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    "Mother where have you been?" my heart skipped when he walked over to us. Alexander Pendragon in the flesh. Must older, very tanned, but still as beautiful and intimidating as he was when I reconstructed him out of my mana. "Who are these kids?"      "They saved me from an armada on Calypso Island. This is Lee and her friends," Valerya introduced us. Alexander turned his attention to me.      "Sir," I bowed. "I'm Lee, these are my friends. Lacey, Mary, and d**k,"      "d**k?" he smiled.      "Richard, sir. Richard Grayson. I usually go by Gray,"      "He doesn't. He's d**k," Lucille chuckled. He rolled his eyes.      "Thank you for helping my mother. What were you doing there?" he asked her.      "I had been sensing strong energy there for a few days. I went to see what it was and was attacked. She saved me. They- they saved me. She's what I've been sensing. The two of them,"      She from me over to Young. She's a mess. They both know it and he loves her for it. I love her for it. I think I see where I get it from now. It's not just the Mordred in me. She's wild. Nothing holds her back and she doesn't take s**t from anyone.      "Yeah, I feel it too," he nodded. "Where are you two from?"      "Camelot," Lucille answered. "Near the Blood Fountain,"      "My son built that," he smiled. "It's in ruins now. A few days ago, William tore it down along with those who were hiding in it,"       "We were attacked. We are the last of the group we were moving with," I added. Valerya smiled letting us know it was a perfect story.      "I'm sorry. What happened to your face?" he reached for me but stopped.      "I was blinded in the fight. Lady Valerya helped,"      "How long were you without sight?" he asked.      "Too long," Young replied taking my hand. He smiled at the gesture.      "Alright, let's get you four settled. Arthur and the others will be back soon and I'd like for him to meet you. Mother, can you get Grayson down here. I think he's in the outlands with the Sirens. I want him to head down to Calypso to make sure we don't have another incident,"      "Alright. Make sure our guests are comfortable. It's not every day we find resistance from the homeland," she smiled. "They've had it rough,"      "Of course," he smiled.      She waved us off and headed back the direction we had come from. Alexander is easy going. He and Young are joking about the Reds as if they've been friends forever. Somethings never change I guess. This world is something else. I want to learn as much as I can. Valerya is right, my dad is really old fashioned. He likes things a certain way and he hates innovation. So did Uther.      "You have mage affinities," he stated when he lead us into a massive suite.      "Yes," we all confirmed.      "You have the strongest. I can feel it," he pointed at me.      "Mostly protection. Strengthening fields," I nodded creating a barrier box in the palm of my hand. He reached for it and jumped back when he touched it. "I have training. Lacey's father was a knight. He taught us a lot of what we know,"      "My mother was from the Mage Order. She taught us mage craft," Meer added.      "You?" he asked Young.      "I didn't have parents. Lee's father took me in when I was a Kid. I was born in the arena," he answered. His eyes softened. That's a good lie. Those we've saved from Mordred's arenas have the same instincts he does. Some of them are able to evolve their strengths through their suffering.      "You're lucky. Not very many make it out of there. I see it. The stance of a predator. Is it safe to assume that the two of you are together?"     "Very," he nodded. Meer and Lucille chuckled.      "This will be your place as long as you want it to be. We all have something to do here. You're going to have to pull your own weight. My mother believes you are a useful addition to our ranks and she's rarely ever wrong. She's sticking her neck out for you. Arthur, my grandson isn't very tolerant of many things and he's not very welcoming to newcomers. Especially those from Camelot," he came over to me looking my face over. "Rest. The restoration of your eyes may not have been from your mana but it'll take some time to adjust to your body. Take care of her. She has the will of a fighter,"      With that, he left. This place is amazing. There isn't anything around but the city itself. It's sitting on grown crystals. A power that had been lost in the wars before us. They have technological advances that we don't. things that my dad and the Knights of the round reject because of tradition. Everyone who died in our time is thriving. This is insane. I didn't know what we were going to see but this isn't what I thought we would find.      "They're thriving with the Mordreds in command," Lucille placed a newspaper in front of me. The headline: William Mordred, the face of a brilliant future. "Maybe we have been the oppressors all this time and never realized it,"      "The media isn't always what it seems," Young whispered. "We have a home and this isn't it. Get some rest, Lee. Alexander is right. Your eyes need time to readjust to everything,"      I walked into the first room to find my dad and some women asleep on the bed. A sharp pain shuddered to me but it was pushed back when he opened his eyes and jumped out of the bed. All he's wearing is boxer briefs. I moved out of the way as aburst of blue ice-cold mana came at me. Durendal materialized in my hand as I brought my hand up to block him from cutting me down. Red hellfire pushed him back. The woman rushed out behind him.      Anger, the unreasonable kind flooded through me and I pushed him back with a burst of my own mana. He tried to protect her taking the full impact of my attack. The others rushed over to me as he stood back up with this timeline's Excalibur in his hands. Durendal was right to come out when he did. A clash of two holy swords could have been catastrophic.      "You picked the wrong place to sneak into, kids," he bit out angrily. The woman behind him is holding something that really hurt me. Excalibur mimic. My mother's sword.      "It's not them," Young whispered. "Baby, that's not him,"      "We didn't sneak in," I lowered my sword. "Lady Valerya invited us. Lord Alexander gave us this suite so we can freshen up,"     "Where is she?" he asked angrily.     "Looking for Grayson Gwaiin," Young answered. "Something about Sirens, sir,"      "Keep her here, Art. I'll go get Alexander," the woman backed away and left the room.      "You're strong," he looked over at me.      "I can be," I nodded.      "That's a demon sword,"      "It is,"      "If I put my sword away will you attack me again?"      "You attacked me. I was defending myself,"      "You're not a good liar,"      "I get that a lot," I dematerialized my sword and took a step back.      "Arthur," Alexander and Uther appeared at the door with the woman. I didn't meet her eyes.     "This is Lee," Alexander introduced us. "She saved my mother. Lee this is my grandson, Arthur and this is his wife. Scilla,"      "Cool," I shrugged.      "Cool?" she asked annoyed.     "Don't talk to her like that. She has a temper and she will use it," Young laughed.      "Do you know who I am?" she asked him.      "Don't talk to him like that. In fact, don't even look at him," I pulled Young to me. Her eyes turned to me. Neon blue sparked in her eyes. "You're from Delikipos. Scilla of Hellfire," She's one of my mom's closest friends.     "How do you know that?" she asked.      "I'm poison. Lily of pain," I raised my hand pushing my hellfire out to show her the pink flames inside. "Everyone just calls me Lee,"      "That explains your strength," Alexander smiled.      "I'm sorry I attacked you," my dad caught my attention. "No one uses this place. We came back from a mission and we were tired. The place is all yours. Try not to cause trouble. Stay away from Scilla,"      "Tell Scilla to stay from me. Her mimic doesn't stand a chance against my sword and her flames don't burn as hot as mine,"      "That's a threat," she smirked. "I'm the lady of the house,"      "Your house?" I asked. "Last I checked this is Lady Elise's house. This is m******e City,"      "You know Elise?" Arthur asked.      "We know enough," Young dismissed them. "Forgive Lee for her rudeness. She gets like this when she's tired and hungry. Not to mention, this is the first time she's able to see anything for a while. Lady Valerya fixed her eyes,"      "You were blind?" he asked gently. "Your movements-"      "I was blind. Not crippled," I dismissed his comment.      "She's been through a lot these past few days. Don't take it personally," Lucille chuckled. "I'll take that room, Lee. You can have the other one,"          It's not him, but I can't even look him in the face. Two boys walked in behind Uther. Grayson of this timeline and another boy I've never seen before, but I know exactly who he is. The golden hair, the piercing blue eyes. The brilliant aura that draws in others even when they try to fight it.      "This is Grayson Gwaiin and my son. Stephen," my dad introduced them.      "f**k," Young, Meer, and Lucille all let out at the same time.      The guy screams entitled. His clothes are perfect, his hair. Everything about him says he was born in a castle and raised to be what his father intends him to be. Grayson Gwaiin on the other hand. He looks like he's been through hell. There's a scar almost matching my own over his right eye. His eye itself has faded into a pale green. It starts an inch above his right eyebrow and cuts all the way down to his upper lip in a crescent curve. His physique is thicker than Young's. He punishes himself by pushing himself harder. Probably way past his limitation.      "Lily?" he whispered when he saw me. I looked over at Young briefly. "Lily is that-"      "You know me?" I asked. There's no way in hell this is happening right now.      "Lilianna Malory. Cam and your parents are here," he rushed out stepping closer to me. My heart skipped at the mention of their names, but I didn't give anything away.      "No, my name is Lily Heart. I don't think we've ever met before,"      "We were on Primal. We went to school together, our whole lives," oh s**t.      "The realm Primal?" Young asked him. "Sorry, man. She's never left this realm. Knights are the only ones who have access to portal jumping,"      "He's right," I nodded. "I've lived here my entire life. Well, in Camelot,"     "I'm sorry," he shook his head. "You look just like her,"      The loneliness in his eyes is eating at me. I looked away backing into Young a little closer. Alexander excused them, leaving only him and Valerya with us. He crossed his large arms over his chest and looked down at his mother knowingly.      "What are you hiding mother?"      "Interdimensional travel," she sassed under her breath. "She's from Crystallis one,"      "There's more than one?" I asked.      "Infinite timelines," Alexander sighed. "Who are you really?"      "Lilianna Pendragon, daughter of Arthur Pendragon and Amaryllis Mordred. Grayson Gwaiin, Lucille Lancelot, and Meerlyn,"      "f**k," he let out with a heavy sigh. "There's never been a mix of the bloodlines before. No one knows about this. Absolutely no one. Do you four understand?"      "We do. We're here with a purpose. This didn't just happen by chance. My timeline is frozen. My family is in danger and my answers are here,"      "Prove it. Show me who you are," he stepped away from me.      I held out my pen and clicked it. My new armor as well as my swords materialized in my hands. My mana pushed him back in a swirl of red and blue. Excalibur and Durendal are showing off. I quickly pulled it back so that no one else could see it. He looked back at Valerya who has a massive smile on her face.      "Alright," he nodded. "You wield both swords. The amount of mana needed to channel both swords is out of this world,"     "She's out of this world," Young laughed.      "Do you eat meat?" Alexander asked throwing me off a bit.      "I do," I nodded.      "Finally, a grandkid worth the f*****g wait," he barged out.     "Stephen is vegan," Valerya smiled. "Come on. No one else sees those. I'll give you a new destroyer,"      "You call them Destroyers?" Young asked.      "What do you call them?" she asked him.      "Defenders,"      "Makes sense. Blue is the winning team on Primal one. We're all f*****g ass holes on this side, son. Bad suits us," 
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