Chapter 3: karma

1390 Words
I woke up in Natalie's bed. It was soft and big. She went to school which I skipped today. My head was killing me. I checked my phone. 12:05. Surprisingly I slept well. For a second there the whole incident that happened yesterday had flown out of my head completely.  It all seemed like a dream now. Yet, it happened and I knew it. I felt the unease feeling again as I remembered that guy.  "Anyway, I'll see you again soon." Echoed in my head.  I stretched and got out of the bed. I walked into the sun lit kitchen and found some cereal along with a note on the table. Thinking that it was from Natalie I casually picked it up. Right away I knew something was off. The writing was sloppy and all over the place, almost hard to read. Took me awhile to find out what was written, but once I did my eyes widened.  "N-no..." my heart started beating faster. The note said "hello, (y/n), miss me yet? I just had the most wonderful idea! What if I put a smile on your little friends face. Don't you want to see her smile? You can thank me later!" I gasped. He was here. He could still be. That didn't matter to me now. He was going to hurt Natalie!  I threw on my clothes and headed towards our school as fast as I could. Luckily, it wasn't too far.  Rushing through the hallways I tried to remember what class she was supposed to be in now. Math. Like a crazy man I barged into the classroom making everyone turn their heads to me. The important thing was that she was there. Safe and sound. I let out a deep sigh.  "Excuse me, miss (l/n), just what do you think you're doing?" Our math teacher wasn't exactly the pliable type. She was obviously irritated by my intrusion. "I-I'm sorry... I got the wrong classroom."  "Well, I don't want you interrupting my class like that ever again. Is that understood. I nodded and glanced once more at Natalie who was giving me a questioning look before closing the classroom door.  I can't let anything happen to her. That sick bastard could come up with all kinds of messed up things to do to her. I guess I'll just have to keep a close eye on her from now on.  Leaning to the wall next to the classroom I waited for the class to end. As soon as it did Natalie bursts out of it and turned to me.  "What happened?" She asked.  "O-oh I just..." why can't I just tell her about the creeper. "I felt better all of a sudden and decided to come, but I guess I'm not all that good since I did mix up the classrooms" I laughed nervously.  "Ok..." she didn't seem fully convinced. "You sure you can stay?"  "Yea, I'm sure"  *** The classes ended and thankfully there was no sign of that dude. I felt much better seeing my best friend and making sure she was okay.  After leaving the school we decided to visit my former home and collect the small amount of my stuff that was in there. As we arrived I asked Natalie to stay outside. I didn't want her to experience whatever was ahead.  I walked up the stairs and down the hall. When I finally reached the right door I took a deep breath before knocking twice. It was opened by the step-douche. I frowned. His eyes widened with rage.  "What in the world do you think you're doing?! Where were you, huh?" He harshly grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me inside shutting the door. "Do you have any idea how worried your mother and I were?" My mother was inside observing everything with a worried look.  "Oh stop it, you're both hypocrites" I felt the tears forming in my eyes. "Ever since you married this piece of s**t it's like I didn't even exist anymore! You don't actually care about me. I-" I couldn't finish the sentence as he hit me whilst still holding my wrists tightly. I've had enough.  I freed one of my hands and slapped him. That resulted in my stepdad getting mad furious and pushing me to the wall as hard as he could. The pain went through all of my body as I gasped for air. Hot tears were now running down my cheeks as I looked at my mother, who again, just stood there and didn't do s**t.  "Don't you love me anymore?" I mumbled. My whole body was shaking. She didn't reply. I let out a loud cry.  Meanwhile, her husband grabbed me by my shirt and was about to punch me again, but I kicked him in the balls as hard as I could and as he panted in pain I raised my hand against him, but someone grabbed it. I looked back and my mother slapped me across the face.  I was appalled. It was a norm for my stepdad to do it, but her? This was the one and only time. I gulped. She let go of my hand slowly, realizing what she had just done. I looked straight into her eyes. There was pain in them. I took a step back and without much thought went to my room to pack my stuff.  Before leaving I turned to them. The crazy man was coming for me once more, but for the first time mom stopped him. I took a look into her eyes one last time and left.  As I stepped outside Natalie ran towards me. "(Y/n)! Your cheek. It's bruised. He hit you again, didn't he?" I looked down. "We need to report him or something. This is unacceptable. I mean, how can he hit his own stepdaughter?" She kept on going.  "Natalie, its fine." I said in a firm tone. "I don't care. I'm never going back there anyways. Karma will come for that bastard one day anyway." "But-" "I said it's fine." She sighed. We walked to her house in silence.  Natalie lived in a cottage. I loved her house, it's cozy and generally radiates good vibes. Now just to break it down to her parents that I'll be staying with them and everything's gonna be okay. It has to be. If only I didn't have to worry about that killer ruining it.  As predicted, I was welcome at their house. They even had a guest room for me. We had dinner as a family and that was the first time after a while I felt so welcome.  Before going to bed I remembered the note. I rushed to Natalie's room and asked if I could sleep on a mattress next to her.  She looked at me confused. "Why don't you want to sleep in the guest room?" "I just... have a bad feeling about it" "Okay... of course you can sleep in my room then." She was always so understanding. Like her parents. I really don't know what I'd do without them.  The night went on. Everyone was sound asleep except for me. I was too afraid that if I fell asleep he'll kill Natalie. Eventually, I dozed off too.  5:40 I woke up. Instantly I checked if my friend was okay. She slept peacefully. I sighed in relief.  I made my way to the bathroom where I nearly dropped to my knees. My heart stopped for a second. In the middle to the room we're two heads. One of my stepdad and... one of my mom. They're eyes were glass like and wide in shock. They both had that same smile carved into their faces. The whole floor was stained in their blood and I yelped as I realized I stepped in it.  I screamed and I cried. Yes, I was mad at both of them, but she was still my mom. I never asked for this.  Natalie along with her parents rushed into the room to discover the shocking view. Natalie caught me as I couldn't hold myself up. Her father called the police and her mother covered her mouth in shock.  "W-why are you doing this?" I cried out loud.  "Who is doing this?" Natalie asked. I couldn't manage to respond.  "(Y/n)!" I blacked out.
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