
1192 Words

107. Javier I came prepared but what I wasn't prepared for was Athena's bravery. Since when did she become so vocal and had the guts to stand up to me? Also, how dare she humiliate me again, and this time in front of the High Council and everyone that was present? My jaw clenched tightly as I fought the volcanic rage bubbling within me, my fists curling so hard that I could feel the skin stretch taut over my knuckles. A quiet growl rumbled in my chest, barely restrained, as my boots slammed against the stone floor with every step I took. The council chamber walls seemed to close in around me, their echoing whispers mocking my impotence in the face of this absurdity. The fact that my mate could talk against me and I couldn't do anything about it like beat her the way she deserves made m

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