
Milking Male Essence

office/work place

Roger Armsworth Todd was once a successful investment banker, whose life is completely changed when he's convicted of statutory rape and sent to Sing Sing prison for a lengthy stay. With the hope of leading a more normal life, he signs on for a voluntary therapy program, which will allow him to live as a free man outside of prison with a few critical physical and behavioral modifications. Guided by his trainer, 'Nurse Rachel', he's been systematically programmed to associate ejaculation with pain, making this once predatory male as tame as lamb.But has rehabilitation really left him better off? The terms for his freedom are stringent one misstep and it's back to Sing Sing. And his new life is nothing like what he would hope for with a key piece of his anatomy offlimits forever.Just as difficult are the lingering memories from his training. While the program was designed to minimize any possible attraction to his domineering nurse, Roger is unable to wipe the imprint of her voice from his mind. Though he's never seen her face, when three years after his training, he hears Nurse Rachel's distinctive voice on a computer train, he knows that he's inadvertently stumbled onto the anonymous female therapist responsible for his transformation. Even now, Roger's attraction to the woman cannot be denied. All he wants from her are a few answers to some lingering questions, but he's soon swept back into her world where he'll have a new role and new demands from his cunning and provocative nurse.

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Chapter 1
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publisher. For information contact: Pink Flamingo Publications www.pinkflamingo.com P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI 49083 USA Cover Image © ugur bariskan, iStock.com Email Comments: comments@pinkflamingo.com Prologue “Does this train stop at Farmingdale?” Funny how the sound of a voice can trigger reflections, a startled Roger Armsworth Todd thinks to himself... and in this case, twinges deep within his loins as well. He looks up and stares incredulously while a polite fellow passenger answers affirmatively. The woman steps aboard. Roger ducks his head. Though he has never seen the woman, she has most certainly seen him. More than seen him really. She examined, inspected and palpated his entire naked form. Conflicting thoughts overwhelm as her voice causes memories to cascade. He feels the anger of having been violated. He feels an odd poignancy. He senses rapture. He feels the need to learn more. Something calls for revenge but something inside also suggests congeniality, a need to get closer to her. Deep within he’d like to know her better. But for what purpose? He knows what a punished dog feels like... there is an instinct to strike in retaliation... there is a sense of acceptance for being deservedly rebuked by a loving owner. The woman steps past Roger’s seat. He looks down to hide his face. She does not notice him. Roger spies white shoes and the hem of a white cotton skirt beneath her coat. A nurse! Yes, it is she! Uniformed woman, naked male... how much time... how many times... together without ever seeing her face or knowing her full name. Nurse Rachel, she suggested she be called. Her moniker mentally morphed to Nurse Ratched... and Roger doubts it was even her real first name. Roger’s stop is nearby Woodside, Queens. Farmingdale is a comparatively long way out on Long Island. Should he stay on the train and seek more? ‘More what?’ he inquires of himself. He’ll need to pay additional fare. Plus he will be in violation of the terms of his release. Worth the money and the risk? The train leaves Penn Station in 10 minutes. Woodside is an early stop. Roger has moments to make a decision. Meanwhile he chances, turning his head and glancing back. Though the woman looks down into her purse for her train ticket, he can note the handsome features. Auburn hair, neatly wrapped atop her head, receptive to the cap which would complete her nurse’s ensemble. Makeup neat and not overly done. She is broad shouldered and tall, quite obvious even while she sits. Her image does not precisely match what he imagined during all those times of lying blindfolded and naked before her... beneath her? But it is close, and he is strangely disappointed that she is pretty. He wished her to be a brute, ugly in appearance to match her strict demeanor. But she is not! Is he in love? Was he in love during the many stressful interludes with her? What is this strange attraction? The psychologist warned of the potential when the experimental program began. A possible corollary