oh, God. Save my dad

1765 Words
I am standing in Infront of the operation theatre. My dad is struggling with a heart attack. Doctors performing an angioplasty operation on him. My dad is struggling for life. “My God, please save my dad” I whispered those words in my mouth. “My life is cursed. That’s why I married a loser.” Elizabeth’s voice came from my behind. I looked at her. She is talking to Lucy’s boyfriend, Paul. He helped to hospitalize father quickly. Lucy is standing near him, holding his hands. Elizabeth continued. “He is a total useless to family. Now we wasting money in this hospital for him.” She is continuing her f****** words against my dad. So I need to stop her. I go straight to Elizabeth and said. “Shut up, don’t open your s**t mouth again”. Elizabeth stared at me like an angry dog. “Don’t stare at me. Do not forget one thing: I am paying the hospital fees, not you. So, don’t make a show here”. I warned Elizabeth. “Mom, me and Lucy are going to drink some coffee. Are you coming with us?” Paul interferes in our fight by offering a coffee to Elizabeth. He wants to stop a scene in front of the operation theatre. I take a few steps back from Elizabeth and come near to the operation theatre door. “No, thanks”. Elizabeth said to Paul. “Come on mom, we standing here to almost an hour just have a coffee and get refresh”. Lucy grabs Elizabeth's hands by saying those words. Elizabeth gets up from the chair where she is sitting. “Ruby, come with us”. Lucy said to me. “I am not coming. You all just go” I want to sit here. My mind is inside the operation theatre. “Lucy, come on. Don’t compel her”. Paul said to Lucy. “okay,” Lucy said. She is not ok with the idea that I am not coming with them. They started walk away from me. When walking one of paul’s hand grabs hand of Lucy and pulls closer to him. Lucy came closer to Paul. At that moment their bodies touched Each Other. They slowly faded away from my sight. I thought Lucy didn’t leave me alone here. I looked around me. There are people sitting some distance away from me. But still I felt loneliness. My father is battling for life inside the operation theatre. Here my remaining family just left me to drink a cup of coffee. I know they are not my family. Elizabeth is not my mother. Lucy is not my sister. Am I becoming an orphan? Nothing will happen to my father. I took my phone from my bag and opened the photo gallery on my phone. There are some photos in the gallery. Photos with my dad, Lucy, colleagues and Maria. But I touch the photo that I am with Lucas. The photo got enlarged. Me and Lucas looks thrilled in the photo. His one of hands around my shoulder. I can feel his touch even now. I take this selfie pic when we having a cappuccino in a restaurant. That moment is still flashing in my mind. I just want my old memories back. I still remember the day when Lucas proposed to me. I studying in college. In first time in my life, I felt like a princess. Lucas is a handsome and charismatic guy. I never thought a guy like Lucas ever propose me. Lucas had a beautiful flower in his hand and he just handed the flowers to me. I take the flower from his hand without a second thought. Without a warning, he kissed me on my lips. I kissed him back passionately. Afterward, our love story began. Most of the girls in my classroom jealous of me. Because they can’t believe that how an average girl like me gets a boy like Lucas. Actually, I enjoyed there jealous towards me. I have a friend name Ellie. She is not just a friend to me, a best friend. Ellie is top in studies and she is an excellent poet. I like her poems well and she is beautiful too. Ellie and Lucas become friends because of the relation between me and Lucas. The love among Lucas and me goes well until I saw the flirtatious message send by Ellie in Lucas’s phone. Lucas is not near me. His phone is in my hand where Lucas is talking with his friend some distance away. I check the previous messages. I get shocked by seeing that my boyfriend is cheating me with my best friend. Ellie betrayed me. I can’t even think of that. I trust Ellie and Lucas with my heart, but they stabbed me from my behind. After the incident, I break up with Lucas and I cut the friendship with Ellie. After that, Lucas and Ellie fall into a relationship. The college days were tough for me after the breakup. I tried to date other guys but that relationships don’t work out. Sometimes I looked at Lucas i********:. I don’t know why