Chapter 7: Emily's P.O.V.

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I ran away from that man as fast I could. I can't believe this. A mate! I have a mate!? Why? How? It doesn't matter. I told him who I was. That means that he won't want me. Word about me had spread long ago. There are some that don't believe I even exist. They all only knew me by one name though, and that was my last name. Most people didn't even believe I was a woman. Luther thought it best to let people believe what they wanted. There was too much risk in letting everyone know who I was. People would come after me, and the people I love. They would even go as far as to start cults, I'm sure. Still, that man should know who I am. That means he'll never come looking for me. I won't have to worry. What were the Gods even thinking? I mean, giving me a mate was silly enough, but a Werewolf? A pack would never accept me, and that man was a Beta. He would never leave his pack. Why would the Gods do this to him? Is that man a bad person like me? He didn't seem that way... In fact, even the bartender was decent. I've been treated worse. Even if the man isn't a bad person... why do this to him? It's not like I can give him children, and I thought that's what Werewolves were all about. I guess it's not like I've ever tried to have a child... I have't... I've never... Not even during my haze. However, I no longer have a period. That must mean I'm not able to bare children. A Witch Vampire Hybrid who can't give an heir? No pack would accept me. I'm doing the right thing by running away. Even if it feels like my heart is being ripped out of my chest the further away I get. By the time I had made it back to Luther's castle, I was in so much pain I could barely see straight. This can't be normal. I struggled to make it to my bedroom. I was crawling through my room trying to find a crystal. Finally, I was able to grab a handful of crystals. I was too rushed to see what I had gotten. I used my fangs to slice my finger open. After bleeding onto the crystals, I focused on the pain, and the man. It took a few minutes, but finally the pain started to subside. I sat on the floor, and leaned against the wall. I had barely caught my breath when my door burst open. I watched as Luther's eldest son came waddling into my room. Little Jasper looked at me and a wide grin spread across his face. He started running up to me. Because he's a Vampire, he moves fast, but because he's only two, he moves clumsily. Jasper threw himself into my arms, pushing me into the wall. I chuckled as I hugged him. "It's late little prince. What are you doing awake?" I asked him. "That is what I would like to know as well." I looked up to see a very pregnant Eva marching into my room. "You are supposed to be in your bed young man," she said to her son. I laughed when Jasper only held me tighter. Eva sighed, and I stood up. Only for Jasper to squeeze me for dear life. "I can take him back to bed, Eva. You should go rest," I told her. Because of the time period I grew up in, I helped my mother while she gave birth to all of my younger siblings. I was a trained midwife. I was there to help Eva through her first labor with Jasper, and I plan to be with her for her baby girl as well. "I was in his bedroom to check on him, and he was sleeping so peacefully," Eva told me. "Then his eyes flew open, and he rushed out of his room yelling 'Em, Em, Em!'. He must have known you were home." I laughed once we reached Jasper's room. I lay him on his bed, and covered him up. Jasper had fallen back asleep before we even made it to his room. "You seem different," Eva said. I only shrugged. "Oh my... You met your mate!" She said excitedly. I snapped my head in her direction. "I'm not worthy of a mate." I rushed out. Eva waved me off, and walked to the door. "You always say that, and we always told you it wasn't true." She said. "So, who is he?" I sighed heavily. "If anything, I feel like this is a cruel joke played by the Gods," I muttered. "Why? Is he human?" Eva asked. That had me thinking... It's rare for a supernatural to be mated to a human. What's even rarer, is for two different types of supernaturals to be mated to each other. Why would it happen if that man and I sealed our bond? "Eva, have you ever heard of a Vampire being mated to another kind of supernatural?" I asked. We just made it to Eva's bedroom. Her favorite place to sit and have a chat is on her terrace. She has a lovely set up out there. Once we were seated, Eva finally looked at me. "I have not heard of any kind of supernatural creature being paired with another, no," she said. I knew it. "However," Eva continued. "There was a time when I had never heard of a made Vampire. Or a Witch that was changed into a Vampire, and kept her powers. Not until you, that is." I looked away from Eva's smiling face. "So, you think this is okay because it's me," I mumbled. Eva giggled. "No," she said. "I just think that you... Honestly, Emily, I think that you are a change. Something the supernatural world has never seen before. Everything about you is different. You are a symbol that Vampires and Witches can get along. If your mate is another kind of supernatural... Well, maybe you were meant to bring the supernatural communities together." "You think I'm some kind of hero?" I asked flatly. "No," Eva said, laughing. "Well, despite your past, I do think you are making up for those mistakes. Besides, you shouldn't blame yourself too much for what happened back then. You were... closed off, and you didn't know what you were doing." "That's not an excuse," I said. "I know, but it is the truth." She replied. "Anyway, I think that the Gods know what they are doing. They're giving you a second chance." Second chance my "Who is he?" Eva asked. "I don't know his name. He's a Beta of the pack that I was just at. The one that rouge was killing around." I told her. "A Beta? Your mate is a Werewolf? That's... interesting. Vampires and Werewolves have never gotten along." She said. "Exactly," I agreed. "A cruel joke. Especially when I'm... who I am." Eva patted my hand. "You are too hard on yourself," she said. I looked into Eva's eyes. I know that she's being sincere. I just wish that I felt how she does. Even a little bit. Honestly, I know that I am unworthy. That's just how it is. I've done way too much bad to ever be redeemable. I can't give a mate the life they deserve. I know that telling Eva all of that would be pointless. She'll only argue that I've done enough making up for the past. It's a losing battle for me. "You are much too kind to me, my friend," I said. "Yes, well, I remember the woman who arrived at my castle gray from starvation. Something you did to yourself, I might add. You have come a long way, and you deserve happiness. You have paid enough for what's happened." Eva replied. I nodded to her. "Well, I am going to bed," I said. "You aren't going to go back to your mate?" She asked. I shook my head as I stood up. "I told him who I was, Eva. He won't want me after that," I said. "But-" "Good night your majesty," I interrupted her as I walked out the door. I slowly made my way back to my room. The spell that I did on these crystals must be working because I feel much better. Though, I'm still not tired. I wonder if I'll feel this pain all the time. I hope not. Does he feel the same pain? I walked into my room, and shut the door. It's still dark, and I have every intention of crawling into my bed. I still smell like him, since he kept getting so close to me. Maybe I'll shower in the morning. I shimmied out of my pants, and pulled my sheets back. Then I sensed that someone else was in my room. I stiffened, and was just about to turn around. Before I could, large arms wrapped around me, and a delicious scent hit my nose. "Can't have you running away from me again, mate."
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