CHAPTER 6. Ralph Goeth His Ways From the Abbey of St. Mary at Higham

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CHAPTER 6. Ralph Goeth His Ways From the Abbey of St. Mary at HighamIt was the monk who had been his guide the day before who had now waked him, and he stood by the bedside holding a great bowl of milk in his hand, and as Ralph sat up, and rubbed his eyes, with all his youthful sloth upon him, the monk laughed and said: "That is well, lord, that is well! I love to see a young man so sleepy in the morning; it is a sign of thriving; and I see thou art thriving heartily for the time when thou shalt come back to us to lead my lord's host in battle." "Where be the bale-fires?" said Ralph, not yet fully awake. "Where be they!" said the brother, "where be they! They be sunken to cold coals long ago, like many a man's desires and hopes, who hath not yet laid his head on the bosom of the mother,

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