Chapter 2

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*** Long Island Railroad – Penn Station “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the 9:23 local train to Ronkonkoma. All aboard and please show all tickets.” The conductor’s announcement stirs Roger from his reverie. Woodside is a twelve minute ride. He needs to decide. The underlying agreement of his commuted sentence mandates he stay in New York City... more specifically either at work, night cleaning in a large midtown office building, or within a half mile of his seedy apartment in Queens... allowances given for travel in between. To violate the mandate means a return to Sing Sing, there to serve the remainder of his sentence – six years. *** Visit Number One – Continued “We term this the loop, Roger. Certain males tumefy with the humiliation of being forcefully exposed to a woman. Then in hardening for me there comes more humiliation…which brings more stiffness.” Her words are pedantic, matter-of-factly offered. Her close presence is noted when a finger dances along the underside of Roger’s standing manhood. Roger feels himself involuntarily waggle with the intense but teasing pleasure. “But we need to take this one step at a time.” With that, the fluttering finger retreats and Roger’s cerebral cortex becomes flooded with pain. A full open handed smack to the tip of his erection brings both a whooshing cry, emptying his lungs, and sudden flaccidity. “You’ll get hard when I want you hard, Roger. Obedience, remember.” Roger feels the hands move to his legs. Foam rubber encircles each thigh. Then the ankles are likewise wrapped. “Posey cuffs. Foam lined nylon. Safe, comfortable, completely ineluctable. Don’t bother resisting. I’ve restrained even the most belligerent of patients. Many years in an asylum for the criminally insane... nasty boys with whom you cannot reason. So I kept them all well secured.” In being blindfolded, the sensory input of sound and touch overwhelm. The bowels of an otherwise speechless Roger begin to constrict. The mission of the suppository begins. As Roger hears the clicks of metal clips he humbly summons the expected words. “Nurse Rachel, I have to go.” “Yes, of course you do. And right in front of me. Embarrassing is it not? Lift your legs and hold for me.” As Roger feels a firm grip about his knee, he dutifully tightens his anus to hold. The hands lift. He has little choice but to assist, contracting leg and stomach muscles to bring his right leg high in the air. More clicks. His leg becomes immobile. Thigh band and ankle cuff have been attached to something, presumably the cables hanging from the wall above. The left leg is lifted and similarly attached. His thighs are well parted. He can only imagine the vulnerability offered by the position in which he is restrained. Then Roger feels the table shift about. Beneath his buttocks the surface falls partially away. His lower back remains on the table but he feels his testicles dangle. “There now. Better access to where I’ll need to work.” Roger is amazed to feel the crisp starched cloth of Nurse Rachel’s uniform graze the back of his upturned thighs. She stands close! Then he feels a hand gently cup his scrotum and lift. Intimate indeed. “Go ahead and empty yourself. I’m holding a basin under your anus.” For the first time Roger is glad to be deprived of sight, somewhat easing the degrading procedure of moving his bowels with the assistance of the nurse. Still, he can no longer fight the suppository. He feels his sphincter yield and his heart pound with the shame of performing such a humbling deed with feminine assistance. “Good boy. And a urine sample please.” Roger feels a directing hand insert the tip of his p***s into a receptacle. Though awkward, his bladder releases along with the emptying of his bowels. “Very good. No bladder shyness for you. Now just a little cleaning rinse.” More debasement. Roger feels a narrow tube inserted into his rectum. Warm liquid slowly flows. “Just what we term a spritz enema. A few ounces of soapy water. It cleanses and makes your sphincter more receptive for me. Hold.” No need for the command. A finger is inserted after the tube is slid away. It again wriggles about for a moment, heightening Roger’s embarrassment, then it too slips out. “And release.” The many ounces of soapiness join his waste in the basin. “Good boy.” *** East River Railroad Tunnel “Tickets.” The conductor approaches. It is decision time. Roger’s ticket is for Woodside, the very next stop. In recalling the mental trauma of being bound and forced to defecate for the commanding nurse, so meekly giving up a urine sample as well, once again there come the many conflicting thoughts and feelings. And overall, a need to understand. Who really is Nurse Rachel? And why did she seem to take such glee in the many demeaning encounters? “I’ll need to continue on to Farmingdale,” the decision made while offering his Woodside ticket. The conductor pauses and retrieves his fare book. “Woodside to Farmingdale. There will be a surcharge for purchasing on the train.” *** Visit Number One – Continued “All nice and clean,” Nurse Rachel announces as Roger feels himself wiped like an infant. The rubber soled shoes squeak. There comes the sound of rattling as something is rolled to his left side. “I like to think of myself as a young maiden milking a cow. Every day the dairy cow needs to lactate. Failure to be relieved of the building essence can become quite uncomfortable.” A hand once again palms and lifts Roger’s scrotal sac to provide access to his rectum. A finger offers lubrication, freely penetrating the somewhat dilated anus, and methodically rotates about to ensure uniform slipperiness. Roger senses himself blushing as there seems to be no haste or circumspection about visiting there. “And so it is with you males. A constant need to be relieved of building essence.” The finger retreats. Roger feels something else greet the entrance to his portal. It is hard. Metallic or very firm plastic. It presses. Nurse Rachel’s fingers deftly push, slowly forcing the purse string muscles to stretch and yield. Roger feels his rectum open. He groans. “Yes, take it like a big boy for Nurse Rachel. Just relax. Inch after inch, Nurse Rachel always gets it in.” It is sizeable. Round and smooth but large. “The probes come in