
1030 Words

109. Javier I jumped to my feet as I glared at him. The i***t! My uncle’s lapdog stood smirking, his amusement evident in the gleam of his eyes. The rage I had barely contained surged to the surface like a storm breaking free. "You!" The accusation ripped from my throat, raw and laced with fury. The room seemed to still as I glared at him. Diego’s smug grin widened. He didn’t even flinch. It was as if he was waiting for me to touch him so that he could get a reason to tear me into pieces. This was the same man who had conspired with Lorenzo to humiliate me, the one who had brought that fake audio recording to the coronation. His loyalty to my uncle ran deep, and it made my blood boil. They both needed to go and I stood up glaring at them as I let my wolf out. My fangs were out an

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