Chapter 5

1709 Words
I woke with a start. The sense of dread hung so heavy in the air that I almost choked on it. Looking around my room nothing was out of place. It was dark and quiet. There were no signs of anyone trying to get in, no sign of what woke me up. Sighing I swung my legs over the edge of my bed knowing I wouldn’t sleep any more tonight. Maybe the sense of dread was because my mother had been back for 3 days and still hadn’t sent for me. I knew she was going to punish me but not knowing when it was going to happen was driving me and my guards insane. “She is doing it on purpose.” I mutter to myself bitterly as I swept back my unruly hair. I looked at the clock, 3am. It was early but Lyonel was always up for keeping me company. ‘Lyonel’ I mind linked as I headed towards the bathroom. By the time I was done in the bathroom he still hadn’t answered and I furrowed my brow. He could be asleep but he always answered back even if it was a unintelligible moan. ‘Lyonel’ I sent again this time with more force in case he was blocking for some reason but there was still no reply. ‘Ryan’ I tried next but there was nothing but silence. Fear froze me in the middle of the room. Did my mother kill my guards? Did she know I cared for a couple of them more than I should? What of my brothers? ‘Guards’ I sent out aggressively using my Luna power to try to break through whatever was blocking me and hoping it wasn’t death. but I still got nothing back. “f**k!” I yelled as I ran towards the door only to be shocked when it swung open and the two guards who were outside rushed into the room ready to attack. “What's wrong? Why did you yell.” The guard named Marcus asked as he looked around the room ready to fight. “I’ve tried mind linking everyone and no one is answering.” I said relieved to see at least two guards alive. The other guard who was new and I was sure was a spy for my mother wrinkled his brow as he tried to mind link the guards. His face screwed up when he didn’t get a reply and he looked at Marcus nervously. Marcus quickly went to the door and looked down the hall before coming in and locking the door. “What can null a mind link besides death and wolfsbane?” I asked as I looked between them hoping someone knew what was going on. “ I thought only death could stop it but since we are alive there has to be something or someone actively blocking it.” Marcus growled as he paced the room. “We need to find out where the rest of the guards are.” I said as I stepped in front up of him stopping his pacing. He nodded as he looked over at the new guard and then back to me. “You stay here. Protect her with your life. Do not let anyone in but her guards.” He grounded out to the new guard before he headed to the door. “What about Luna Regina?” the new guard asked looking between us. “Especially not Luna Regina.” I answered as I watched Marcus open the door and peek out to the hall. He turned back to us before giving a wink and stepping into the hall. The new guard quickly closed the door locking it, then pulled a dresser in front of it. It wouldn’t hold off a attack for long but it would give us a chance to come up with something. “What’s your name?” I asked as I went over to the fireplace. “Drake, Lady Danika.” He answered politely as he took his spot by the door. “well Drake it looks like it is going to be a interesting night.” I sighed as I flicked my wrist lighting the fireplace with my power. His eyes widened as he looked at the fire then to me. “You have powers?’ He asked softly as he looked at me almost reverently. Only a certain number of the guards knew I had powers and even fewer knew how many, Lyonel and my brothers were the only ones that knew the full truth of why I hid them. “Yes for years. If we live through tonight I will tell why I kept them hidden.” I answered as I headed into my closet. Changing out of my pajamas I quickly put on some leggings, a sports bra, and a black long sleeve tee. Grabbing a backpack I stuffed a couple changes of clothes, all my money I had on me, and anything I would be able to sell. Something inside me was telling me I was going to be on the run for awhile. By the time I came out Drake was fidgeting by the door while his eyes were trained on the window which was no longer dark but lit up like the entire kingdom was on fire. Rushing to the window i looked out onto the small courtyard down below. Flames filled the courtyard below but it was not a normal fire. It moved like a snake, winding its way forward, striking, then retreating back. “Aries.” I whispered as I tried to catch sight of my brother but the smoke from the fire was distorting my view. Screams floated up from the floor below us and I knew we were under attack and on the losing side of it. Who would attack us? I wondered as I set my backpack by the door The Goddess Moon pack had never been invaded since it was founded, we were to powerful for anyone to test us. We had been in many wars over the years to help packs we were alliance with and we had never lost one yet but we were not prepared for this. We never knew what it felt like to lose but I had a feeling we were going to find out soon enough. “Someone is coming.” Drake growled as his finger elongated to claws and he braced himself by the door. I closed my eyes as I check my powers. The elemental ones would last the longest since I had had them the longest and had time to work up my storage. The power I had the would help us the most was my newest and I would be lucky if I could use it once maybe twice, but I wasn’t great at controlling it. There was a possibility I could hit someone on my side with it. I could hear footsteps racing down the hall and I looked down at my hands calling on my power of fire. Soon my hands were engulfed in flames ready to be slung at my enemies. “Dani!” Lyonel panicked voice growled through the door and I let my breath out as I pulled the fire back in and nodded to Drake to open the door. He quickly moved everything from the door and unlocked the door. He had barley turned the lock when Lyonel busted through the door his wild blue eyes searching the room before the fell on me. I didn’t have time to brace myself before he crossed the room and I found myself crushed against his chest. “What’s happening?” I tried to ask but it came out muffled into his chest. “They attacked the guard quarters first, then the Luna quarters. They have a witch or something blocking the mind link.” Ryans voice came behind me and he pulled me from Lyonels crushing grip ignoring Lyonels growl as he wrapped me in a less oxygen depriving hold. I looked up at his face and gasped. He was covered in blood with several wounds that were healing. “Are you ok?” I cried as I reached up but he grabbed my hands giving me a tight smile and I looked back at Lyonel. I couldn't see any wounds on him but he was also covered in blood. “They took us by surprise.” Lyonel said as he took a minute to catch his breath “We lost about half of your guard and all of the queens guard that was there.” He ran his hand nervously through his hair grimacing at the blood that was in it. “Did you see who is leading this?” I asked as I reached down to grab my bag. “No, all we have come across are rogues but rogues are never this organized and going against the Goddess Moon pack isn’t like them.” I nodded as I put on my hoodie tucking my very distinguishable hair into it. “We need to get to my mother if she is still alive.” even as those words left my mouth I couldn’t believe that my mother was dead, she was the strongest warrior and had her powers honed to a sharp edge. “Are your sure?” Lyonel asked as he looked down at me. I knew he was worried for me around my mother but right now we needed her no matter how I felt about her personally. “We also need to find my brothers. I know I saw Aries powers outside so they may still be alive.” Several of the guards nodded and they started to talk among themselves coming up with a plan. “Ryan, you are on Dani duty. She never leaves your sight. If we get seperated head to old town we will meet up there.” Lyonel said as he organized my remaining guard. Once everyone knew the plan and where we were going we huddled by the door as Lyonel looked out and down the hall. “OK everyone try not to die.” He said as he lead us out into the hall.
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