When the heart is filled with tears

1235 Words
Maria opened the door completely. We entered one by one. I asked Maria in a low voice as we entered the cabin. “Why did Eric call us”? “I don’t know,” Maria told me in a low voice. Maria closed the door of the cabin after we all entered. Eric was on the phone. We could tell from the intensity of his voice that he was talking about something serious. Even if Eric was talking on the phone, his gaze would occasionally come to us. Eric finished his phone call and then he put the phone down on the table in front of him. “Hello, guys,” Eric said to us. “Yes, sir,” said Samuel. Eric looked at us with his sharp eyes. I want to make sure that Eric and I were not making eye contact. “Everyone said that your team is the best here. That’s why I called to see you guys,” Eric said. Hearing Eric’s words brought a smile to everyone’s face. Like a relief. Maria is standing behind Eric and facing us. A smile spread across her face, too. “Who is the Team Leader”? Eric asked us. Samuel stepped forward. “Sir, my name is Samuel. I am the leader of this team.” Samuel said. Eric started asking Samuel about company matters. But I could not listen to their conversation. Because all my attention was on Eric. maybe he’s cheating on Jessica or maybe he is trying to lure my friend maria into his trap. But I can’t stand here without looking at him. His handsome face and his body language attract me to him. Eric suddenly looked at me. Our eyes locked on each other. “What is your name?” Eric asked me. “Ruby,” I said. I had to look away from Eric’s face. But I couldn’t do it. “What do you think is the reason our company is performing poorly?” Eric asked me. I didn’t know what to say. I did not hear what Eric and Samuel were talking. But I can’t be small in front of Eric. “Last year, the company introduced the smartphone genx, which failed to gain popularity at all. Every month the sale of genx is going down,” I said. Eric’s face filled with disgust. “This is something we all know. Do you have anything else to say?” Eric asked me. “Sir, Ruby is the worst staff in our office. She didn’t have a brain to think.” Samuel started making fun of me in front of everyone. “Sir, everyone probably knows what I said. But I have seen no one talking about it or taking action yet.” I explained my position to Eric. Silence filled the cabin for a while. Eric stares at me. “Did I say something wrong?” I said in my mind. Maria is looking at me as if I have committed some great sin. After looking at me sympathetically, Samuel and his team opened the door and went out. I was afraid to look at Eric’s face. So I bowed my head and looked down. “Maria, go get the manager,” Eric told Maria. I looked up at Eric, who was still staring at me. Maria passed by me without even looking at me. Then I heard the cabin door opening and closing. “Sir,” I want something to say to Eric. But no words came out of my mouth. At that moment, Eric got up from his chair. Then he slowly started walking towards me. My heart beat faster as Eric came closer to me. Eric came right next to me. I took two steps back. “How dare you correct me?” Eric asked me. “Sir, when you asked for an opinion..” “Stop, don’t correct me anymore, you hear? If that happens again, you can forget about working in this company,” Eric said. “Please, you all go to step outside for a while. I have something to tell Ruby.” Eric told Samuel and the group. Eric’s words were full of anger. “Sorry sir,” I said. “Get out” Eric yelled at me. I quickly opened the cabin door and came out. Samuel and others were standing near the cabin’s door. “Ruby, what did Eric sir say to you”? Sophia asked me. But I said nothing to Sophia. I was in no mood for an explanation. I went straight to the washroom. There was no one there. Tears started coming from my eyes. I was wiping the tears with my hands. I opened a bathroom and went inside. Then closed the door. Then I stood there and started crying. Sadness, which had been stuck in my mind for a long time, started flowing out as tears. I did not hold back my grief. I’ve had enough of crying now. Although Eric’s words were short, they hit the bottom of my mind. The sadness and despair in my mind that I pretended not to see for so long have now come out. I want to calm my mind. That’s when someone knocked on the bathroom door. “Ruby, are you there?” It was Maria’s voice. “I’m here,” I said, holding back my tears. “Okay, Ruby, I’m staying here and you come out quickly,” said Maria. I quickly wiped away my tears. I straightened my clothes. Then my hair was neatly combed. Then I opened the bathroom door and stepped out. Maria was standing some distance from the bathroom door. When Maria saw me, she came to me. “Are you crying?” Maria asked. I wiped my face and the sides of my eyes again with my hand. Maria put her hand on my shoulder. “Ruby, did Eric say anything to you?” Maria asked. I didn’t look into Maria’s eyes. What if she catches me crying? “It doesn’t matter. Anyway, forget it.” Maria said. Hearing Maria’s words, I could not contain my sadness. I hugged Maria and started crying. Like a child, I put my head on her chest and cried. “It’s okay,” Maria said, rubbing my head. Maria’s presence calmed my mind. After some time, Maria and I came out of the washroom. We walked towards my desk. All eyes were on me. A little distance away, Samuel and Jacob are saying something and laughing. “Are they laughing at me”? I asked in my mind. We came near my desk. “Your sadness has gone?” Maria asked me. “Not gone,” I said. “just forget it. Just be careful when dealing with Eric from now on.” I deal with him well. He asked me for an opinion. I gave my opinion. I see nothing wrong with this. “Ruby, I am going to Eric’s cabin,” said Maria. “Okay, see you later,” I said. Maria went to Eric’s cabin. I came to my desk. I took the files back out of my bag. Then I turned on the computer and continued my work. If I do not do this work before evening, it will be like I was giving an opportunity to Samuel, who is waiting to scold me.
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