2070 Words
I wake up in an unfamiliar place. I can smell something different first, my lilac air freshener not hitting my senses. Instead I’m met with the smell of books and lemons. I open my eyes and look around. There’s posters all over the walls, a computer set up in one corner of the room and Grayson is asleep on the floor. There is a man sitting in a chair beside the bed I am laying in. I don’t know who this man is.   The pain in my arm has faded quite a bit. I look down to see that my arm has been wrapped up nicely. I try to sit up, making a small grunt as I move. The man sitting beside me wakes up,  “Hello Theo… How do you feel?” He asks as he reaches forward, touching my forehead. I stare at him not knowing what to say.  “Where am I?” I ask softly.  “You are safe, that’s all you need to know right now. You are safe” He repeats.  I see Grayson moving on the floor, he is waking up.  “Theo.. how do you feel?” He asks as he gets up and sits on the edge of the bed.  “I’m alright.. What is going on .. Why am I here ?” I ask them  “You don’t remember?”  The man asks  I shake my head at them.  “Well.. I found you at school and your arm was hurt so I brought you here and my dad took care of you. You’ve been asleep all day”  “I’ve reset your arm, it will be very sore for sometime, but I have some pain killers here for you. I have spoken to your step father-”  “Oh my God. I have to get home, he’s going to be so mad. I really need to go” I start to get up, nearly falling into Grayson's lap as I do. I have been asleep for so long, getting up made me dizzy.  “Theo, you’re not going home” Grayson gently says as he helps me sit back up.  “What do you mean? I have to go home..” I say, my voice shaking  “I have told your step father you will be living here for a while. I will get it all sorted tomorrow with your school. It’s not safe for you there Theo. You know that deep down.. You need to be somewhere safe” Grayson’s father says as he puts a hand on my shoulder.  “But.. I.. I can’t stay here. I can’t intrude on your family” I start to argue with them.  Grayson’s dad chuckles.  “Sweetheart. I’m not letting you go back into that home. If you are not comfortable being here with us I'll find somewhere else for you to stay. But as of right now, you are not going back there” He is stern. I don’t know what to say so I just sit there silently.  “I guess I should introduce you properly, Theo, this is my dad Connor”  Connor smiles at me, I give him a weak smile and extend my non injured arm to him.  “It’s nice to meet you Sir” I say as he shakes my hand.  “Please Theo, just call me Connor. It’s very nice to meet you as well. Grayson never shuts up about you”  I feel myself blush as I look over at Grayson from the corner of my eye, he has gone a deep crimson as well. There is an awkward silence for a few minutes before Connor speaks again.  “Well.. I’m going to go get dinner started, Theo you must be starving.. Are you allergic to anything?”  “I’m lactose intolerant” I say. “Good to know.. Grayson why don’t you show her where the bathroom is so she can get cleaned up...Theo you need to keep your arm dry. If you want to shower I suggest a bag over it, otherwise stick to having baths for now” Connor says as he leaves the room.  Grayson and I just sit on his bed for a few minutes.  “I don’t have any other clothing..” I think out loud. “You can borrow mine until we go get our stuff” He starts to open drawers pulling out clothing for me. He hands me a pair of sweatpants, socks and a clean t-shirt. I take them and slowly get up from the bed. He holds me by the elbow and leads me towards the bathroom.  “There’s shampoo and conditioner in the shower, wash cloths are over here with the towels. If you need anything else just let me know okay?”  He comes to stand by me, he’s close, I can smell the lemon on him. I wonder if it’s the shampoo or a body wash he uses.  “Thank you” I whisper, I lean in the last few inches until I am touching him. My head hits him in the chest. I just stand there with my head resting on him. After a moment his arms come up and wrap around me. I can feel the tears starting to fall.  “Shhh… it’s okay. I will keep you safe Theo.. I promise” He holds me for a while before I lift my head and stare into his eyes. He has a few tears of his own around the rims of his eyes. I pull back feeling slightly embarrassed and I look down to my feet.  “If you need anything, just call for me “ He says once more before leaving, closing the door behind him.  I fill the tub with hot water, sliding off my clothing, as I take a step into the water it burns my skin. I don’t care, I like the feeling of it. I lay in the water for a while before I start to wash my body. The grime easily comes off my body. For the first time in a long while I feel clean. I drain the tub and dry off. I grab the clothing Grayson gave me. “You’ve got to be kidding” I say to myself when I hold the sweatpants up to my body, they are about four sizes too big and a foot too long for me, the shirt comes to my mid thigh, even the socks are big on me. I brush my fingers through my hair a few times before I exit the bathroom. I can smell food coming from downstairs, I follow my nose to the kitchen.  “Ah there she is, right in time for dinner. Hope your hungry Theo” Connor says as he places a large bowl of spaghetti and meatballs on the table.  “Yes... I am, but I have a favor to ask.. Can I use your phone to call Hanna and let her know I’m okay.. She must be really worried”  “I can do you one better, Grayson can drive you to see her after dinner if you’d like?” Connor smiles and pulls out a chair for me. I sit down,  “Really?” I say excitedly.  “Of course”  We all dig into the dinner Connor prepared, I can only eat a little bit, I’m not used to such rich foods. I’ve been living off of crackers and canned soup if I’m lucky.  I sit back in my chair and rub my stomach feeling full and just a bit bloated, I could get used to having a full stomach though.  “So Theo, is that short for anything?” Connor asks as Grayson clears our plates bringing them to the kitchen.  “Theodora Si-” I catch myself and stop before the word 'Sir' comes fully out. Conner smiles.  “That’s a beautiful name,” He says. I stand up to help with the dishes and Conner comes over to me looking at me intently.  “Come with me Theo, I have something I think will be of use to you” I follow him upstairs in the opposite direction of Grayson’s room. We enter a second bedroom and Connor opens the closet, there’s clothing neatly lined along the walls and folded into perfect squares on the shelves. He grabs a large box from the corner and places it on the bed.  I take a peek inside it and see an assortment of some very beautiful women's clothing. Before I can ask him anything he speaks up “These were Grayson’s moms. I think they should fit you, your shorter than she was but other then that your about the same size”  “Oh I can’t..” I say closing the box back up. It would feel disrespectful to wear her clothing.  “Please.. Make an old man happy. I know she would want them to be enjoyed” He nods encouragingly at me to take it.  I go to pick up the box but my arm makes it impossible, Connor picks it up and walks it back to Grayson’s room. He places it on the bed and leaves me to change. I look through the box, seeing some really beautiful items. I decide to go for a flowy dress, it has butterflies on it.  I braid my hair and look at myself in the mirror. I love the dress, it makes me feel very pretty. I make my way back downstairs and see Grayson coming out of the kitchen, he stops dead as soon as he sees me.  “That dress…” He mumbles  “Your dad gave me a box of clothing… I hope you don’t mind..” I say, feeling like this was a bad idea after all.  “No.. it’s just.. It was her favorite dress… You look beautiful” He says as he sniffles.  “Thank you” I smile.  “Ready to go?” He asks me  “Yes” I say, he opens the front door for me just as Connor comes over.  “Wow, what are the odds she would pick that one?” He whistles.  “Brings back a lot of memories” He adds as Grayson nods at his dad and leads me out of the house.  “Grayson.. I’m sorry if me wearing this dress upsets you… I-” I say as he lifts me into the truck, like I’m a feather. It’s too high for me to get in on my own.  “It doesn’t.. I just never thought I’d see that box of clothing again. It suits you” He says  We are silent on the way to Hanna’s before I realize  “How do you know where Hanna lives?”  “I’m in a band with Trevor, Hanna didn’t tell you?” He raises his eyebrows at me,  I shake my head, “She must have forgotten”  We get to her house and Grayson helps me out of the truck.  I can hear Trevor playing his drum kit as we approach, “I’m going to hang out with Trevor while you girls catch up, just find me when you're ready to go okay?” He says to me.  I nod and knock on the door, Rebecca answers.  “Theo. I haven’t seen you in so long. How are you dear?” She says as she pulls me into a hug, I turn to the side so she doesn’t hit my arm.  “I’m good Rebecca, how are you?” I smile at her and step inside the house.  “Oh my.. Your arm dear.. Are you really okay? I hate that you're still in that damn house” She says sadly.  “I’m not anymore.. I’m living with a friend temporarily”  “Good good.. I’m just on my way out but I want to see you soon dear.” She says as she bolts out the door.  I find Hanna in her room, she jumps towards me when she sees me  “Theo! I was so worried about you” She pulls me into a big hug.  “I missed you too Han” I laugh  She looks me over before saying “That dress is amazing! Where did you get it? But those shoes do not go!” Her eyes narrow at my sneakers. At the time it was all I had to wear.  “It was Grayson’s moms.. His dad gave me a box of her clothing..” I say as I sit down on her bed with her.  “Well. You look beautiful!”  She goes over to her closet and pulls out her old keyboard. We used to play together when we were kids, but it’s been years. I’m surprised she still has it.  “Wanna relive the good old days?” She asks as she plugs it in.  Hanna knows she is the only one who I will sing for and she likes to take advantage of that whenever she can. Singing for her is the only time I don't feel anxious. “What do you want to play?” I ask  “Where ever you will go”  I nod at her and she starts to play. I sit facing her, my back to the door. The boys are in the garage and Rebecca is out for the night. It’s just us girls. I can sing my heart out.  “So lately, been wondering.  Who will be there to take my place.  When I’m gone, you’ll need love to light the shadows on your face.  If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all”
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