Return of the Exiled Prince

1713 Words
FIVE YEARS LATER LENNOX Its time. Time to make them all pay. Let's first pay them a visit, shall we? My shoulders were squared, a hot breath leaving my lungs from my exhalation as I lifted my hands to push through the castle gates. My men would have done so, but my palms needed to touch where they were soon going to conquer. Also, my mind needed a reminder of the past to fuel my hate and revenge. The pack grounds were empty, almost as if they had been tipped off about me showing. I smiled. Good, it means no one dies just yet. Not that it wasn't ever going to happen. Heck, it could in the next minute if I did what I was here for. I marched through the grounds, my steps sounding like thunder and my aura powerful. Even I, could feel its strength. When I made it to the grand hall I knew the wedding was taking place, I needed no one to invite me in. I was here, and they were going to see it. They wouldn't know who it was just yet, but I was sure going to give them a taste of my power. "If there be any man here who insists why this ceremony shouldn't be held, speak now." These had been the words of the priest, who was officiating the wrong wedding when the groom was still f*****g outside and on the other side of the f*****g door. I pushed, yet again, a door, this one smaller than the previous by a lot. This too was a reminder that I was here to claim my first prize in years. I pushed the door and with a loud creak, it opened slowly, adding to the surrounding aura a dramatic effect before I appeared. "This wedding cannot hold." With a loud thunderous voice, I spoke, making sure that every soul had heard me loud and clear. "Wed my mate to another and there shall be bloodshed." And I meant it. I didn't care that she had been with him for years. Or that she chose him. I was going to make her suffer for abandoning me and causing my heart to ache. She has to pay. And so will he. Weston whipped his head to the side, shock visible in his eyes. I bet he recognizes this voice. I thought, enjoying the priceless look on his face. It was better than I had expected. A few gasps here and there, before the groom, the fake groom spoke. "Who are you and how f*****g dare you?" Should I tell him? Should I reveal to them all who I am? I knew there was a scar on my face, but come on Weston, surely you have better eyes than that. I smirked and confidently marched to the altar where my ex-mate and stepbrother were. When I did get close, even more so, his eyes widened and so did hers. Finally, they know. Well, more like the other f*****g side of me the rest of the world knew. "Alpha Axel Nox?" Muttered my brother in question. He backed away from June with fear plastered on his face. Yes brother, how do you like my new identity? "Alpha of the ThunderClaw Pack? What is he doing here?" "We're going to die, aren't we? He's going to kill us all." Soon, I will. I heard a few people from the crowd whisper to one another under their breaths and, as if on instinct, they all seemed to back away to create even more distance between my men and them, like that could ever stop us from taking them out. "What business have you here? This is a private event and I don’t remember sending you an invitation.” Weston, all high and mighty, spoke, pissed that I was interrupting his day. Did he really not recognize me? Was my scar and mask so bad he couldn’t tell that this was the brother he betrayed? I answered not. My eyes trailed to the woman beside him, who now was hiding behind her husband-to-be. “She…” I pointed. “She is my business here. I cannot let another marry my mate now, can I?” I c****d my head to the side, sure he could see the smirk behind the mask. Weston visibly frowned, his anger was now at its peak. “That’s impossible. She’s mine. You cannot have her!” He screamed like a mad man, while I just looked at him with a smile on my face. No, Weston. She was never yours. He charged at me, growling as he did. His pupils glowed a bright yellow, his wolf had taken over. Mine was controlled, but he knew just what he needed to do the second Weston appeared in front of him. My men rushed forward, Weston’s guards circled the entire hall, ready to take down this intruder who was me, but who would really dare to challenge me? He staggered backwards when my fist landed on his face. It wasn’t as much force as I would have loved to have landed on him, but even this was enough to cause his lips to bleed. “f**k you! Kill him! Kill them all!” he ordered. I had started to get annoyed, he was wasting my time. The plan had been to drop by, take June with me and make sure their wedding didn’t hold. And that was exactly what I wanted to see through. “Wait! There will be no need for bloodshed…” came the priest. Wise man he is. The only ones who were going to bleed would have been Weston and his men. “I’m sure Alpha Axel of the ThunderClaw Pack didn’t come here to cause us any trouble. If he says that June is his mate, then I think it's only wise to confirm and not have war on our borders.” Wise man indeed. The man’s words were more a warning to Weston than they were a suggestion. Weston backed away, having weighed his options. And all this while, June was rooted in one spot whimpering and shaking in her heels. It was a fun sight. The priest came forward with a bowl of water and a knife in hand. He handed me the knife and I did as was required of me. This was an old tradition, but it worked every single time. A werewolf male, to prove that he was mates with a female, would slice his palm and put droplets of his blood in a bowl of water, and she would be required to do the same. If they were fated mates, then their blood would first cause a reaction in the water, they would swirl side by side before merging together. I wiped the knife with my shirt, just because I didn’t trust that anyone of them would not test the blood on it to find out my identity before handing it back to the priest. The hall had grown silent, the air was thick, but I f*****g loved it. Here was royalty and here was me. And they couldn’t even do anything about it. This was my goddess given right. When the knife was passed to June, she took a step back and shook her head vigorously in refusal. “You don’t have a choice here. Don’t make me force you.” My stare at her was hard, but the b***h didn’t even f*****g move. All she did was cry pathetically and that did nothing but further piss me off. With swift strides, I marched up to her. She knew she couldn’t run, so all she did was sob even louder. When I reached her, I grabbed her arm and dragged her to where the priest stood waiting. I took the knife from him, and without warning sliced through her palm. She winced and sobbed even more. I pulled her hand over the bowl and wrapped my fingers around her hand to make sure I got a few drops of blood down into the bowl. I pushed her off once the drops fell into the water, and she fell to the floor, holding her bloodied hand against her chest as she cried staining her dress. I waited a few moments for the confirmation. “There we have it. They truly are mates.” Announced the priest and I smiled. Weston’s eyes were wide as saucers, almost like he couldn’t believe it. “Well, since I’m already here and this is a wedding…” You’re pushing it, Lennox. I told myself, but instead of feeling remorseful about it, it gladdened me. It wasn’t like anyone could do anything to stop me. And this simply was a great idea. I turned to the audience, glad they were here, before turning back to the priest. “You don’t mind if I wed my mate here, do you? It's not like you can refuse anyway. Plus, we don’t need to waste all of this.” I twirled my finger in the air, referring to all the decorations made for the wedding. Weston growled, he was on the verge of shifting. I was taking his bride and that too, in his own venue. It was a satisfying start to my revenge. My men rushed to him and pinned him down hard. Here was an Alpha King on his knees before me. But this was not even close to what I had planned to do to them. The priest in fear officiated the wedding. With tears, June recited her vows meant for Weston. And as my mate, our cut palms were tied together as a symbol. This f*****g means nothing to me. “I now pronounce you both man and wife. You may kiss your bride, Alpha,” the priest announced. Years ago I would have, with the biggest smile on my face, done so. But now, my face contorted in disgust and I took a step back. “That won’t be necessary.” I deadpanned, not sparing a glance at the priest. I gestured to the rest of my men who were on the side on high alert in case Weston’s men dared to do anything. “We’re leaving, take her.”
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