CHAPTER 7. The Maiden of Bourton Abbas

2002 Words

CHAPTER 7. The Maiden of Bourton AbbasSo went he through the gate, and many, both of men and maids gazed at him, for he was fair to look on, but none meddled with him. There was a goodly fauburg outside the gate, and therein were fair houses, not a few, with gardens and orchards about them; and when these were past he rode through very excellent meadows lying along the water, which he crossed thrice, once by a goodly stone bridge and twice by fords; for the road was straight, and the river wound about much. After a little while the road led him off the plain meads into a country of little hills and dales, the hill-sides covered with vineyards and orchards, and the dales plenteous of corn-fields; and now amongst these dales Higham was hidden from him. Through this tillage and vine-land h

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