A not so different hell

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JUNE This can’t be happening. In a matter of minutes, I went from getting married to Weston to some stranger dragging me off to his pack like a rag doll. No one knew what he truly looked like except for his name. That was surely known by everyone, Weston included. For years, I was owned by Weston. For years, he would make comments on how I had done the right thing by sticking to him instead and how I should count myself lucky that he wanted me. But those same years, I could not stop telling him in my mind that it was all thanks to my parents, who got me to agree with it five years ago. And to make sure that I went through with my own end of the deal, my father made sure that I was locked up in my room before the ceremony started. "She is not to leave this room, until I give the order." He had said to the guards, about four of them who guarded the door to my room, like there weren't already about a dozen maids in there with me already. I didn’t even know if I was supposed to be grateful for the fact that I didn’t have to end up with a dirty skunk like Weston or to be afraid of Alpha Axel. He was said to be lethal and evil. Anyone who so much as stared at him the wrong way ended up either missing or plainly displayed as a lesson for others. Now, not only was I married to him, he called me his mate. Worst of all, he was right. My wolf felt alive again upon finding out that we had another mate. But why did it have to be him, Alpha Axel, and not he who I had abandoned? Goddess, this is all wrong. I thought to myself. Here I was seated now, beside this beast of a man with no idea how my life was going to turn out. And what was worse was the fact that I was still sobbing. I tried to stop a few times, but something about the situation ultimately made me sad. My heart was a wreck, and that was because I knew there would be no finding Lennox ever. And why did I even want to find that killer? Goddess, am I destined to be mated to a beast or a monster? At first it was him, then I had to marry Weston who was no better and now it was Alpha Axel. “Would you f*****g stop that already?” A loud voice set with the deepest baritone in a confined space such as a car would have an effect on the ears, especially on someone who hated being shout at. I flinched in my seat and my body drew closer to the door just to be away from his anger. I wonder why he’s even pissed at me. “One more f*****g whimper and I’ll have you thrown in the trunk where you should have f*****g been.” He added like his first order had not done a rest in my head. I hate this. I hated it because this was literally a hell from a hell. And it was clear that there was no getting out of this. I stayed as quiet as I could, even afraid to breathe too loud because I knew that would make him even more upset that he already was. I was married to this man, my mate but I was afraid of the future. A part of me told me that being with him was going to be my biggest challenge yet. Getting married to Weston would have been my escape. Or so I thought. I thought that when he made me Queen, he wouldn’t have time for me because he was the biggest perverted person in the world. The only reason he insisted on getting married to me was because I had Beta blood and because even in his brother’s death – I hated myself for this – he liked to tell himself that he had won all round. As I remained mute, I didn’t realize when I dozed off in the car until I heard the slamming of a door, his. Before I could even grasp where we were, the door on my side was yanked open and a hand reached grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the car. I was only given a second to steady myself against the restraint tied around both of my wrists like I was some war criminal was tugged forward, expecting me to follow. “Move along…” the man didn’t need to tell me twice. I walked the pace he pushed me to and we followed Alpha Axel until we got to a large door. It was pushed open and me after. The inside was a magnificent sight, much grander than what the so called Alpha King had. “Well, what are you f*****g waiting for? Taking this f*****g eye sore out of my sight.” Ouch. An eyesore was what I was to him now. I thought I was just that to my parents. So they were right all along. I was indeed not a pleasant sight to look upon despite the makeup I had been made to wear to look presentable. I guess I wasn’t that presentable, nor was I ever going to be. Not even the dress could make him think that I wasn’t so bad. My heart became messier than it had been when we got here. I didn’t want to feel a thing for him – I could be a stone wall with no emotions like I had been for the past five years with Weston – but I did. I did feel something and it was strong. Just as strong as it was that night Lennox was supposed to become Alpha King. Just as strong as when… no, not now. You have another mate, don’t think about that killer. My life was full of unfortunate events that right now I was certain nothing good was going to come out of this one too. I was dragged away, and taken to a room so dark not even my wolf could see a thing. When the doors creaked open, I was sure something was waiting inside for me. The guard waited irritably for me to walk into the room, but how could I when I couldn’t see a thing? “For goddess’s sake…” he muttered under his breath, his irritation coating his voice and he pushed me into the room before shutting the door behind me. It took me about a minute and a half to realize that this was my life now. And that thing that was waiting for me in this room was nothing but depression, cold and everything bad luck. I fell on my grazed and wounded knee – I could feel the sting from when I first fell in the hall earlier, not to mention the cut on my palm. I stretched my hands forward trying to get the feel of something that could tell me what room this was and what it had, hopefully nothing dangerous or slimy. But I got nothing, plus I was too afraid to just go any further, so instead, I pulled my knees to my chest. Time went by. I didn’t know how much of it had passed, but the door was pushed open. I was still seated on the floor, but I did turn to see what they wanted now. Alpha Axel stood tall in the frame, the only light coming into the room was the one from where the hallway he was standing in. And I was too scared to see what had been in the room with me locked in darkness for me to turn. “On your feet. Follow me.” And I was. With tied hands, I followed him and the sense of familiarity that I got from him. His steps were heavy, and each one resonated in my heart, sending unspoken words I didn’t dare to ask what they meant. When we got to another door, a few ladies appeared, all dressed in maid outfits. He gestured for one of them to untie my hands and she did. Blood rushed to my hands, or from it, giving it some color. “This is,” he started to speak but took a pause and turned to look at me as if asking for my name. “June…” I blurted, flinching away because I didn’t know if that was what I was supposed to do. “… My mate and wife.” I could hear the strain in his voice. He forced the words out almost like they tasted bitter in his mouth. As he spoke to them, I kept my eyes on him. His scar made him look scarier than any man I had ever laid eyes on, but he was handsome still, not to mention he smelled good. Is this what we were supposed to be thinking about, June? My mind attacked me so that I had to force my eyes to look away and back at the maids. “Maria, you’re assigned to be her personal maid. Whatever you do for her, keep her away from me as much as possible.” He ordered and the maid not only nodded at him, but she also had a smirk growing on her lips. This really is another hell, isn’t it? And it's going to be worse. Alpha Axel spared me no other glance, he walked off, and I was left in the hands of Maria.
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