Chapter Seven

1525 Words
Owen’s POV “Mate is hurting. We are hurting mate. Make it right Owen. Tell her we love her!” Darren screamed in my head. “I’ve got it. Give me a minute. I don’t want to make it worse.” I told him and pushed him to the back of my mind as I casually removed my hands from Syds. I lightly laughed. “No, not at all. She is excited because I told her that I would be looking for an apartment in the area and she had volunteered you both to help me. I hope you don’t have plans that I’m ruining.” “Oh.” Was all Ally said as she contemplated my words. Just then the waitress approached our table with the food that the girls had ordered. It smelled so good. “Good morning sir. Have you had a chance to look at the menu? Can I get you anything? Anything at all?” She asked as her eyes roamed up and down my body. I looked down at both of the plates in front of me acting oblivious to her flirtatious tone. “I will have what my beautiful new friend here ordered. Except I’ll take double her bacon and a double order of sausage. Can I please get a coffee with lots of cream and when you have a chance can you please freshen up their coffees as well?” I asked with a smile. The waitress smiled as she scribbled down my order in her pad and hurried off. I turned my attention to Ally who was sitting with a slight smile on her face. I pushed her plate towards her and winked. “Eat up beautiful. If we are going to go apartment hunting you will need your energy.” I was pleased when she fully smiled and started to eat her breakfast. While the girls were digging in, I took advantage of the opportunity to make my relationship with Syd even clearer. “So I don’t know how much Syd has told you but our families are close. She has now become the annoying little sister that I never knew I wanted. She told me a little about you Ally and I was excited to meet you.” “Yes, brotherly love and the attention back on her! I want to tell Mate hello. When can we shift?” I mentally groaned and pushed him back and put my mental wall back up. I share his excitement but his enthusiasm is distracting. Ally was now blushing. She is so beautiful. I don’t care what it looks like but the first apartment she says she loves will be the one I pick. Maybe if we can get the apartment settled early we can do some shopping and I would be able to spend more time with her. Maybe even ask her out. “If I would have known how beautiful you are, I would have joined you for your hike this morning too.” As soon as the words left my mouth, both girls stopped eating. I felt a nervous energy come from Syd but I could smell the fear rolling off of Ally. She shook her head as if she was trying to shake away a bad memory. If I was in my wolf form, my hackles would have risen at the feeling of my mate in distress. I looked to Syd to see if she would fill me in on what happened. “We wish you would have been there. The scariest thing happened. I stopped to retie my shoe laces and when I caught up with Ally a Huge wolf was nuzzling her. It growled at her then ran away and then we ran out of the forest. I’ve never been so scared in my entire life. He was big and grey. I think he might have licked her. I don’t know. But we weren’t going to stick around to find out.” Ally simply nodded her head in agreement with Syd but I was trying to calm myself down. I bet it was that bastard Mike. If he was scenting her, I would kill him. I couldn’t smell him on her because of all the smells in the café. If he did scent her, I would have to find a reason to hug her so that she would smell of me and not him. Darren was screaming curses in my head and I was having difficulties keeping him in check. The last thing I needed was to lose control in front of her and the other humans in the café. I needed to get a hold of myself. I almost left the table but when I was about to excuse myself I noticed Ally staring at me. She reached over and put her hand on mine as to calm me down. She was comforting me when she was the one who had the terrifying experience. He touch had an immediate affect and Darren curled up in a ball in the corner of my mind. “She will make a perfect Luna” he said. I squeezed her hand gently as she pulled it back and returned to eating. “That must have been terrifying. I am available any morning if either of you ever want to go for another hike. Please don’t hesitate to ask but I don’t think going alone is an option. Who knows if you might have wandered into their territory by accident. Regardless, I’m glad you both are ok. Almost as glad as I am that my food is finally here. Yours smelled so delicious I was just about to beg you for a bite!” I said trying to break the tension at the table. It worked as they both laughed as the waitress set down the three loaded plates in front of me. She topped off all of the drinks and asked if there was anything else she could do for me. I wasn’t about to entertain the disrespect she was showing both of the ladies at the table so I looked to them to see if they needed anything. Ally arched one of her eyebrows at her and huffed. “We are good thank you.” She said sternly. “That’s right baby. Stake your claim! We are yours and only yours” Darren chuckled. The waitress looked at Ally and nodded and almost ran away from our table. I normally would have growled or pushed my alpha aura towards her as a warning but I couldn’t do either with Ally so close by. I had to be especially careful now that the mating pull has begun. Before the next full moon, her wolf would start to emerge. I didn’t want to be the reason it happened before she was ready. We continued to eat and both girls started to open up and Ally visibly relaxed. They talked about how they were enjoying school. “Are you taking any classes?” Ally asked. It was the first question she directly solely to me. “I just decided to stay in this area a couple of days ago but I was considering enrolling. I checked out the website and late registration goes until the end of next week. I might take a few of the basics to get them out of the way.” I said it casually hoping that she would encourage my enrollment. I would do anything to possibly spend more time with her. “You should! As you said you aren’t working so there is no conflict. Syd and I are taking basics too. I don’t think our classes are full yet. It would be awesome if you could get into our classes. I think the three of us would have fun and be awesome study buddies.” She said enthusiastically. “Well then that is settled. I will go first thing in the morning to register. You might have to help me catch up on anything I missed in the first week.” I told her with a wink. Instead of blushing and looking away she grinned widely. I was about to suggest that she give me her phone number so that I could get her schedule later when the waitress came back to the table. I paid the bill and thanked both girls for a wonderful breakfast. By this point, I could tell that Ally was comfortable with me and was now openly talking and asking her own questions. I was pleased there were no awkward silences between us. It seemed as though the three of us were old friends. I couldn’t ask for a better mate. I knew for whatever reason the Moon Goddess gave me an extra blessing with my dark haired beauty. After I signed and tipped the waitress, I let the girls know that I would be a few minutes as I ran to get my car to go Apartment hunting. I was literally going to run the two blocks to get my car. I didn’t want to keep my mate waiting. Last edited on 1/31/22
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