Chapter 43 Carry Her Back

1310 Words

Late at night, the wind was cold. The wind made the branches around the cave rustle. Crystal didn't even dare to breathe heavily. Looking up, she saw the shadow of a tall tree, like a ghost. Looking down... it was dark and she could see nothing. Crystal didn't fall into the cave. Instead, when she slipped down, she fell on the firewood at the entrance of the cave, and the two pieces of firewood as big as wrists barely caught her. The two vicious dogs directly flew over her head and then fell into the cave. At this time, Crystal was lying on two pieces of firewood, not daring to move at all. She was afraid that she would fall directly if the force was out of balance. Ten to twenty minutes had passed, and Lena was the only one who walked past the cave. Just now, when Lena came over,

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