of the ‘Stockholm syndrome’, so some speculated. And now he sits contemplating a gross infraction of the rules... so he can be with her one more time. Curious behavior. He mind flashes to three years before... *** Visit Number One – The Beginning “The terms of your early release require that you participate in this experimental program. It is voluntary. You may return to Sing Sing Correctional Facility any time. Do you understand that, Mr. Todd?” There comes a nod. The woman returns the nod without emotion. “Good. Be on time. Upon arrival, you will go to the assigned examination room. Close the door behind you. Remove your clothing then follow instructions precisely. Be obedient. Answer all questions promptly and honestly. Just as you can volunteer to return to incarceration, for disobedience we can ourselves ban you from the program and have you returned.” The intonation is smooth and professional, but interpreted as threatening. Returning to prison a felon who has done three years of hard time very much rattles the spirit. Roger calms himself, inwardly promising full compliance as next come the fateful words. “You will never see or know your tending nurse. You’ll be provided with a first name for communication but she will otherwise have anonymity for her own protection. And Mr. Todd, don’t succumb to romantic feelings. This is all clinical. Think of it as a medical procedure. Opponents to our experimental program have argued the possibility of a modified Stockholm Syndrome result... the well studied incident during which hostages became amorously attracted to their captors. I think that since you’re here voluntarily, that won’t happen.” Roger, well educated, well read, is aware of the notoriety of the failed Swedish bank robbery. The thieves took hostages for many days. After eventual surrender and arrest, the released women felt a bond with the robbers and demurred in testifying against their captors. One even married a culprit. “After your session with the nurse you are to return here to my office to be debriefed. Any questions?” “No, ma’am.” “Then go to examination room three and remove your clothes,” the psychologist smirks. In ordering a man to strip naked, the sang froid turns to a wicked look of mirth. The humbled ex con leaves the well accoutered office and steps to the austere linoleum hallway. A more prideful Roger Armsworth Todd would years before tell the woman to jam her proposed program of therapy up her ass. But not now. In volunteering to participate in this program for s*x offenders, he is out from behind bars. Six years early! ‘The girl said she was eighteen, your Honor!’ Roger recalls his futile plea. She was not. Statutory rape. Seven years in Sing Sing. Registration as a s*x offender. The downfall of 31 year old Roger Armsworth Todd. One time wealthy investment banker. Now a cleaner of toilets. But worse was being caught violating one of the direst rules of Sing Sing Correctional Facility... m**********n! In the first year of incarceration a female guard caught him pleasuring himself in an area Roger did not realize was under video surveillance. With two more tacked on to his sentence, seven years became nine. There also came further validation that he was indeed a repeat s*x offender, and a rather humiliating video permanently placed in his curriculum vitae of s*x crimes. Roger finds room three. He opens the door to see a standard medical examination room, except for one distinguishing piece of equipment. Abutting one wall there is an exam table. At its head there is connected a length of glimmering stainless steel. It transverses the table and both right end and left extend out to the sides. Each end has a padded semi circular opening. In the middle, on the table, is a larger third padded semi circular opening. Stocks! Medieval in design, contemporary in its fabrication of modern alloy, there can be no doubt the open semi circles are receptacles for neck and wrists. And on the wall above, Roger notes there are hooks with hanging cables attached. Roger obediently removes his clothing. Strip searches were just about weekly events at Sing Sing. The cavities of prisoners were regularly checked at random intervals. Thus it is without forethought that he quickly peels. As he folds his clothing on a waiting counter, a voice booms over a loudspeaker. “Very good, Mr. Todd. Now please lie supine on the table, neck in the center of the steel where you’ll note padding, then place the blindfold over your head.” It is the first time he hears the woman’s voice, that which brings such conflicting memories. While mounting the table he spies the blindfold. When he lies back he slips it over his eyes