The Story of Lily Malory

2306 Words

    They're all looking at me and I can't bring myself to meet their eyes. A dull ache is starting in the center of my chest as I try to divert my eyes. Mrs. Malory lost it when she saw me. In this timeline, I had been born a Malory. I don't know what happened to the Lily of this place but I'm sure it was tragic. The looks on their faces and the way she reacted, hurts. It's taking everything in me to not to break down in front of this woman, her husband, and the brother I will always need..      "You're sure you grew up here?" Cam asked. I nodded as I pushed my food around with a fork.      "I'm really sorry," I croaked through the knot in my throat.      "Why would you be sorry?" Mr. Malory asked.      "I've never found myself wanting to be someone other than myself before. I don't li

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