Chapter 20

1688 Words

The next day, Stacey collars me in the cafeteria and asks to speak to me about an email I sent out last week. Leaving Bell, Katie, and another girl whose name I don’t know at the lunch table, I follow Stacey to her office. I don’t understand why she wants to speak with me privately and I’m nervous as I take a seat at her desk. “Did I do something wrong?” “There is no email.” Now I’m even more confused. “Are you sleeping with James Davidson?” Whoa. I consider Stacey a friend but I don’t feel like I’ve known her long enough to be so blunt. Evidently, she feels differently. “What?” “It’s something Mike said last week. I thought nothing of it at first, but then there’s the way you defended him to Bell. I’ve seen the way you look at each other, too.” I don’t look at him like anything.

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