
1170 Words
Emily's POV "I, Marcus Ryan Blackwood, Alpha of Blackwood pack, reject you, Emily Rose Wilson, as my mate and Luna." His words cut deep, his hateful gaze piercing my soul. I dropped my eyes, my heart shattering into a million pieces. I'd prepared myself for his rejection, knowing I wasn't worthy of being Luna. Just as I thought he'd turned his back on me, his touch burned my skin, lifting my chin. Tears burst forth, streaming down my face as he forced me to meet his cold, hard eyes. "Listen," Marcus growled, his voice low and threatening. "Keep quiet about this or you'll regret it. The moon goddess made a huge mistake indeed." He dropped my chin, spat at my feet, and walked away. I was left alone in the woods, shivering with fear and shame. As I struggled to stand, I remembered the package and my mother's trust in me. But now, as morning dawned, I had no idea what to tell her about where I'd spent the night. Tears fell from my eyes as I stumbled through the woods, trying to escape the pain. My red, puffy eyes burned with every step. I consciously made my way to a nearby river, seeking solace in its gentle flow. I collapsed beside it, splashing water on my face to wash away my tears. I sobbed quietly, trying to contain the heartache. I stared into the river, and my reflection stared back. But then, a stranger's face appeared beside mine. My heart raced as I messed up the water, hoping to make it go away. But it didn't. I turned around, slow and scared. A rogue wolf stood behind me, its eyes fixed on me. I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran for my life, my legs pumping like never before. Fear fueled my speed as my heart pounded in my chest. I glanced back, but the rogue had stopped chasing me. Did it just want to scare me? My breathing slowed as I got closer to home, trying to calm down and avoid raising suspicions. I reached my front door, grasped the doorknob, and took a deep breath. My hair was disheveled, but I heard footsteps approaching, so I quickly opened the door and slipped inside, trying to act normal. I walked into the dark living room and felt my way to the light switch. I couldn't see a thing. It was quiet, too quiet. Where was everyone? I flipped the switch and my heart skipped a beat. My mom was sitting right next to me, staring at me with an intense look. It was like she was waiting for me. "Welcome home, my love," Mom said, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she glared at me. "Thanks for the surprise." I tried to speak, but she cut me off. "You spent the night at a boy's house? Where's the package? The pack told us you never showed up. Where were you?" Just then, Jasmine burst out of her room, giggling uncontrollably. "Rabbit wolf, rabbit wolf!" She teased, holding her belly in laughter. "Think you can keep up with the strong wolves? You're delusional!" Mom's voice rose, and I felt tears sting my eyes. She was mocking my wolf again, and it hurt. It wasn't my fault I was a late bloomer, or that my wolf was small and brown. I dashed up the stairs, desperate to escape, but Dad's stern voice halted me. "Emily!" He thundered, his anger echoing through the living room. I looked at Dad, and my heart sank when I saw the whip in his hand. He was coming towards me, his eyes blazing with anger. I panicked and dashed into my room, slamming the door shut just in time. I leaned against the door, sobbing uncontrollably. It had been a long time since Dad had last hurt me. They all thought I'd have a powerful wolf since I got mine so late, but when they saw my small, brown wolf, they became my tormentors. I wished I had been born human, so I could have chosen a different path. I would have sought out a powerful beta or the Alpha himself, and begged them to bite me. Then, I would have become a strong wolf, respected and feared. I leaned against the door, lost in my thoughts, until I heard the living room door slam shut and muffled voices drifted up. An hour had passed since I'd retreated upstairs. I wasn't curious about their conversation, but when I heard my name shouted in a panicked tone, I rushed to open my door and hastened downstairs. As I approached the living room, I hesitated and eavesdropped on the conversation. If it didn't sound promising, I'd lock myself in my room for the rest of the day. "The Alpha wants Emily to come to the pack," Beta Philips said. "What for?" Mom asked, surprised. "I don't know, but she's needed now," Philips replied. Does the Alpha want me now? Did he revise his decision about rejecting me? I thought to myself, my heart pounding with excitement and anticipation. I quickly went downstairs, feeling a bit happy to leave my unhappy home. Philips gestured for me to follow him, and I did. He led me to the Alpha's room, gave me a suspicious look, and left. I tried to ask him what was going on, but he told me to be quiet and walked away. I stood outside the door, waiting to be called in. When nothing happened, I knocked on the door, and it opened a little. I pushed it further and went inside. I slowly opened the door, looking around to make sure no one was watching. Then, I slipped inside. But to my surprise, the room was empty! I scanned the room, my eyes finally landing on a piece of paper on the Alpha's desk. I rushed over to it, curious. It was a poem, written by Alpha Marcus... but for whom? I scanned down to the signature, but the name was scratched out. I sighed and began to read the poem anyway, my curiosity getting the better of me. My heart belongs to one who shines so bright, A radiant star that outshines the light. Her strength and beauty leave me in awe, A love so fierce, it makes my heart raw. Her eyes burn with a fire so true, A passion that I've never known anew. In her embrace, I find my peaceful nest, A love that's pure, and truly blessed. My heart soared as I read the poem, feeling seen and loved. But my joy was short-lived. "Emily!" Marcus's voice boomed, making me spin around to face him. My eyes met a sight that made my blood run cold. He stood in the doorway, his arm wrapped around Jasmine's waist, a ring gleaming on their entwined hands. My gaze darted back to the poem, the words now a bitter mockery. He was going to choose my sister over me!
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