and the voice returns. “Now reach out to the right and left and place your wrists within the padded indentations.” The room obviously has video somewhere. The woman is tracking his movements. “Good boy. Now hold still.” With that comes the whir of small motors. Roger feels his wrists and neck being encapsulated in steel. The stocks are modern indeed... automatic locks! When the hum stops he notes he cannot move his arms. Likewise his neck is firmly but comfortably encircled in padded metal. He hears the door open. The voice no longer booms through a loudspeaker. “I am Nurse Rachel,” she proclaims with authority as there come the sounds of the door being latched. Roger hears the frou frou of a starched cotton skirt and the quiet squeaks of rubber soled shoes on the polished linoleum. He feels fingers about his face. The blindfold is adjusted then buckled behind his head. What little room light leaked through the edges disappears to bring complete darkness. Her fingers lock onto his right ear and tenderly roll the cartilage. It feels good. It soothes. “I read your file, Mr. Todd. Statutory rape and the gross violation of prison rules. The video was rather graphic. You masturbate with determination,” her fingers rolling as she speaks. Roger cannot see the polite smile. The choice of words suggests sarcasm but the intonation is quite professional. “Hopefully our program will change some habits and proclivities.” Roger feels more fingering. She begins to examine. The flesh on his right arm is gently pinched and kneaded. While inspecting, Nurse Rachel speaks. “We’ll begin each session with a standard but rather thorough medical examination. We’re going to get to know each other very well.” She does indeed. Roger recalls his induction to Sing Sing in which every square inch of his body was closely examined... ostensibly for pediculosis... lice... but he later learned from experienced prisoners that the procedure was just one of the guards’ methods for establishing control. Indeed, lying helpless with a woman closely examining everywhere brings a feeling of obsequiousness. Nostrils, mouth, teeth... Nurse Rachel works her way down. Then comes a stab to the right arm. A blood sample is taken. “Good boy. We’ll test with each visit. Now, roll for me, as best you can. First to your left.” It is a command and, though rigidly held, Roger moves his hips accordingly to reveal much flesh of his back and posterior. “When did you last have s*x?” Nurse Rachel inquires as her fingers seem to flutter about. “I am not permitted to have relations, ma’am.” “Ah hah. Have you m*********d? When?” “Two days ago, ma’am.” “You may call me Nurse Rachel. You understand that your need for m**********n will cease. But I will ask you with every visit. And you will answer me truthfully. Lie and it’s a quick trip up the river. You’re scheduled for a three day cycle. It will be adjusted as we proceed.” The fingers depart and Roger hears the snapping of latex. “You will find that certain intimate bodily functions will not be so intimate when we’re together. You’ll perform for me when commanded... and you’ll learn not only to accept it, but possibly enjoy as well. We’ve reviewed all the psychologist’s reports and findings. We’re aware of certain penchants.” Roger feels the fingers return. Between his gluteal cleft. “A suppository. Let me know when you need to move your bowels.” Roger is alarmed. Intimate functions indeed! He is well secured to the table and the governing woman will want him to defecate! “Please, Nurse Rachel. I’d rather not.” “Tsk. Tsk. You prefer a full enema? With bad boys, I go very high, hot and a helluva lot.” As Nurse Rachel speaks, Roger feels a gloved finger pressed well into his rectum. She not only inserts a suppository, but uses the invasion to also check his prostate gland. Her digit most embarrassingly wriggles about, lingering for longer than medically necessary. Roger blushes. All intimacy will be obliterated he realizes. The woman owns his body. “Okay, roll back supine.” The finger gratefully retreats and Roger complies. Then comes an order to roll to his right. The gloves are discarded and Roger feels more of his flesh undergoing close scrutiny. “Roll supine again. Let me know when you need to evacuate.” Roger rolls to lie flat. Embarrassment turns to intense humiliation as a very thorough examination of his p***s and testicles follows. He feels twitches. He begins to engorge. Nurse Rachel is very specific in noting and commenting, heightening his ignominy. “You’re stiffening, Mr. Todd. Since you’re determined to entertain me, would you mind if I called you Roger?”

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