Chapter 6

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Kaizen’s POV I have heard plenty people say that they feel rather invincible when they feel no one is looking at them when doing something out of ordinary or when they feel they have to do something out of the ordinary, that must be what she has on her mind to think I don't know what she is doing finding her way to break away from my body and then making her way out of the house with her legs barely touching the ground. I stayed on the bed because of her, I wanted to keep her warm until she was not shaking anymore, I guess now she is strong enough to escape without taking a glance back at the ones who have just saved her from the brink of death. I have always been a light sleeper, apart from it being my wolf’s ability, it is something I have helped myself to learn from before I even became alpha and the ability has helped me in so many ways to even count, I have been saved from near death experiences because of it. And well, now I can also notice when an ungrateful girl leaves my presence without saying a little sentence as ‘thank you I laid down still on the beddings, I didn't want to move or follow her, if she thinks her problems are all sorted out, then that's okay. And she is also free to make sure she gets her suicide done perfectly this time, without a knight in shining armor saving her. “Are you not going after her?” I heard him but I ignored him, why should I go after someone determined to die? Marcel is also an early riser so I don't doubt it for a second that he has seen every move that she made. I know she is my mate but I am not about to tell him that. Who knows what he will say to that? Who knows what everyone would say to that? “Kai! I know you can hear me” He came in front of me now, bent down while he stirred a cup of coffee. “Yes, I can hear you, Marcel. But I'm choosing not to respond to you” I said, unapologetically. “But why not? The girl is barely strong enough to make it anywhere far, it's still cold outside... But let's talk about what that rain would have done to the floor. She is not going to last out there” he finished, stood up, stirred his coffee some more, and took a satisfying sip. “Why should I be the one to go... You also have the strength and power to save her.” “But I can't. I am not on duty but you...Your duty follows you everywhere, it's ingrained in your blood, body, and soul. And besides, you are the one that saved her, she is more accustomed to your scent... She would need not be afraid since her body will remember your smell” “Bullsh!t! I honestly do not believe anything that comes out of your mouth!” He is just trying to get off any attachment! But he has just pushed me into one. And I sure as hell know that if he finds out that she is my mate, we might have to have another discussion about how kind he wants me to be with a total stranger. I'm not going to allow him to see that piece of thought, I will be the one to tell him about my unplanned mate. Only if we had not come here when we did. Only if we were not about to go for a run when we did. Only if she had not chosen the same place we were, to die. She would be gone with her sorrows and I will be alive with mine. Then maybe, we would not have met each other, our worlds would not have crossed paths and I would not be fighting with myself so much about what the right thing to do is, what do I tell Aleria about this unplanned mate? Why would the Moon goddess do this to me? “What are you thinking about? You gotta start moving Alpha, she would not last long on that road!” I'm sure he stressed on the ‘Alpha’ because he wants to remind me of my duties but I still don't see any reason why I would save her when she is not even one of my people. I removed the blankets from my body as I removed myself from the comfortably of the bed, I walked past Marcel to the towel in front of me, I wanted to take a cold shower while I forget what she did to me throughout the night with her body slamming into mine like her whole life depended on it, she must have done it out of fear of something, she held me so close it was difficult to not take her right there and my wolf was not any easy, he was hungry for her and I could feel it, more than I would have like too. Her scent...Oh! The way her body was reacting to my unknowingly was driving me insane and the only thing that stopped me from taking her was the fact that she is too delicate and small, I might break her. Then it occurred to me, if I don't go to find her now, I might not see her again. . . “Really? You want to take your bath now? Time would be long gone before you are done” he slammed into my thought, and just as if I had just been woken up. Without replying to his nagging, I pulled back my clothes and dashed out of the house, telling myself that I am only going to do my best. I won't force anything at all. It didn't take me so long to find the way she went, her scent was all over... Even better, I can see the mud dents on the ground where she has earlier passed, I wonder how she had made it so far given the path she chose to pass. There was another way she could have passed without getting caught up in the mud, a path laid with short green grass. Not smart enough. Her smell was getting strong now and that must mean she is near... But then I could smell other scents too, they were tainting her fresh smell, and that only made me furious. Maybe she has quickly found her people, maybe it's a bad idea that I follow her to meet her people. Or maybe it's a lover she arranged to meet that very early in the morning... Maybe that's why she had to sneak out? Or is she a spy? Did she come specifically to find out things for her pack? These thoughts keep coming back and forth in my head. Damn! I'm too old to be worried about these things, no one knew where and when we were going for rest and rejuvenation this time, I didn't even tell Aleria where I was going, I didn't need to. I only was able to go because she finally agreed to let me be free after how many months of asking and pleasing for her to go have fun at anything going on with her friends, so no one would know, and sure as hell... This weak girl would not know either, she could not be a spy... I know it. She has met her people but would it be okay to just let my mate go like that without at least seeing her for the last time? I changed my mind about going back directly to the cabin, I'm just going to tell her my piece and go back to that cold shower I was craving earlier, and to Marcel telling him confidently that she does not want to be with us and that she has found her family. As I got closer to her scent, I can now hear some voices, and then her voice didn't sound like a pleasant one. It didn't sound like someone happy to be reunited with her family or her friends, and why she was saying sounded like she was threatening them so they could leave her alone, that is definitely not something you would say to a friend. They were visible now, and I am going to do exactly what she wants, help her escape. Since she seems to know them but does not want to go with them. Wait... Are they trying to r**e her? How could any man be so crazy and unintelligible, female are meant to be protected not harmed. I could feel my blood burning through my veins and it took me all the restraint I could muster to stop myself from running over there and snapping their heads off. “Did you not hear the girl? She is under the protection of the alpha king!” I know I'm furious but I was not expecting that my growl would come out the way it did, if I was the one in their position I would have been scared too. It did the job, I could see that they were shaking! And to my satisfaction they let the girl go and just as I thought she would she ran straight into my arms. “I think he is the Cresent park alpha, Adam!” I could hear one of them say, cautioning the second person. They could not be more than nineteen or twenty, still, lads making stupid decisions. “Look, we know her. She is our friend and pack member, she has been missing since yesterday and we were asked to go find her and bring her back” The other one said. I looked down at her and moved her head towards them as if there was hope in it, and then she looked at me. “If they have told you to find her and bring her why have you been maltreating her instead” “Oh no! I think you are misunderstanding something, up until yesterday she was the mate to our future alpha and she must have run away because she was rejected and could not face the shame...” Oh “We only must bring her back, we have been told to, we were just getting her ready to come with us” then to the girl “Come Rue, let's go... Riley is waiting for you” Riley? I heard her say in a not-so-audible voice, is that hope I hear? Is she thinking of going back to the one who has rejected her and humiliated her? It all goes down to her decision, If she feels she is safe enough to go back with them, then it's okay... I don't have anything to say about matters that are within another pack from mine. She is my mate now but is it not better to have her where she is safe and known than a place strange to her in many forms? And maybe she has not accepted her rejection yet, is that why I see hope in her eyes? “I promise we will be off immediately you release her to us sir, we are not here to cause trouble” “Okay, good! Go and never come back”
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