wrong and I shouldn't have done it and will start giving me lectures. And I'm afraid that Darian would force me to go to church. I skip the stairs down as I rest my whole body on the couch. My mind is not still tension free for that Mendes. Maybe I should've get a round to let this tension get away but that girl needs to sleep. How about I check up on this Mendes now? Wait, I think I'm forgetting something? I had to pick up Lauren from the airport. I got up from the couch as I rushed outside to my car and hop in. In a few minutes of a quite silent ride, I reach the airport. I know I'm late cause she already called me to ask where I am as she has landed and saying she would take a cab. But as I was half way I told her to wait. "You're late!" She yelled at me as she was getting in the passengers' seat after keeping her luggage on the back. "I know and-" I tried to calm her down hugging her. "I know I'm not being the best brother but hey I missed you." I kiss her temple and she laughs. "But I didn't miss you John." She said as she pulls back from the hug while a smile was playing on her face. "You did miss me." I raise my eyebrows. "Yeah, okay, maybe a little." She chuckles as I start driving. "So, how was your flight?" "Fine. I was just a bit excited to meet you guys. So I was having goose bumps thinking I'll be landing soon in Toronto." She said as she leans back and I laugh. "Excited to meet me the most right?" I sing-song. "No, three of you." "Didn't you inform Maddie and Darian to come at tonight's dinner?" "Yeah, I did. Maybe Darian can't join as she has her working schedule planned for tonight but she said she would try her best." "No problem, you're eventually gonna be staying back for a few days so she can meet you up later." I say as I look at her and she nods. "I hope my room is cleaned and you didn't mess it up." She said. "No, why would I?" "Cause you used to." "When we were babies." "And we're grown up now?" "Not you." I poke her cheek. "Why?" "Cause you're still the same baby Laur to me." I laugh. "I'm twenty three John!" "Still, you're always gonna be my baby sis right?" I say as she playfully rolls her eyes. "You're just a year older than me but you act like you're so much more." "Cause, I'm taking care of you for the past four years and you're my responsibility. I can't let anything happen to you can I?" I look at her. "Okay, forget it." She looks outside. I take my eyes on the road back. Is she angry with me? I know I was never this much protective over her but after Mom and Dad died I had to changed. And as Maddie and Darian were moved out from our house as they were married, it felt like I'm the one who's actually only left for Lauren. It's not like that Maddie and Darian didn't take care of us at that time. It was just, my brother instincts towards Lauren just kicked in and still, I get tensed for her. If something ever happens to her, I can't even live. "Laur?" I call her after sometime. "Hmm?" "I'm sorry." I said her as she turns back. "Why are you sorry?" She confusingly laughs. "No, like you're here back home after so many months and I don't want you to be angry with me. So I'm sorry." "It's fine." She smiles. "You're really weird." She quietly mumbles as I laugh. _ _ _ "Darian's here!" Lauren shouted as I skipped the stairs. "Hey." Maddie greets smilingly while she was sitting in front of the couch. "Hi guys. It's so great to be together after so many time." Darian says as she gives a quick hug to Maddie and sits down on with Lauren. "Yeah, we four are together after so many months." Lauren smiles as she looks at me. "Isn't it John?" "Um, yeah?" I say but it comes out in a question as I was sitting on the couch. "John? What about the business? Are you going on well?" Darian asks as I give her my glance. "He's doing amazing." Maddie replied for me. "Yeah, it's going fine." I mumble. "Okay, so guys look I have something to say to you." Lauren said and we look at her. "Um, for the reason I called you all, I have something to show you." She looked at me. "And, John, promise you'll stay calm." "Yeah, why not?" I smile. She's telling me to stay calm? Means something is wrong. Is she trying to- "Someone's coming to meet you guys." She continues with her red cheeks. "Oh, someone?" Maddie cooes with a laugh. "Lauren? Really? Congrats." Darian says. "Wait, wait, wait! What?" I ask. "I knew it." Lauren says with a quite disappointed look. "I knew it you wouldn't like it." "No, like, Lauren? You have a boyfriend and you didn't even tell me!" "Does she have to say everything? She's growing up John." Maddie says. "Look Maddie-" "Stop it Johnny! I'm just sick of it! Why do you always think that whoever I'm gonna date isn't gonna be good for me?" Lauren yells. "But-" "Johnny." Darian cut me off. "At least we can meet the guy right? Then you can decide." I roll my eyes as I rest my head on the couch. "I just hate it. You always have problem with these stuff." Lauren mumbles. "All right, I'll meet him!" I say to calm her down and she stands up as she goes up to her room. It's not like it that I don't Lauren to date with someone or fall in love. But I'm scared something bad might can happen to her like last time. I can't see her getting hurt. "Johnny? She-" "Maddie, why don't you understand!" I interrupt her. "You're not understanding. She's growing up and, and you have to also try to understand her feelings. We know how much you love and care for her, but she also has to move on someday right?" Darian says as I don't reply. "I get it. But if that guy is not good, I'm gonna drive him off that very moment." I replied after thinking a bit. Well it's not that a guy would just randomly come and I'll accept him as my sister's boyfriend with open arms. I need to gather information about him. "All right! But don't over react." Maddie says as I sigh and went through my phone again. Both of them went up to Lauren's room while I was doing my own work and heard the bell ringing. I get up from the couch and walk to the door as I open it and reveal a guy. Oh, so he's the one? "Hey." The brown haired guy with black jeans and a cream colored shirt with a black jacket says with a smile. I notice there was also a bouquet of red flowers in his hands. "Hey." I say. "So you're Lauren's lover boy huh?" "And you must be her brother right? Johnny Orlando." "Oh, so you know me." I raised my eyebrows. "But you don't know me." He sticks his hand in front to shake with mine. "It's Shawn- Shawn Mendes."
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