Chapter 2: encounter

886 Words
"Miss, you can't be here" said a police officer as he shook me so I'd wake up.  I sat up and looked around. It was hard to keep my eyes open because if the light so I squinted. The police investigation had started and a couple of kids were being arrested. I assumed they were carrying drugs. But most of the focus was of course on the murder scene. That woman's corpse, now put into a bag was being taken out of the place.  An officer stood next to me, waiting for me to make my way out. I stood up and before leaving he searched me for any illegal stuff. Of course, he didn't find anything on me. "Is there someone that can pick you up?" He asked.  That reminded me of what happened back at home. The pain came back and I felt a ball form in my throat. "Yea, I'll be okay" I lied.  He nodded and I was free to leave. Once outside the realization hit me that I had no where to go. "f**k" I didn't take any money. All I had was a phone. My only hope was Natalie. She's my friend since childhood. The closest person to me and my only true friend. I'm sure she'd be fine if I stayed at her place for some time... her parents are really understanding and always seemed to like me. While at their place I felt more at home than when with my own parents.  5:30 in the morning. It was really early, but this was kind of a critical situation.  As I was searching up her number my body suddenly froze as I felt the warmth of someone's breath right on the back of my neck. I looked behind, but one was there. My heart was about to jump out of my chest and I felt a cold sweat on my back.  I swear there was someone right next to me a second ago.  I heard a chuckle. It was dark and twisted. And... a little familiar. My breathing fastened. Without much thought I started walking in a random direction while keeping up a fast phase.  "Awh, leaving so soon?" It was that deep and rusty voice. I turned to it. The guy with a smile. I thought he was one of the hallucinations along with the flowers. But turned out he was real. This time his hood was off, revealing his full face. He had that smile carved into his face.   "D-did you k-kill that woman?" I mumbled.  "You impressed or grossed out?"  I furrowed my eyebrows. I can't say I was grossed out. There was something fascinating about it...  What am I thinking?! Jeez, (Y/N)... my expression was troubled because of his question which made him let out a little laugh.  The boy started getting closer to me. I took a step back. "By the way, thanks for the compliment" he slowly circled me with a grin "I already knew it tho."  I looked at him confused.  "What a lovely smile!" he mimicked me making his 'girl' voice with a mocking tone. I felt my cheeks heat up. I couldn't believe I had said that.  "What d-do you want from me?"  He stopped. I turned fully towards him. He was close enough for me to notice his height which was almost a head taller than me.  "I don't know yet." I could see an interest in his face and the way he stared at me. It's like once our eyes met he couldn't take them away from me. "Perhaps we'll soon find out" he gave me a smirk which I kind of found cute... no no no! Come on, (Y/N)! What's wrong with you today? He's a freaky serial killer.  "Anyway, I'll see you again soon" he said as he walked one last circle around me. I tried to keep up with him, but once I turned he was already gone. How? I just stood there for a moment to take everything in. Why didn't he just kill me? And what does he mean by "see you again soon"? Dozens of possibilities and scenarios of what could happen were swirling through my head. One thing I knew for sure. This guy was up to something and I had a feeling he won't just leave me alone.  I snapped out of it and decided to call Natalie right away.  *** "Wait... so he slapped you and you're mother just sat there??" I nodded. Natalie was staring at me with concern. "(Y/N), this isn't the first time... it's not okay!  "Well, that's exactly why I'm not going back there."  We were sitting on her bed now. I told everything that happened up until... him. Something was holding me back from telling her about the smiling boy. I looked down at the tea cup in my hands and bit my lip.  "Don't worry, (Y/N). My parents will gladly let you stay here as long as you'll need to." She smiled.  I looked up at her. "Thanks. I'd be done for without you, Natalie." I smiled back.  The sun was starting to rise. Natalie's parents worked early hours, so when I came they were gone already. She'll tell them when they come back. I was sure everything will be fine.  For now...
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