
1045 Words
Emily's POV My eyes searched the hall, locking onto Jasmine's, but she quickly looked away, focusing on those around her. I spotted Mom nearby, trying to appear indifferent, while Dad was distracted by his iPad. It dawned on me that the Alpha must have gotten their approval to sell me off, but I was confused - why did Mom pretend to be clueless about the Beta's intentions when he came to our home? I had no choice but to accept my fate. I was born a slave and couldn't change my situation. I had to accept the life they had planned for me. The auctioneer told me to come forward, so I did. The bidding was starting with me. I looked around at the different faces, seeing cold blue eyes, red eyes, and black eyes. Then, I saw him - the Alpha at the back - and quickly looked away, not wanting to meet his gaze. The auctioneer said, "Here's Emily Wilson, starting at $30,000." He raised my arm, and the Alphas started bidding. One said, "I'll pay $40,000." Another said, "No, I'll pay $50,000." Another voice bid $100,000. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as strangers bid on me. I knew I was worthless, but it still hurt deeply. The auctioneer was about to finalize the sale when more Alphas started bidding. The noise was disturbing the peace of the hall, but then a booming, authoritative voice spoke up and the room fell silent. "I bid $1,500,000," he said confidently, drawing the attention of the other Alphas. I was stunned, and the auctioneer seemed taken aback as well. Yet, he asked, "Any advance on $1,500,000?" scanning the room for another bidder, but the faces around him showed only disbelief. The auctioneer declared, "Emily Wilson is sold to the highest bidder. Thank you all!" and moved on to the next girl. But I remained frozen on the stage, despite being told to leave. I sobbed silently, my mind racing with fears of what lay ahead. Would my new owner be kind or worse than my parents and the rest of the pack? I wiped away tears and saw the Alpha who bought me. He gestured for me to come down from the stage, and I did. I had no choice. His guards surrounded me and took me to a car waiting outside, its doors open. I tried to run away to catch a taxi, but the guards caught me and said I had to go with them. I was scared, and the Alpha's mean stare made me even more frightened. I looked away when our eyes met, as we got into the car. I was happy to leave my pack, where I was hated, but I was worried about my new master's behavior. "Did the auctioneer mention my name?" He asked, his eyes fixed on me. Though I avoided his gaze, I felt compelled to respond, fearing I might be mistaken if I didn't. His intense stare made me nervous, and I weakly replied, "no." "I'm Alpha Magnus of the Nightshade pack," he said, getting into the car. I followed, the doors closing behind me. The guards got in, and the car started moving. The car ride was silent, but my mind was racing. When we arrived at the Nightshade pack's mansion, I quickly got out, trying to keep my cool. I couldn't help but stare in amazement at the grand building, my eyes widening as I took in its beauty. I kept looking around, taking it all in, until I felt the Alpha's eyes on me, and I snapped back to attention. My excitement faded, remembering I was now his property. I hastened to catch up with him as he strode to his room. Once we got inside, he locked the door, then turned to me with a sigh. I wondered why he felt the need to lock it - after all, I was his now. He could simply order me to stay put, and I would obey. He approached me, his eyes fixed on mine, and I held his gaze. When he reached me, he grasped my chin firmly and spoke sternly, "Listen, this is Magnus. I swear, if I find out you're an omega, I'll punish you severely. They're not worthy of being called werewolves. You'll be in big trouble if you're one of them." After speaking, he turned and walked away, without even a glance back at me. I stood there, shivering from the chill of his threatening words. Suddenly, I felt a cold touch on my back, and I spun around, gasping in surprise, to face the person who had crept up behind me. "Wh-Who..." I stuttered, but she held up her hands, palms facing me, and gestured for me to calm down. "I'm Ava," she said. "Now, tell me your name." I offered my hand for a handshake, but she pushed it away, rolling her eyes and motioning for me to follow her. "Come on," she said, with a firm and playful tone. As we walked, Ava said, "Don't worry about Alpha Magnus, he's always like that." Her mood kept changing, and it was getting on my nerves, but I didn't know what to say. I nodded and followed her, and we eventually arrived at a door. She unlocked it, and we entered. The room was stunning - the walls were painted a soothing blue, and the bed was adorned with plush pillows. The floor was covered in a soft, fluffy carpet, and the windows let in a flood of warm sunlight. I couldn't believe my eyes - this beautiful space was mine? I thought Ava must have made a mistake. How could someone like me, a "bought one", deserve such luxury? "This is your room," Ava said, her voice laced with a quiet sigh, as if she were reluctant to leave me there. As she turned to depart, I grasped her hand, holding her back. She gazed down at my hand on hers, then lifted her eyes to meet mine, a questioning look on her face. "Who are you?" I asked, holding her gaze. She smiled enigmatically and replied, "You'll find out." With that, she slipped her hand out of mine, turned, and left the room.
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