Chapter 42 Hug in front of Him

1233 Words

Almost in an instant, Yareli, who was sitting on the sofa, felt as if there were snowflakes fluttering in the north... Jason had already stood up from the sofa. The cup in his hand shattered, and hot water splashed on the ground. The voice on the other end of the line continued, "You don't know yet, do you? Crystal went home tonight and met Scott in the forest. I really can't stand her ignoring your feelings like this, so I have to tell you no matter what." Jason took the phone away from his ear. No matter what the person on the other end of the line said, he wouldn't listen. "Jason, what had happened?" Yareli asked weakly. Jason could no longer see her. "Owen, looking for Crystal in the forest." Jason's voice sounds like ice and snow. Owen trembled when he heard this. He felt that

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