Chapter 4

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Kaizen’s POV “Kai, do you think that thing over there beside the lake is a human being or an animal?” My best friend and second in command Marcel, first announced but since It was not in a panic voice I didn't want to think so much of it, he likes to trick me when we are off duties, but only because of those tricks, the weight of being too professional and the rules that bound my world has not affect our friendship amongst others, although I'm not complaining about any of it, I have had my own share of fun over the years so now I just let the rest fall Into place. We were out here to the cabin because of the rain, it has been crazy and tiring leading the pack through the week and I just wanted to run wild without expecting anyone reminding me of my duties. “Kai! I think she is going to jump!” Now, there was panic in his voice, I stopped removing the remains of my clothes then turned to see what he was looking at and truly a small girl, looking dirty, drenched in the rain and maybe her own tears, was by the edge of the lake trying to jump into it. “Damn! That water would be icy cold with the rain and everything!” I muttered “What are you waiting for? Go convince her not to kill herself” “What do you mean convince her? If she made it here where no one would have seen her in this rain, then her mind is made already” I replied, almost sure of myself. “Oh so, you are just going to leave the poor girl alone to die” he pushed “You know that's not what I'm talking about. She is probably a rogue, Marcel! Can't you see? She is probably frustrated with her life and wants to end it. Don't let us interrupt anything going on down there.” Deep down in me I wanted it not to be so, I mean if she was a rogue, she is justified because of all the crazy sufferings she would get as one. But at the same time what if that's not it. It was getting really late now, and with the rain no one would be able to see her body until tomorrow. “Stop looking at me like that Marcel, You know I'm not supposed to get involved with things like this? We have rules!” “But you made those rules, you can just bend it a little bit. By the way I know you, apart from all those wicked and authoritative s**t you do, you still have that kindness in your heart” He paused and continued. “And I know for a fact that if that girl actually dies, you will not be able to forgive yourself” That was true, I would not. “I know you won't be able to forgive yourself either” I said to him, I know morals too. “Damn right I won't” he replied back, confidently. That was convincing enough, sometimes I just have so much love for Marcel, the way he gets me. “Of course!” I hit him across the back, his muscle was hard, but I know mine was harder. He smiled but didn't comment. I always do that, letting him know I have the broadest shoulders, and since he was really not talking back and arguing with me, it must mean he didn't want me to waste anymore time. I wore back my already removed clothes since I was preparing to change for a run and thank goodness we had not left the cabin yet, because then I would have to go back to get my clothes and then run to her, that would take away so much time than we would be able to spare. I didn't mind the rain as I dashed into it, screaming to Marcel “Bring me some warm blankets” as I go, I was going to just walk up to her without her realizing it so it would not scare her so much, but that's when she started to jump, my heart practically left my heart for her as I called out to her, but it's like the wind had gone with my voice before it got to her, the rain was stopping now but the coldness of the water would not make her last a minute, she might actually pass out immediately her body hits the water, I wonder if thirty seconds would be enough for me to get to her no matter how fast I am. I just prayed she holds on before then. I started to run really fast, and without thinking I jumped into the lake after her, it took me a whole three seconds to find her, she was getting caught in the waves of the water about fifteen feet away from me, but to my surprise she has not passed out yet and she was not trying to herself out either. There must be some real s**t happening to her life. One thing I know is, her body was strong not her mind. “Girl! Just stay where you are, I will come get you” It was my voice that rather made her afraid, not the water, and just like that I think she lost her balance again and started to go down. I dove inside the waterafter her, it was so dark that I tried to adjust my eyes to it, As an Alpha, it should not be that difficult. I saw her going deep down, eyes open, and fixed at me, like she was saying something but could not voice it out, then she just closed her eyes as if she was done and it was finally over. I followed her as she sunk down the water, reached one of her arm first, that enabled me to steadily reach her whole body, she opened her eyes again to look at me, shaking her head, probably telling me to stop, if I wanted to stop I would not have come after her in the first