I doing that. When I see the photos where Lucas and Ellie are together, I just leave from Lucas’s i********: page and repeat this again after a few days. I don’t know why are I looking this picture now. Maybe I still love him. Suddenly the operation theatre door opened. I suddenly stand from the chair where I am sitting. The doctor came out from the operation theatre. He is wearing a dress that was using during an operation. The doctor looks at me, I came closer to him and asked. “Doctor, my dad is okay?” “Come to my cabin,” the doctor said. After that, he walk fastly. I followed him. What happened?. did the operation was failure? I didn’t asked questions. I just followed him to his cabin. The doctor entered his cabin. At the entrance of the cabin, there is a board includes the doctor’s name ‘Dr.Henry’. On his back, I also entered the cabin. He sits in his chair and takes the glass of water from the table in front of him. ‘Sit’ doctor offered me to sit. I sat in the chair which lies in front of the table. We are sitting face to face now. Doctor drunk the water from the glass, then he placed the empty glass on the table. He looks very relax now. “What is your name?” Doctor asked me. “Ruby Anderson,” I replied. doctor put his both hands on the table and he said “Ruby, the operation of your father is a failure”. I get shocked. I quickly get disturbed. “is my father ok?” I asked. “don’t worry, your father is okay” Doctor words just calm down me. “Your father admitted here for a major heart attack. We just performed angioplasty to your father. But we can’t put stent in his artery of your father. Because of diabetes, his artery size is decreased”. “doctor, is it a bad thing?” I asked. “We just removed the block in the artery. But be must insert the stent in artery to prevent future heart attacks”. doctor explains the situation clearly. His words just fastened my heartbeat now. “Doctor, is there any other way?” I asked him. “Yeah, a bypass surgery”. “Ok, sir. We can do bypass surgery,” I said. “Ok, we can bypass surgery within a week”. doctor said. A smile spread across his face. “Sir, my dad will be ok by doing this surgery?” I asked. I need a guarantee from the doctor. Because it is the life of my dad. “I give you 100% guarantee. It will be a successful. Your dad will be okay”. doctor said with confidence. His confident words just calm my mind. I stand from the chair and come out from the doctor’s cabin. Before I leave, the doctor said. “Don’t worry, it all will be ok”. When I just came out of the doctor’s cabin, I saw Lucy where talking to a hospital staff. Elizabeth is sitting in a chair And Paul is standing with Lucy. when Lucy saw me, she stops the conversation with the staff and walk straight to me. Then she came near me. “Ruby, how is dad?” Lucy asked. “He is alright. But he needed a bypass surgery” Lucy’s face filled with confusion. “Is the operation is a failure?” she asked. “Yeah, the doctor saying because of diabetes they can’t insert the stent in dad’s artery”. She knows what I was saying. She is a future doctor. “Ruby, they said that we must pay the fee of the operation that was done,” Lucy said. They needed fees for a failed operation. Okay, I know the system work that way. “I will pay. Don’t worry. Are you had your coffee?” I tried to calm her. “Yes, Ruby,” she smiled. I living for to see that smile in my family. I came in front of the reception. There is some Rush in front of the reception. After standing in the queue for sometime, it’s now my chance to settle the bill. “I am Ruby, daughter of the patient Anderson.” I said to the receptionist. The receptionist type the details in the computer in front of her. “The amount of the operation is 50k dollars. after deducting the health insurance, you want to pay 35k. are you paying by cash or card?” I was just shocked by hearing of the amount. They only deducted 30% of amount by the name of health insurance. I just take my phone and opened the bank app. I definitely know that I don’t have 35k dollars in my bank account. The receptionist was waiting for the cash. “Just one minute,” I said to the receptionist. The bank app is just opened, and it asked to enter the pin. After I entered the pin, the app's homepage appeared. I just looked at my behind. Some people are waiting behind me. I fastly clicked the account balance option. The balance amount showed on my mobile screen. “7k dollars, f**k”.
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