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Angel looks into the mirror. The words spoken by Benita, a female member of the PEST crawls into her mind once again. She forgets she is in the middle of brushing her teeth until her cousin bangs the door. Angel quickly uses the mouth wash and rinses her mouth. She opens the door and steps out of bathroom. Did you get it? She asks. Liza rolls her eyes. "Don't ever ask me to buy your groceries on the way again, it's not my fault you feel burdened from the fridge." "It's on the bed." Liza says. Angel sighs as she walks away. This is not the first time her cousin speaks to her in such tone or manner; it hurts her every time and reminds her that she is just a responsibility and burden they didn't ask for. She wants to leave this house; she wants to forget the corners of this house and every bad thing they have said to her. Angel sits on her bed and begins to ponder after another sigh. How could they ask them to do such thing? Hook up with Sawyer Morgan like he's a toy, it's none of their business if he or any of the other PEST member chooses to be single. But what if Sawyer knows about it too? This isn't right! "No wonder it sounded too good to be true, she has to hook up with the boy next seat to make her difficult like much easier." This is not a high school drama, it deals with people with real feelings and they can get hurt. And if she lets this opportunity slid she will continue the hardship she has been going through all these years. It sounded good, but she couldn't just. What were the odds that Sawyer would be interested in her? What if he sees right through her and hates her for it? Wait, why has she picked Sawyer already? Angel stands from her bed to work on her computer, at least something to focus on rather than Sawyer, PESTs, Tess and all that she has going on in her life. She stops in confusion when she realises that her computer is missing from the reading table, Angel's heart beats as she fears for the worst. She worked a lot of part time jobs to pay for that laptop and she recently just got it. Her cousin comes out of the toilet and Angel walks over to her. Where is my computer? "Ask my mom." Liza casually says and walks away. Angel bolts out of the room and runs into the kitchen where she knows her aunt would be at this moment. Where is my computer? Her aunt, Cassidy turns to her as she cleans her hand in a napkin and walks toward Angel. I sold it.  She bluntly replies and Angel's eyes thaw into something solemn and grave, her heart shatters in this very moment as she gazes at her aunt. Why didn't you ask me? Angel's voice sounds like something weak because the pain is sitting on her voice. "This is my house, everything belongs to me."Cassidy replies as she walks out of the kitchen. "I worked hard to buy that computer, if you needed money you could have told me." How can you sell my laptop without asking!? Angel screams in anger. Liza comes out of her room when she hears Angel's scream. How dare you yell at me!  After all I've done for you? "You shouldn't have done that." Angel says. "This is my house; I can do whatever I want and whenever I want it."  Understand? How much did you sell it? Angel asks as she cries profusely, her voice can hardly be heard over her desperate cries. Why do you care? It is gone already. Cassidy says as she walks away. "Yelling like she owns this house, Angel hears Liza's response to her stolen laptop." Angel places a hand over her eyes as she wipes her tears, she walks out of the front door and walks over to the front porch to cry. She cries so much that she begins to have an headache, there she sniffles after sniffles.  She stands on her feet after successfully crying for a whole twenty minutes, Angel wipes her eyes and then the offer given by Benita and Ashley comes into her mind.  They were given a deadline to the life changing offer, anyone who could hook up with any PEST or become a girlfriend within two weeks would become an official PEST and have access to a better life. Can I do it? Angel rethinks her decision. Can I? I can do anything if i put my mind to it, right? It would be for her future, she would be able to leave her Aunt's house and that is all that matters. A part of her knows it's wrong and the second part yearns for independent more, she wants to end this suffering and now that an opportunity to end it has brought itself, she will not let it go easily. Angel walks back into the house, she meets her Aunt on the way to her room but she doesn't stop walking. She enters into the room and jams the door behind her. It disturbs Liza and she throws Angel a very hard glare. Instead of letting it go, Liza stands on her feet and blocks Angel. Who do you think you are to live in our house and cause so many ruckuses? Liza asks. Angel walks past without answering; she heads over to Liza's laptop and picks it from the table. What are you doing!? Liza shrieks as she dashes out of the room when Angel leaves with her computer. Cassidy hears the argument inside the room, but before she can head over to find out what it is about, she sees Angel's dash out of the door with Liza's computer. Where are you taking that to!? Cassidy yells as she walks closer. Angel stops walking and replies. "If i can't get my laptop back then, nobody can." She replies. Cassidy scoffs. And you think I will allow you to live here with us again? Try it! "Mom, do not let her get away with my computer. I gave so much finished projects that i have to submit unless I'll get an F." Liza shrieks and stomps her feet against the ground. Angel walks to the kitchen and places the computer in the basin; she places her hand on top of the tap showing that she desires to turn the tap on. Mom! Liza yells. What do you think you are doing? Cassidy says as she stands from afar. Do you think I will let you get away with it? I have done so much for you after your parents killed themselves because of the loans that they owed and you take my kindness for granted? "I should have left you on the streets." Cassidy yells. Enough! Angell screams louder. Liza and her mom stand in shock. "Yes, they killed themselves because they knew they couldn't pay off their loans and those loan sharks would come for them along with those families who entrusted their money to them!" But is that all? "Didn't my mom pay for this house that the both of you are living in?! Angel shouts in anger." "My mom did you a favour when your husband left you to fend for yourself, you had a child you could not house or feed and my mom went out of her way for you and now you talk as if you don't owe my mom?" Cassidy has nothing to say. She didn't know that Angel knew about all of that and now, she is currently bewildered that she has been acting erratically and Angel has known for all this years. "My mom found the both of you on the streets first and then she gave you a home to call yours."Angel says. Get my laptop back or I will destroy this! Liza stands in shock. She cannot believe her ears. Angel's mom saved her and her mom, but yet Cassidy didn't tell her. Cassidy walks into the living room and opens a shelve, she brings back Angel's laptop and Angel inhales in relief. Cassidy walks into to the kitchen and places it on the counter before walking away. Angel retracts Liza's laptop from the basin and picks hers from the counter. She goes back into the room and jams the door behind her. Now that she has made her claim known she knows that her aunt will not sit back and allow her insult her. It has become war from now and Angel knows she cannot stay here for long anymore. She is very sure that Aunt Cassidy had no idea of what she knows, but now that she has made it wouldn't be the same anymore. Angel lies on her bed after today's test of survival; it doesn't take her time to feel the light-headedness of a much needed slumber. She slowly drifts into sleep and unconsciously murmurs something repeatedly. Sawyer. Sawyer.
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