
1947 Words

Mackenzie's P.O.V. "Where were you? Why are you so late?" Shawn asks while sitting on the couch as I get into the house. "I went to Dad's grave." I mumble as I skip the stairs up and go to my room as I shut the door close. I lay down on the bed and close my eyes. Aunt Karen left for Portugal today and Mom left for the States yesterday. I surely will miss Aunt but never that b***h, even though I shouldn't actually call my Mom like that but what can I do? About four years back, Mom and Dad got divorced and Dad got my custody. I was actually really happy that I will never have to see her face anymore cause I never liked her. She never used to take care of me and always yelled at Dad. I hated all of the stuffs which used to happen in our house. And now, she's settled with her boyfriend

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