chapter 36

1776 Words
Edited. Several Months Later…. Brie’s P.O.V It had been several months since Alpha Chris’s pack had been here and there had been no sign of this hunter, but I was starting to get tired of just being in the castle. I have explored every single room of this place from top to bottom and met all of the maids, Omegas, even the Gamma and I didn’t even know Depp had one, but apparently he barely comes around except for when he is needed. He watches over the castle and makes sure that everything is running right, but that was my job as Luna and queen, so I started doing things to help around the castle. I helped clean, cook and even made a few dishes that the pack loved and wanted more of. I helped with the pups in daycare and still did my training, but I had upped it. I was training hard in the morning with either Nora or Beth, depending on who was free and I was getting stronger. I have shifted a few times now and it barely hurts anymore, but it still creeps me out when I shift into my giant bat. I hadn’t seen what I looked like when I shifted the first couple of times, so Nora arranged it so that I could have a huge mirror brought out and when I shifted into my bat it looked like I had a large dog's head. I promised myself that I would never look in the mirror anymore, that did it for me. I was currently on the training field learning how to shift into my lycan at the drop of a hat, but this was the hardest of all my creatures because it took the longest. “Here, take a look at yourself.” Beth said, pointing at the mirror that was still there, but it now had a sheet thrown over it so that I couldn’t see. I was a little scared to look at myself at first, but when Beth pulled the sheet off I was so happy. I was as white as snow and my eyes were white, but they had a slight pink tint to them. I clasped my hands over my mouth and smiled, but when I saw my reflection I saw how weird it looked for a lycan to be doing it, so I quickly removed my hands, causing Beth to laugh and shake her head at me. I walked away from the mirror and Beth and I started training, but we quickly discovered that I could make something blow up, make it windy and I could lift things up with my mind, which I thought was really cool. “Right then, I want you to try picking me up.” Beth said and I wasn’t too sure what she meant, so I focused and suddenly she was lifted off the ground. “Brie, I meant with your lycan, not with your mind.” Brie said, laughing. I started laughing at her and my mistake, but I was laughing so hard that I lost my focus and Beth dropped to the ground. I shifted back into my human form and ran over to her to make sure she was alright, but when I got there she was still laughing. “You know what we need? We need a girls day out. We need to get Jenny, JuJu and Len, then all have lunch or watch a movie or oh, maybe go to the beach.” Beth said, getting excited and I quickly agreed to all of it. It will be so much fun to have a girls day out and it’ll get me out of the castle as well. “That sounds perfect, let's do it in a few days.” I said and got into position to continue training, while Beth mind-linked the girls and told them what we had planned. “This is going to be so much fun, lunch, shopping, movies and the beach if we aren’t too tired from the first three, but I doubt we will be.” Beth said, getting into position. I had been training from six in the morning to three in the afternoon and I wasn’t even tired, but I did want to take a nice cool bath. I decided to see if Depp wanted to join me and when I reached his office he was just finishing up his work. I walked over to him and leaned in close. “Want to take a cool bath with me?” I whispered in his ear and he smirked before grabbing me and sitting me down on his lap. “You know that I can’t resist you when you talk that way to me.” Depp replied, wiggling his eyebrows at me. “I have a surprise for you.” Depp said, gently helping me off his lap and then standing up. He walked over to the bookcase that was on the back wall of his office and pulled a book out, but not all the way. The bookcase suddenly moved to the side and a door appeared. “What the….” I muttered to myself, making Depp chuckle. “Come on, let me show you something. I have never brought anyone down here before and only come to this room when I need a break from everyone, well everyone except you.” Depp said and I was a little worried at first because of how dark it was, but then he turned on the light and I was shocked to see that he had what looked like a whole other house in here. There was a kitchen, a living room, a small dining room, a bedroom and even a bathroom with a shower and bathtub. It was beautiful here. Depp pushed a candle holder to the side and the bookcase moved back so that the door was hidden again and so were we. He walked me to the bathroom and ran the cold water, but also added a little warm water as well, then we took off our clothes and got inside the tub. Depp leaned against the back of the tub and I leaned against him, but when I put my arms on the side of the tub a hatch in the wall suddenly opened, making me jump. A bottle of wine came out with one glass and Depp grabbed it, popped the cork then poured the glass of wine. “It's white wine and it soothes the soul.” Depp said, making me chuckle as he handed it to me. “Yeah and it also gives you a good buzz. Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. King Depp?” I asked and he wiggled his eyebrows at me again, then smirked. “I don’t think I have to get you drunk, Mrs. Queen Brie.” He replied and I giggled. “Nope, you don’t.” I said, shaking my head as I relaxed against his chest. We sat in the tub and talked for hours, it was so much fun just spending time with him on our own. We haven’t done this properly since the day I stepped foot through the castle doors and it helped me so much to make me feel that I was really home. “So…Beth and I are planning to have a girly day out with a few others in a few days, just going out for lunch, shopping, watching a movie and maybe the beach afterwards. Is that alright with you?” I asked, hoping that he would agree to it without me having to convince him. “Well, it has been a while since anyone heard anything from the hunter and there have been no sightings of him, so I don’t see why not. You need to get out in the world instead of being cooped up in the castle all day every day, but the guards will be going with you. They will stay a minimum of two car lengths behind you so you won’t feel crowded and they can still keep an eye on you.” Depp replied and I was a little surprised. “Thank you.” I said, kissing his cheek. When we got out of the tub Depp wrapped me up in a big fluffy towel, then dried me off, before drying himself off. He took my hand in his and led me into the bedroom, then picked me up and laid me down on the bed. I couldn’t believe how soft it was, sure the sheets were a bit chilly, but they were soft and the pillows were fluffy. This bed was so comfortable, but sleeping wasn’t on my mind or Depp’s. He grabbed my ankles and pulled me to him, then got between my legs and smirked. “You know, I made this room soundproof two weeks ago. I wanted to make sure that when I brought you here no one could hear or find us. I didn’t have the kitchen or dining room until a few weeks ago.” Depp said, grabbing a remote and turning on the several TV’s that I had just noticed were behind him, but when I looked again I saw that they weren’t TV’s. There were security cameras and they were over every inch of the castle. He showed me all of the rooms and hallways, but no cameras were in the toilets or bathrooms, thankfully. There was no way I wanted to see that and it would be an invasion of people's privacy. He turned to look at me and then shut the TV’s off. “If we wanted to, we could stay here for a few days. Beta Johnny and my Gamma will watch the castle.” Depps said and I quickly nodded. Sure, why not, it had been so long since it was just me and him and I was looking forward to it. “Alright, let’s do it. I can wait and go out with the girls another time, I want to spend time with you.” I replied and he smirked. I watched as his eyes glazed over and I knew that he was telling Beta Johnny and his Gamma to keep an eye on things because we would be out of ‘action’, so to speak, for a few days. “So love, what would you like to do right now?” He asked, looking at me and I smirked. “Oh, I can think of a few things.” I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer to me.
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