Chapter 9: saved

1776 Words
(Y/N)'s POV Once again I was alone. And thank God. I couldn't look at that smiling i***t anymore. At least not without finally losing it. He was driving me insane. I was so mad. Not even my stepdad angered me as mush as Jeff does. Although they did have a lot of similarities. Both incredibly egocentric, selfish, insensitive, both pretend to do things for the sake of someone else when in reality they're just using that as an excuse to do whatever makes them happy. Because f**k everyone else. It wouldn't even matter if they killed themselves. Literally.  At this point I had totally lost all hopes in men. Why are they all either assholes or just leave me. Jeff, my stepdad... even my brother. He just disappeared. Leaving me in all of this bullshit all alone. I knew that he most likely didn't leave me on purpose. To this day it's not clear where he's gone to. The police haven't found his body or any sign of him at all and they pretty much gave up. But I was still upset. I felt abandoned.  Caught up in my own thoughts I glanced at the tv. Might as well see what's going on. I shook off some of the anger and plopped onto the couch, grabbing the remote by my side and using it to turn on the tv.  After flipping through a couple of channels I finally found the news.  "-it for this case. Coming up, updates on the case that shocked the whole country. A live stream murder that took place just yesterday, October 18th. Hundreds of people were traumatized by the graphic sight of a young girl getting killed on live television. The victim turned out to be (y/n) (l/n). Her body was found unrecognizable as the fire destroyed it completely along with 12 police officers that were in the scene as well. There was no trace found of the killers. We are thinking they escaped and are now on the lose with no evidence of who it could be. Here are a few words from (y/n)'s loved ones."  The clip changed into a lifeless looking girl. Her dark brown hair was a bit greasy and her grey eyes, along with dark circles around them were bloodshot from crying.  Natalie.  "I-I don't understand how could someone do such a thing. This... killer can't be human. There's no way." She raised her eyes and looked deeply into the camera. "And I'm pretty sure he didn't simply wanted to kill her. He wanted something more." She took a moment in silence before gathering her strength to speak again. "I believe he staged her death. She's alive. T-there's no way she's dead. He took her away from us and-" She was getting powered up as she got cut off.  "Natalie, we understand that you don't want to accept what happened to (y/n), but you will have to eventually. She's... not alive. We have evidence." A voice behind a camera said.  She sighed at it. "Think whatever you want." Then looked at the camera again. "(Y/n), I know you're out there. Please, don't lose hope. I-I'll do everything that I can to save you!" The clip cut off to a news reporter.  "Devastating ind-" I shut the tv off. Tears in my eyes. She knows I'm alive. There's hope! I covered my mouth with my hands. It was so upsetting seeing her like that, but I was so happy about what she said. I knew. I knew she'll come save.  I ran into the bedroom and plopped onto the mattress face down. It was so overwhelming. Natalie, I freaking love her. She's the best friend I had ever had. I'd literally be boomed without her.  As I was rolling around in happiness I heard Jeff come back. Instantly I sat up. He walked into the room and glanced at me. His hoodie stained with blood. Once again he gave one of those nasty smiles.  "Ready for bed, are we?" I could tell what was going through in his mind and frowned in disgust at that thought. He chuckled before taking his stained hoodie off, leaving him with a grey t-shirt. It was bloody too. "Damn it." He mumbled. "Oh well." The smiling killer then proceeded taking it off too.  "Umm... hello! I'm still here!" I blushed as I tried to not look at his toned body.  "Don't pretend you don't like it." He smirked as he was getting close to the bed.  "N-no no no! Don't you dare come any closer! Stay away!" I panicked as I got to the furthest corner of the mattress. Jeff, of course, didn't listen and did the opposite of what I demanded, climbing in under the sheets and making himself comfortable.  "Come on now. Stop being dramatic and go to sleep." He said.  "W-what?! You don't expect me to-" I couldn't finish my sentence as he grabbed me under the sheets along side himself. His bare chest to my face. I felt my cheeks burning up like never before. I tried to move away, but Jeff held me close to him so I couldn't even budge. After awhile of struggling I finally gave up and fell asleep. *** A loud bang woke me up. Squinting my eyes from a sudden throw back to reality I tried to look around.  "Get up! We're leaving. Now!" I heard Jeff's voice as he pulled me out of the warm sheet.  "What's going on?" I mumbled.  "Just keep moving! I'll explain in the car."  I was way too sleepy and lousy to resist so I just went along. We ran upstairs, down the hall and outside. Jeff shoved me inside the van and got in himself.  "Jeff, what is doing on?" I asked as we started moving.  "They found out where you are and they're coming to take you away from me." He said in frustration. "Well, that's not going to happen." I flipped. "WHAT? They're here to rescue me?" All of the sleepiness was gone in a flash.  "Take you away." He 'corrected'. I stared at him in shock. I could feel the panic taking over as my breathing got heavier.  "HEEEEEELP!!" Hitting everything around me I screamed.  "They're not gonna... H-HEY WHAT THE-" Jeff growled in shock as I opened the van doors and was about to jump. Before I could he grabbed me by my wrist with one hand, the other on a steering wheel.  "Let go of me!" I struggled to get out of his grip. It was too strong. "Help meeee!!" I screamed through an open door, hoping that it might alarm whoever was here to save me.  Jeff's hand on my wrist was starting to get sweaty and slippery enough for me to slip out. So I did, which made me fall out of the car. I felt the stinging pain all over my body as it rolled on the concrete, slowly stopping. I knew I had to get up and run, but I could barely move. With all my strength gathered I stood up and started limping away from the direction the van was going in.  My legs and arms were bruised and bleeding in places. The pain was intense, but I didn't care. I just wanted for everything to end. I wanted to be in Natalie's house on her couch with a warm cup of tea in my hands. Both her parents sitting on my left, watching tv and Natalie sitting on my right, giving me that comforting smile. That's what gave me strength. The thought that this could still happen and everything will just seem like a bad dream.  "Help me! Someb-" To my horror I felt a tight grip on my waist behind me. I let out a little squeak as I was lifted off the ground.  "What did I tell you about trying to escape me, huh?" I felt Jeff's breath right behind my ear. Even without seeing his face I could tell he gave me a smile. "It's not going to end well for you, sweetheart." He started carrying me back to the van. I struggled as much as I could, but it was useless.  When we reached the vehicle I heard a shout. "Stop right where you are!"  The police! My eyes lit up as I glanced up at them. Five officers were pointing their guns at us. Jeff instantly used me as a shield, knowing they wouldn't shoot me. A few of the officers started slowly moving towards us.  "Just hand over the girl and nobody gets hurt." One of them said.  "Are you sure about that?" The smiling killer took out a butchers knife from God knows where and placed it right to my neck. "We wouldn't want any accidents now would we?"  "Don't pretend like you'll actually do it." I heard a way too familiar voice as I saw Natalie climb out of one of the police cars. I stumbled. A little smile grew on my face. "You need (y/n) for whatever twisted s**t you have in that psycho mind. You're not gonna kill her." She spoke calmly, but firmly.  Jeff remained silent. Knife still to my neck. Then the unexpected happened. Natalie took out a gun and pointed it at us.  Does she even know how to use it? Is there a whole other side to my friend that I knew nothing about?  "I'm sorry, (y/n)." She mumbled before shooting it at our feet. The bullet triggered both of our legs making me let out a scream and Jeff curse out. As we both stumbled I felt his grip on me loosen so I took the chance and backed away from him which left the guy vulnerable to the guns that were pointed at him.  Clearly in frustration he slowly raised his hands in the air, glancing at me with slight pain in his eyes, but mostly malice.  A cop came to help stand and get further away from my kidnaper. The feeling of relief came over me. It was over. I was finally safe. The pain didn't matter, even my bleeding leg was fine. If that was the price I had to pay to be saved I was more than glad to pay it.  Natalie ran to me and hugged me. I could finally relax. The blood loss was finally taking part as I got lightheaded and soon I felt my body go numb. Gladly I closed my eyes, knowing that when I wake up I'll probably be in a hospital room. Safe and sound.  *** I opened my eyes only to see Jeff right beside me.
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