place, there is absolutely no way I'm going to let her die now, I am too close to let her just die because she said so. I pulled her towards the edge of the lake, with her pulling back and fighting back would only tire her out, but maybe that's what she needs, I'm not going to allow the rogue die in my territory. We finally got to the edge and I was able to carry her out without too much stress because she was tired, good thing that Marcel was already waiting for us, I was getting cold myself. “Damn! She is freezing! Come on up” he covered the both of us with the blanket but I don't think it was going to do anything to keep us warm. “Let's head to the cabin, she is icy cold and I don't think this blanket is going to do anything at all, I need some fire burning” “Yes your majesty” This was not a time to joke but it's cool that he would think of doing that now. The walk to the cabin was shorter than I thought it would be, and the warmth of it was what I lived for at the moment. “Prepare a bed for her close to the fire Marcel and get me more blankets” “Did you first check if she drank up some water?” “No, she didn't, I have checked” It's right for him to think I forgot and be worried, but I'm not that dumb. I have not been able to see her face clearly but this is not just the time, if she survives tonight, which I am going to make sure of, we can do the introduction later in the morning or any other morning. I placed her down, removed her upper layer clothes and covered her with blankets while I get out of my wet clothes too. “You are freezing yourself, maybe you should lie close to her, share the blankets and the fire” “What has happened to my own bed and my own blankets? I will be just fine there thank you” “Uhm, those are yours! You wanted me to get a bed worked out Kai, and that’s it. I used your beddings because I thought you would sleep on it” “You didn't think I would sleep on it Marcel! That thought just came into your mind now” “But what was I supposed to do, we only prepared for two and since both of you are cold and in need of the fire, it's only right to sleep on it together. That's the only way this can work” “Of course, this is the only way. Get out of my sight Marcel! You annoy me” “I thought I was your favorite a while ago!” “Prick! Stop reading into my mind when I have not given you the permission to!” “Yes sir, Alpha Kaizen” he went to the professional mode for a minute, and just when I thought it was going to stay like that, he busted out laughing. “Remind me never to take you seriously” “I will. And we are here so we would leave the world of seriousness behind in the first place, isn't it? I'm not going to allow you bully me into seriousness this time. Now please, stay close to the girl, she is still shaking” “Damn! I hate you” “And I love you too my brother! Always and forever! Now let's get this over with and get a good sleep. Thank goodness the rain has stopped pouring, it will be comfortable for her soon” he said, but he was still standing there, waiting... Waiting for something. “Come on, go to sleep then. You don't expect us to actually have a conversation while I'm holding a girl in my hands, do you?” “Oh no! Of course not. I will be out of your way then, but be careful my friend” “Be careful about what? I am more careful that ever right now” “You know what I’m talking about, that is a lady beside you. And a sexy one at that” “Get the f**k out of here Marcel!” He would never learn. And she is not sexy to me in anyway. “Alright! Alright! But you know I’m just saying this because I know you, and you have not allowed yourself to be close to a woman since your mate died so it might be a little too much for you to want to handle. And I know hard it has been for you, and I know that’s why you pour yourself into work all the time without waiting or stopping, and that’s why I like it so much that we took this weekend off. And now we somehow was able to save someone, a small girl’s life, after weeks of taking your enemies lives. I am happy for you because I know it is good for your almost damaged soul, so take it in as much as you want, swallow it!! Let your head sink into it and absorb it” He was right, it felt good to save someone who has not committed any crime in the first place, even if I don't know her well enough to say that, it does not matter if she was a rogue or not. Most times, rogues don’t deserve anything that happens to them, they only don’t just have people who would stand up for them or protect them. Rogue or not , she does not deserve to die. “Thank you for saying that , and I hope that this is just another way of redemption. I will make sure that she is okay. I will take care of her, nothing else, now let’s get to our beds” He left this time without any more complaints, while I placed myself beside the girl, just as I gathered her in my hands, the scents hits me differently, than I have not hard in years....and from my experience, this only happens when your mate is near you. I looked down at her, and just then my wolf kept ringing in my head “MATE! MATE!”
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