Chapter Six

1306 Words
Ally’s POV You know that moment in movies when the girl locks eyes with the guy? They say time stands still and all you can hear is your heartbeat? Yeah it didn’t happen like that for me. I locked eyes with one of the hottest guys I have ever seen and in a second every insecurity I have ever felt flooded to the surface. I realized my hair was a mess, I was sweaty, I was in a tank top and sweats and I had no makeup on. I’ve never felt so ugly in my life. I returned his smile and immediately found my coffee cup fascinating. What is wrong with me? I was hoping that when I looked back up he would be gone and I would have imagined him but when I looked up he was being pulled down into the booth across from me by Syd. “I’m so glad you could make it.” She said to him. This must be the new friend she said she made. She never mentioned that he was drop dead gorgeous. But really what should I expect. Syd looked like a freaking super model. They looked cute together. She seemed really excited that he was there. I decided that I was going to be happy for her and be the type of best friend that she deserves. Even if the thought of them together was physically making my chest ache. I shook it off and was about trying to think of something funny to say when I noticed his outstretched hand. Wait! What did I miss? “I’m Owen. Nice to meet you.” He said again. “I’m so sorry. I’m Ally. Syd’s roommate and best friend.” I said as I reached for his hand. When I made contact, it felt like a million pleasurable ants were crawling up my arm. Even though it felt good it startled me and I immediately pulled my hand back. What is happening to me? “Girl get a grip before everyone starts to think you are nuts.” Oh great. Now I’m hearing voices in my head. I need to get myself together. I stood up quickly and excused myself. “Will you two please excuse me? I’m going to run to the restroom real quick.” Owen’s POV I spotted Syd as soon as I entered the Café. She glanced my way, smiled and waved me over. I could tell that the café was full of wolves with some humans mixed in. The atmosphere was cheerful and the place smelled amazing. I was so used to eating fast food or in my hotel that I became excited to sit down and be served a real meal. I got to the booth and smiled down at Syd and then looked across from her to say hello to her friend. It was none other than the dark haired beauty from the gym. “MATE! MATE! MATE! “ Darren was yelling in my head. I could see him wagging his tail like an excited puppy and running around in circles. I have never experienced this level of excitement. It had me momentarily distracted and I realized I was just standing there smiling at her. Just as suddenly Syd grabbed my arm and pulled me down into the seat next to her. Darren growled in my head. “Get her hands off of us! She is not our mate. Sit by mate!” he yelled. “Calm down. She doesn’t know we are mates and we know she doesn’t see us like that. If we sat next to our mate it would be weird. Let me just introduce myself like a normal human.” I told him. “Hi I’m Owen. Nice to meet you.” I said and extended my hand. After a moment she looked up and I realized that she must not have heard me so I repeated myself. “Hi I’m Owen. Nice to meet you.” “And I’m Darren! I’ve been waiting for you my whole life. I can’t wait to run with you and mark you!” She said, “I’m so sorry. I’m Ally. Syd’s roommate and best friend.” When she shook my hand I immediately felt the mate bond tingles and electricity. She immediately pulled her hand away and I felt like a piece of my heart was snatched away. She stood up abruptly, excused herself and practically ran away from the table. I stared after her for a moment before two snapping fingers in front of my face brought me out of it. Syd was trying to get my attention. “What the hell Owen? What is going on?” She asked. I took a deep breath in and exhaled. “She is my mate.” I said as calmly as possible. Syd looked as shocked as I felt and just stared at me for a moment. Then a huge grin spread across her face. “Do you know what this means?” “Yes, that she is my mate and we will definitely have to find a way to tell her about werewolves and other supernatural beings.” I said. “No Owen. You are forgetting the obvious. She is mated to an Alpha. Don’t you remember our history?” I stared at her, frustrated that she is speaking as though I’m missing something and isn’t getting to the point. I thought for a moment and was still coming up blank. “Why are men so dense? You only remember things that are convenient. Only wolves can be mated to an Alpha.” If this was a cartoon my eyes would have shot out of my head when the realization hit me. Only wolves can be mated to an Alpha. “That means she is…” “A wolf” Syd finished. My mate was beautiful and sexy but she had no idea just how important she just became to me and how my world now revolved around her. I know she felt the sparks because she pulled her hand back so suddenly. But she was a human who had no idea our kind even existed. It is one thing to explain our world to a human but it is quite another to explain this world, the mate pull and break the news that you are part wolf to someone. “She has no idea and you can’t just stake your claim on her and not expect her to freak out. I’m happy for you both but if you don’t want to lose her, you need to take this slow. There is so much that you need to know about her past. She has no idea where she comes from or who she really is because she grew up in foster care.” I shook my head in understanding. I wanted to know all about her and I wanted to share everything about me with her but Syd was right. I needed to take this slow. My first item of business was to make sure she knew that there was nothing but friendship between me and Syd. Although she is obviously beautiful there was no attraction between either of us. I didn’t want to delay or complicate anything with an unnecessary misunderstanding. Syd was bouncing in her seat and grabbed my hand. “I’m so excited. I knew there was a reason I was drawn to her. But we need to tell her soon.” Before I could respond Ally sat back down across from us. “Am I her? Are you going to tell me you two are dating?” she asked. If I wasn’t mistaken I heard her voice c***k a little as she stared at Syd’s hand in mine. Last edited on 1/31/22
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