Chapter 6

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Once we were all out in the hall it felt like we were sardines in a can with how pack in we were. Thankfully I was short enough I was under the shoulders of my guards but I was still getting bumped by elbows and bodies even though Ryan kept pushing everyone away. Thankfully there were no enemies here yet and we headed to the stairway. I shuffled walk in the middle of the group unable to see anything but the guards and the floor. We ran into our first enemy shifter in the stairwell, his growl reverberating off the walls as he came at Lyonel. I couldn't see what happened but it was over before it began because we were moving again. I tried not to look at the dead body on the stairs as Ryan helped me step over it but I looked down and froze at the lifeless eyes staring back at me. "Don't look Dani, it's better that way. If your don't stare into their eyes they can't haunt you at night." Ryan whispered in my ear as he pulled me down the stairs. I let out a shaky breath as I tried to blink away the image of his eyes but I knew they were seared into my soul now. Lyonel ran into a couple more enemy shifters but he dispatched them so quickly none of the other guards had to help. I had gotten good at stepping over the bodies without looking down, I didn't want any other eyes haunting my sleep. "s**t" Lyonels voice growled ahead of me and everyone came to a stop as unease rippled through the guards. Ryan tried to hold me back but I slipped away and through the guards as he struggled to move them out of his way. Ryan cursed behind me as I came beside Lyonel who was at the bottom of the stairs looking into the throne room. My eyes widened at the scene in front of me. Bodies of the Luna guard were strone across the floor, blood everywhere and thirty enemy shifters were staring right at us. "What do you want to do?" Lyonel asked as he measured up the shifters in front of us and by the look on his face he was unimpressed. "There isn't a way to fight through them without losing some of our own and we will be trapped if we retreat up the stairs." I sighed as some of the enemy shifters in wolf form started to move towards us. Most of the shifters in front of us were rogue shifters. I could tell from the red eyes, scruffy appearance and the almost rotten garbage smell they were immetting. Not all rogues looked like these, no, a lot of rogues lived their lives peacefully away from pack life content to be alone, they didn't change like this. Rogues like this have gone almost feral since they are shifters and pack life is a big part of that, these rogues couldn't handle not being in a pack. I noted some different looking wolves among them and knew that those ones had a pack and if we could interrogate one of them we could find out who was behind this and why. "Make sure everyone stays behind me. Once I give the command, dispatch them quickly I don't know how long I can hold it, try to keep one of the pack wolves alive." I say as I step forward away from the safety of my guards. I could hear Lyonel snapping out orders as I stepped into the throne room looking at the destruction around me. I couldn't help but feel that the blood was a improvement to they gaudiness of the throne room. As I stepped forward several of the enemy shifters started coming forward barking out orders that I was meant to be captured and not harmed. Unfortunately for them I was going to harm to them. Closing my eyes I reached into myself where the power that I wanted to use was. "Freeze." My voice boomed out of me echoing through the throne room. In front of me all the shifters stopped moving, some falling over because of the momentum they were coming at me. It would have been comical if it wasn't a life or death situation. The power I used, command, was the most sought out power that only the first Luna of the Goddess Moon pack had. It worked like the Alpha command but more powerful , a broader range and it could work on anyone. Unfortunately it took a lot of power and I felt my legs start to give out under me. "Kill them but leave one of the pack wolves alive." I managed before I knelt of the bloody floor trying to regain some power. My guards didn't waste time and were very efficient, soon all the enemy guards were dead except for one that Lyonel moved in front of me. I looked up at the enemy shifter who was still frozen his eyes the only thing that could move and right now they were darting around the throne room nervously. I struggled to my feet waving Ryan away when he tried to help. I needed to look strong right now even though I was anything but. "Release" I breathed at the shifter and soon he was struggling against Lyonel trying to get away, Lyonel grunted when the shifter hit him with his elbow but held strong and pushed him against the wall. "They said you didn't have powers." He cried as he looked at me nervously, then to my guards. "Who said?" I asked sweetly as I stepped up to him hoping he would see me as nothing more than a little girl that needed her guards to protect her. His jaw tightened as he looked down at me with destain which didn't surprise me. Shifters were a little behind on the times and most thought women were nothing more than pretty playthings. Many packs had a hard time with a Luna leading the Goddess Moon pack just no one had the balls to do anything about it till now. "What pack are you from?" I ask as I step closer and I watched Lyonel strengthen his hold ready to kill the shifter if he moves towards me. "f**k you, you may have some powers but it is to late for you." He snarled at me before spitting on me. Lyonel knocked him down with a hard punch to the face as I wiped the spit from my cheek. "Lyonel." I say as he is about to beat the shifter to death. He snarls as he pulls the shifter up again and slams him back into the wall. "So here is how this is going to go. You are going to die tonight. Now you can answer my question and you will die quickly or we will get the information we need from you anyways and you will suffer." I say as I step forward again and I could tell he didn't think I was serious or he thought he could take the torture. "You and your mother are nothing but f*****g cunts who stepped way above your station for far to long." "Fine." I shrugged as I looked at Lyonel. The shifter braced himself waiting for a hit that never came as Lyonel stepped away from him but close enough to grab him if he tried to run. "Just remember I tried to give you a quick death." I say as I reach out my hand and tap into a another power. Telekinesis powers were a common power for my line to get though the last two Lunas didn't have it, there was a lot of research and training in books about it so I knew this power well. I closed my eyes imagining his intestines before wrapping my power around it and giving a very small twist. The look on his face as he felt his intestines shift was priceless and he started sweating. "Now what pack are you with?" I asked again giving a little squeeze to emphasis my words. "They will kill me if I tell you." He gritted out as blood started to dribble out his mouth. "What do you think I am going to do?" I asked the moron in front of me "I already told you your not making it out of here alive." Several of my guards gave a dark chuckle as they watched the shifter. I twisted my hand again and I could see his abdomen move as I rearranged his intestines. He screamed and I tried not to wince. I had never tried to hurt anyone purposefully before and it was starting to get to me. My eyes flickered to Lyonels who was looking at me with no judgement in his eyes just pride as he watched me use my powers and it helped strengthen my resolve that I was doing the right thing. "Ok ok ok." he shrieked and I loosened my hold. He slumped over as blood started to pour out his mouth and I hoped I didn't kill him before he could tell me who was doing this. "I am from the Blue Moon pack. Alpha Craig wants you for his son and he knew your mother wouldn't give him a chance. So he decided to take it." He muttered as he slumped down. Anger raged at me as I looked down at the man in front of me. The Blue Moon pack? All this death and destruction was because a Alpha couldn't take rejection? He was just here a week ago and my mother just sent out the invites for the three she chose do he wouldn't have known yet that his son wasn't picked. No, he had had this planned well before he had come to our pack. I growled as I stepped forward grabbing the mans chin so he would look up at me while my guards surged forward a little bit ready if the shifter tried anything. "Thank you." I said softly before letting go of his chin and stepping back. I raised my hand as the shifter looked at me dread filling his eyes. "No pleas..." his words were cut off as my power wrapped around his intestines and pulled. He screamed as his intestines burst through his skin splattering onto the floor as he slumped forward dead. "We need to get to my mother room." I said numbly as I looked down at the dead man on the floor. Turning to my guards I quickly studied their faces to see if anyone was going to dissent from what I did. They stared at me but it wasn't in horror or disgust but with awe. I gave a everyone a nod and started to head to the doors that lead to my mother suite.
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