numerous sizes, Roger. But I always like my boys taking the biggest. Makes it quite hard to reject. Yes, you’ll take it and then wait for your Nurse Rachel to help you remove it. Just bear a little discomfort for me. You’ll feel better in the end.” Roger groans again as the firm fingers steadily press and the probe slowly slides inward. Finally, the invading circumference tapers and the natural tensioning of the sphincter pulls the entire probe well within his lower colon. “Swallowed it up like a big hot dog. Very good,” Nurse Rachel coos as if encouraging a child. Connected to the probe is something thin and flexible which exits the sensitive anus. Roger feels a testing tug on whatever emanates from his rectum, seemingly to assure that the probe is inserted to stay. With the pressure on the prostate gland, Roger senses himself engorging. Nurse Rachel also notes. “And it is now that you can get nice and stiff for your Nurse Rachel. Go ahead... let it blossom. Get nice and hard for me.” With that, Roger is amazed to feel both hands take his swelling manhood. One hand palms the overly sensitive underside and remains motionless. The other begins a steady patting. Not painful, but instead as one would pat a child’s bottom, or back to burp after feeding, just open handed gentle slaps to the very tip of the p***s. The action brings a brisance of feelings, greatly awakening Roger’s nerve center and making him acutely aware that a woman has taken control of his organ. Pat, pat, pat. The motion is most mechanical and forces circulation to flow to the penis... whether or not Roger desires it to firm. “Oh yes. Here it comes. The nice hard on that Nurse Rachel wants.” Pat, pat, pat. “Yes, all my boys become nice and stiff for me whenever I want. Nurse Rachel knows exactly what you nasty boys most enjoy. You all so much like to show off and perform for a governing woman.” Yes, erection comes. But Nurse Rachel holds it at quite the awkward angle, pointing straight away from his face and head. With legs raised, the discomfort is greatly enhanced. Roger groans yet his manhood unwillingly continues to harden... and the angle is not to be relieved. Pat, pat, pat. There is light laughter. “m*********d many boys in the asylum over the years. Not exactly within institutional protocol, but when you have a young unruly male, well restrained in his many Posey cuffs and straps, he’s easily tamed and controlled with a nice long and slow hand job. I could stroke a boy for nearly an hour, completely diverting his attention from whatever nasty deeds he would be conjuring. And in the end, when I decided the boy was well calmed and I wanted him to ejaculate, I could make him explode like a cannon.” Pat, pat, pat. “Offers a governing nurse quite the level of control. The boys would beg rather than curse and yell and carry on.” Pat, pat, pat. Roger squirms. His bonds are amazingly secure, yet so comfortable. Institutional bondage. So thorough, so easily employed. He has no choice but to lie supine, legs high and well parted while this unknown and unseen woman has her way. “Yes, stay quiet. Be obedient for your Nurse Rachel and she’ll make your little pee pee squirt like a fire hose.” Pat, pat, pat. “Well Roger, you are a good boy for your Nurse Rachel. You should see how nice and firm you’ve gotten for me.” Pat, pat, pat. “Please, Nurse Rachel, let it stand.” Pat, pat, pat. “Oh no. That’s for me to decide. I like it pointing at me.” Pat, pat, pat. “Now, just like the dairy cow, I think you need to be relieved of all this nasty essence. In departing with spunk, there comes a lowering of the testosterone levels... that wicked male hormone that drives you boys to engage in such evil deeds.” Pat, pat, pat. “But to do that you must ejaculate. And that brings pleasure, which psychologically augments the curious sense of male superiority... and induces more buildup... and more evil deeds.” Pat, pat, pat. “Such as having s*x with underage girls... statutory rape.” Pat, pat, pat. “Or furtively m**********g, only in your case not so furtive,” she snorts. Pat, pat, pat. “So psychologically you affiliate s****l climax with doing bad things. More bad deeds, more pleasurable ejaculation. Our little program is designed to keep you well drained of spunk. Disavow you of the notion that ejaculation equals pleasure. Pat, pat, pat. “I’m going to milk you of sperm several times per week.” Pat, pat, pat. “If that’s not enough, we can go to daily milkings. But your behavior will be modified.” Pat, pat, pat. “Okay. A little rest for you while I prepare your penis.” There come final pats. Yet, the angle is not relieved. One hand holds firmly. “Now just hold your erection for me while I prepare you for ejaculation. A Texas catheter, modified for our program.” Roger lurches as a small tube inserted into his penile opening. It burns and gratefully only slides in less than an inch. Then he hears the squeaks and snapping of rubber as his engorged p***s tip is enshrouded in latex, a very abbreviated condom. “A little collection tube. The catheter connects to a sample bag. We’re going to measure and evaluate everything I extract from you, Roger.” “Please, Nurse Rachel, straighten my p***s and let me come!” “Amazing how all you boys grovel, almost all the same words...” Roger hears some switches flipped. An electrical device to his left begins to hum. “Now your Nurse Rachel so much enjoys this, Roger. Termed electro ejaculation. First developed to extract sperm from breeding livestock. Later adapted for human use on paraplegic males desiring to sire children. For them the procedure is offered under anesthesia. But for our program, we want you to psychologically associate ejaculation with pain.” Nurse Rachel laughs. “For you, a nice jolt of forty volts will cause your ejaculatory muscles to involuntarily contract and you will drain for me. But we don’t cease after one charge. We take our time and jolt you again and again. Poor p***s and prostate,” Nurse Rachel lugubriously offers with a cackle. “And I like to hold a boy’s organs while I force him to perform. That’s why I use the timer. I can feel as you spasm in pain and watch as you shoot. Just think, Roger, something you so much want to do, spend for me and bring pleasure to yourself will hurt instead. It’s delicious.”
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