Chapter 10

2065 Words

With Lilly well restrained and prepared, Roger dashes to the kitchen. As he pops the cork on a fine bottle of Chardonnay, he hears the front door unlatch. Miss Margie has returned. “Well isn’t that nice of my pretty naked pet to be waiting for me!” Roger’s timing is perfect. He exits the kitchen with silver tray and well chilled glass. He is shocked to see that Miss Margie has removed her shoes and is slipping out of her well starched white skirt. “Been a long day. Had a particularly truculent patient, a young man of color, as we reference the boys from the ‘hood.” Roger gapes as Miss Margie tosses her skirt onto a nearby couch to stand naked from the waist down. She notes his look of surprise. “Well, you didn’t think Lilly eats my p***y through my clothing did you?” Roger notes th

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