The walk back to his office was a sobering one.”Here I was hopelessly...hopeless without...her. Did she want to wait 14 days because she figured I would forget about her?” Cofer angrily muttered to himself.
“I've had these dreams. I've been unable to sleep on occasions. Unable to work. Unable to find the purpose I once had a firm grip of. All in the name of my lilac.
I don't like this feeling, one bit!" he scolded himself.
After finally making it back to his office, he sat at his desk, rubbing his fingers through his hair, massaging his temples. The silence between Josey and him was great. [I can't believe I agreed to this]
Cofer immersed himself in his work, diligently reviewing blood samples and results. His commitment to his people could not waver. [But Josey.] She did have her own life. He didn't know much about her. He only knew how he felt in her presence. He realized he could only imagine how their conversations would be. He could only imagine what they would talk about. But he so greatly wanted to make those desires real.
Cofer had been around for a long time. He had seen everything there was to see. This world was just one large bacteria filled petri dish, with a large variety of parasites. His race being the dominant parasite. [Ahhh...]
Cofer leaned back in his chair and gazed up at the ceiling. [Why am I despairing?]
Unable to see past his hunger, he packed up and headed home. The drive was long, at least that's the way it seemed. Cofer could barely concentrate on the road. “The night is the only time the sky is clear. I don't even think most people notice though." The people had grown accustomed to darkness. Other countries avoided coming to Nethersigh, under the pretense that it was cursed. Something the people of Nethersigh didn't know. While they lived their rich snobby lives, people outside of Nethersigh, viewed them as the cursed ones.
Cofer chuckled to himself. “I truly despise these people”. He had always harbored a deep longing to burn the city to the ground. He chuckled again. One human though had made him want to stay connected to that rotten place.
With the moon at full glow behind his manor, Cofer was greeted at the entrance by Lincoln and a handful of servants.
"Sire." They spoke as one.
Lincoln followed behind Cofer, awaiting for his command. [I really just need someone to talk to. Lincoln?]
"Lincoln, come with me to my study. " He said in full stride. Cofer signaled towards one of the servants to bring his meal.
Once in his study. He pulled his thoughts together. [How do I ask about these feelings? Where do I start? I guess, I start from the beginning?]
"Lincoln I need advice." He stated ,as a matter of fact.
"I met this young lady. She's beautiful. She's smart. I can't stop thinking about her. We've only interacted once. Am I losing my mind? "Cofer paused for Lincoln's response.
"Sire may I speak openly"
"Yes you may"
"Your reaction is normal within the realms of causality. That is what is called 'love at first sight'. Usually just seeing her face or hearing her voice for the first time is enough to think you can not exist without having more. "
"But she is a human."
Lincoln gasped and thought deeply about his next words.
"Have you thought about the future of your relationship?"
"I have not per se. I have thought about dates and telling her about who or what I really am." He looked down with his brow furrowed in deep thought. "I didn't take into consideration that she might reject me."
His words made him anxious. [I could lose her. What if she meets someone else and falls in love?]
"What else is bothering you, sire?"
"I felt angry when I saw her hanging out with some nobles after she put me off, now going on 6 days. I must not mean as much to her as she means to me, right?"
"Sire. That feeling is called jealousy. I am sure she had her reasons for saying you all should not interact for a certain amount of time. You shouldn't assume that is the case. You may cause a misunderstanding."
"Thank you Lincoln. I have some things to think on."
As soon as they finished their conversation, Cofer’s meal was being brought in.
"Anything else, Sire?"
"Thank you Lincoln. You are excused."
Cofer only momentarily thought about not being able to have intercourse. His people's thirst for blood increases 200 % when they are intimate. This was a side effect of creating a false blood flow. Creating such a thing allowed their bodies to mimic the warmth of humans. Having a heartbeat also gave their skin some form of color outside of gray. They still remained pale but they lived where there was no true sunlight, so no one would question it. Intimacy was not a problem if the 2 copulating were both vampires. They drank of each other until their desires were fulfilled. The residual from climaxing could last for weeks afterward. In those times most couples scheduled their mating times and then remained within their rooms {breeding ground} for the span of a month at least.
There were currently 40 vampires still in existence.There were thousands living in Nethersigh that took the form of a humans. “Thousands that will come back to me as a vampire, if I so wished for it. Ahhh...whatever...Maybe I am just lonely?" Cofer started to question his attraction to Josey. “I guess that doesn't make sense, considering I have been alone since I was fifty-ish. Will she accept this shell? This immortal soul?" Cofer crawled back to the main topic of his anxiety. [I look like a lunatic blabbering to myself.
I automatically assumed she would accept me as a vampire. I'm a jerk.]
Laying on her bed, Josey’s mind was filled with the events of the day. Mingling and having decent conversations with her new found colleagues was a little overwhelming. The one thing that played back in her mind though, was that she was pretty sure she saw Cofer. “Do I long for him so much that I randomly see him? He was walking away from the best coffee machine on campus. He looked tired and annoyed. He can rest his head in my lap anytime.” She giggled to herself. “His golden eyes looked as if they were filled with melancholy the day we met. I didn't once think "Why is he losing sleep?", "Why is he sad?"... I only thought, “How could I help him rest easy?”.”
Thinking of him made her want to touch herself. She had resisted, feigning that only his touch would calm her heat.
The first step in “How to please your man” was to understand the man’s desires and efficiently fulfill them. Josey had come to the understanding that she knew nothing about Cofer. Nothing relevant for creating a prosperous relationship, anyway. She wanted to know though. She wanted to find little nuggets of knowledge about him that the world didn't know and hide them away in their little pouch of secrets. Josey giggled again and hugged herself. “ Soon. He will be mine.”