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Grayson  I go into the garage and take a seat on the couch. Trevor nods to me and keeps playing, he finishes his song and comes to sit next to me.  “Hey man” He says as he plops down on the couch.  “Sounding pretty good these days” I nod to his drums.  “Thanks” He grabs a towel and starts to mop his face, the sweat pouring off.  “So what's the deal with you and Theo?” He asks after a minute of silence.  “She.. I… I don’t know how to explain it but I think I’m falling for her man. I know it sounds crazy, I’ve known her for only a few months but I can’t help it. She is just so…” I don’t know the word to use, I trail off and stare at my hands.  “Wanna get a sandwich?” He changes the subject “Nah man I just ate” I say as we head back into the house. As soon as we enter the kitchen I hear it. Singing, the most beautiful voice, I’ve heard it once before. I stand there in awe of her amazing voice, it’s like a melody I have heard a million times but never gets old. She has her back to me, she doesn’t notice me leaning in the door frame. Hanna is not bad on the keyboards, she keeps pace well, but Theo is a whole new level of talent.  My attention is pulled back to the kitchen when Trevor whistles at me to get me to come over to him. Theo hears him and stops singing, she was almost near the end of the song too. I feel almost angry that he interrupted her. I take one last look at the girls, Hanna is smiling at me while Theo still has her back to me. I can tell she is uncomfortable because she looks really stiff, so I back away slowly.  “I want Theo to be the lead singer.. I wouldn't even mind Hanna to be in the band on keyboards” I say to Trevor. “Dude, I’ve been trying for months to get Theo in the band.. She only sings for Hanna” He shakes his head at me as he digs into his sandwich. I don’t want to take no for an answer, her voice needs to be heard.  “Ladies, want to be part of the band? Hanna you're awesome on those keyboards, and Theo.. I love your voice.. What do you ladies say?” I ask leaning against the door frame once more.  “Yes!” Hanna cries out, jumping onto Theo, making them both fall off the bed.  Theo doesn’t say anything, she just looks terrified. I look over to Trevor who just shrugs,  “Good luck,” He mouths at me.  We go over some songs for Hanna to learn and she is extremely excited about it.  An hour later we are driving back home, Theo is quiet in the passenger seat, looking out the window.  “If you’re feeling up to it we can stop by your house tomorrow for your stuff?” I suggest.  She just nods against the window, still not looking at me. Once we get back home Theo says goodnight to dad and heads upstairs. She closes the door to my bedroom, leaving me outside in the hallway. I go to the laundry room and grab some clothes out of the dryer. I head to the bathroom and pass by my bedroom, I swear I can hear her crying. I want to knock on the door, to make sure she’s okay, but I don’t. I think right now she needs space, so I will let her have it.  I jump into the shower and quickly wash my body, I am a bit stiff from sleeping on the floor last night. I guess for now that is going to be the normal for me, sleeping on a pull out cot. If it means Theo is safe I will do it for as long as it takes. I can’t help but wonder what’s going to happen in the future though. What is the plan, I don’t think she can live here forever, it’s not realistic. As much as I would like for her to always be around.  I finish in the bathroom and am walking back to the office room when I walk past my bedroom again. I pause and press my ear to the door, she’s silent now. I wonder if she cried herself to sleep? I make up my bed and lay down on it, settling in for the night. My body is telling me to sleep and I don’t want to fight the urge anymore. I close my eyes and feel myself drift off.  I wake up in the middle of the night to her crying, I can hear her through the walls. I get up yawning and pushing my hand through my hair. I make my way to her room and gently knock. There’s no answer but I can still hear her crying. I slowly open the door. She is curled up in the middle of the bed. Her tiny body makes the bed look huge, the blankets have been pushed down to her legs, she is wearing my t-shirt. She clutches the pillow to her chest as the tears fall, she’s not awake.  I walk over and pull the blankets back up on her, she feels cold. As I’m walking away she calls out my name. It makes me stop dead in my tracks, looking back at her. She’s dreaming of me? I hope it’s not a bad dream. I walk back over and lean down whispering in her ear. I want so badly to be the hero in her story, in her dreams.  “I’m right here Theo.. You're safe as long as I’m here.. I promise” I give her a gentle kiss on the top of her head and head to the door. I give her one final look before closing the door, she looks adorable when she sleeps. I can’t believe her life has been so horrible up till now. I go to take a step when my dad comes up the stairs, catching me outside her room. It makes me feel sort of dirty when he raises his eyebrows at me.  “I think we need to talk,” He says in a hushed tone, I simply nod and follow him to the office. I sit down on the bed as he stands before me.  “Grayson.. You need to be careful. Theo seems like a great girl, but she is very damaged. There's nothing wrong with that, but she needs to heal before anything can happen. If you really like her in a romantic way you need to go very slowly. One wrong move and you could lose her for good. Do you understand what I mean?” He sits down on the computer chair putting his elbows on his knees.  I nod my head seriously at him, he continues.  “If you guys come to the point where you are going to do adult things, I want you to promise you will be safe, but most importantly.. I want you to promise you will never make her feel uncomfortable and pressure her” “Dad I would never do that” I say in a shocked tone.  “I’m very glad to hear that Grayson.. Did I ever tell you that your mom was a victim of abuse before she met me?” He looks so sad. I don’t speak, I just let him talk. “I was not her first husband, she was married once before, and her life was hell. She fought her way out of that and found me. Theo is like your mom in so many ways. Your mom fought to get out. Theo fought to survive. That girl is not like any after girl you are likely to meet in your lifetime. Treat her right, if you can't be with her in the way you want, you need to be her brother. Do you understand me Grayson?”  He stands up and straightens himself.  “I promise dad.. I will always be by her side” I say as I stand up and step towards him giving him a hug.  “Get some sleep kiddo. You have school tomorrow” He closes the door behind him. I check my phone and see how late it is, almost 4AM.  I fall asleep quickly and before I know it my alarm is going off. I all but crawl out of the room, knocking on Theo’s door.  “She’s not going to school today, she needs to rest” Dad says coming up behind me.  “I figured, but I need to get some clothes,” I say as I gently open the door. Theo is still asleep, still curled up in the same spot ads last night. I creep over to my dresser, pulling out a bunch of clothing. I drag it all back to my new room and throw it in a pile on the floor. I quickly get changed and make my way past her room again, I sneak back in and kiss her on the top of her head before I head out to school.   I’m in math class when I hear whispering from beside me, “Did you hear about that Theo girl?” One girl says to another.  “About the suicide attempt? Is that why she’s not at school?”   “Yeah, but I mean who could blame her, I’d want to die too if my mom was a stripper and my step dad was sneaking into my room at night and beating me on the side” She giggles with her friend. “Too bad she didn’t finish the job though… I hate seeing her pathetic face around here”  “If you value any bit of your lives, I suggest you shut the f**k up right now and mind your own business. If I hear you spreading lies about Theo again I will not hesitate to take you down” I hiss at them.  They both look at me like I have five heads and slink back in their seats. Hearing this rumor makes me so mad. She is trying her best to stay strong and these stupid kids are talking s**t they have no idea about. My blood boils at the thought of the entire school talking about her behind her back.  The idea of her step father sneaking into her room at night makes my stomach curdle. I don't believe there's any truth to it but still.  Class ends and I make my way to my truck, I’m stopped by a teacher halfway there. The librarian comes sauntering over to me, just when I think I am going to get a stern talking to for threatening another student she says,  “Grayson right? I heard from Hanna that Theo is staying with you and your father for a while. Please tell her I am thinking about her. I hope to see her at school soon, healthy and happy” She smiles at me before heading to her own car. I am surprised but I smile to myself knowing Theo had someone trying to look out for her after all.  I get home and see Theo at the kitchen table eating a fruit salad.  “Late lunch?” I ask and I sit next to her.  “Breakfast made me sick, I wasn’t feeling very hungry till now” She takes another bite.  “Made you sick how?” I ask confused.  “She’s not used to having any rich in protein or fat foods, I made the mistake of making her an omelet with bacon, she was throwing up all morning” Dad speaks up from the kitchen. Theo focuses on her salad as tears spring to her eyes. “I’m really sorry” She whispers “Don’t be kiddo. We will have you eating normally in no time at all. Don’t even think twice about it okay?” Dad says as he pats her shoulder.  "The librarian at school said to say hi and that she hopes to see you back at school soon"  "Mrs. Greten, oh that's sweet of her"  “Did you feel up to going to get your stuff?” I ask as she finishes her food.  “Yeah.. I’m excited to get my mp3 player!” She says sweetly to me. She really is adorable.  “Let’s go” I extend my hand to her, she takes it without hesitation, I smile to myself like an i***t.  We head outside and she starts to walk over to her house,  “We should probably drive, so we can get everything back in one trip” I say to her. She thinks about it for a moment before nodding. She comes over to the truck and I scoop her up in my arms, she wraps her good arm around my neck. This feels so right to me. I slide her inside the truck, reluctant to let her go.  We drive over to her house and see a wild fire in her front yard. My stomach drops.
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