chapter 39

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Let me know what you think of these chapters. Edited. Alpha Jackson’s P.O.V Joanie had mind-linked me the second that she had found her mate, telling me that she was going with him and I was really happy for her, but I was also sad because I wished that she was my mate instead. I often hinted to her that I liked her and that I wanted her, but she never picked up on any of the hints. I knew that she would have to shift to find out for herself just how much I liked her, but I was shocked when she told me that she had found her mate and that it wasn’t me. I didn’t like it one bit, but I knew that above all else I wanted Joanie to be happy, so I dealt with it. How could I have been so wrong as to think that we were mates? I was in my office doing some paperwork, which seemed to be never-ending and when I was finally done with it I leaned back in my chair and just stared at my computer. I swear my eyes were going to turn into squares with how long I had stared at the damned thing, but I was an Alpha and I needed to do it for the good of my pack. I was just starting to relax when I felt a wave of panic, confusion and fear wash over me and then Joanie burst through the door to my office, startling me a little. I looked at her and she had a look of fear on her face that I would never forget. I hurried over to her and asked her what was wrong, but she just shook her head and asked me to take a seat, which I did and then she took a deep breath, but she still had a nervous, almost worried look on her face. What the hell had happened to make her so scared? Has her mate done this to her? I swear to the Moon Goddess I will f*****g kill him if he’s so much as hurt a hair on her head. “Alpha, it’s my mate. He’s….he’s a f*****g hunter. A hunter, Alpha Jackson. My mate is a f*****g hunter. What was the Moon Goddess even thinking when she mated me to a hunter?” Joanie said, but just as she finished speaking there was a bright flash of white light, causing us both to shield our eyes, but then the light disappeared just as fast as it had come. I looked up and saw a young woman standing in my office and I immediately bowed my head to her, knowing exactly who she was. The Moon Goddess. “How about I tell you what I was thinking, my child. I can tell you now that I knew exactly what I was doing. I needed to find out that if he was mated to a werewolf would he still go after the queen and I got my answer after I mated him to you.” The Moon Goddess replied, but Joanie and I were still confused. “But why me? Why did you choose me to be mated to him, to feel the pain of what he wanted to do and to feel the pain of a mate that hates our kind?” Joanie asked and it made me curious too. “My child, you are kind of heart, understanding, loyal and would give your life for your pack. I chose you because you were the perfect person, the only person that could sway him away from his evil thoughts of killing the lycan kings mate and queen, but he chose a different path. I give you my full blessing to reject him.” The Moon Goddess replied and Joanie nodded. “I, Joanie Bliss, reject you, Gunner….Gunner the hunter, as my mate for life. I cut all ties to you and sever our bond forever.” Joanie said and I felt sorry for the pain she must be feeling after finding her mate and then having to reject him in less than a day, but not once did she cry out in pain or show any pain on her face. She truly was a strong person. “And with that the bond between you and that i***t, Gunner, is broken. Yes, he will feel the rejection just as a wolf would, but he will not come after you and if he stupidly decides to, then he won’t live to tell the tale. I’m going to make amends for the pain I have caused you, so I have given you a second chance mate.” The Moon Goddess said and then looked right at me. “Take care of her, she’s going to be a great Luna and will help to take care of this pack with you.” The Moon Goddess said, smiling and just like that she was gone. I looked at Jonaie only to find her looking right at me and when I reached out to touch her hand I felt the sparks of our mate bond, but then she pulled her hand away from me. “Jackson, I can’t mate with you right now, please just wait a few days. I need to take so many showers to get his scent off me and I want it to be perfect with us.” Joanie said and I nodded in understanding. “Go up to my room and take a shower, hell, take as many as you want. I’ll have some Omegas put your things up in my…in our room, just take as much time as you need. I’m going to give the lycan king a call and tell him everything.” I replied, handing her the key to the bedroom and she nodded. She got up from the chair, kissed my cheek and then turned, slowly walking out of my office. I sat there for a while, not moving and when I heard her going up the stairs I quickly jumped up from my seat and fistbumped the air. I was so happy that she was my mate and there was no way I was going to let her down. I was going to protect her and love her for the rest of our lives. Joanie’s P.O.V I was shocked when the Moon Goddess suddenly appeared out of thin air and then I turned angry at what she had done, but once she explained it all to me I understood and it made me feel better to have her blessing for rejecting a mate that she had gifted me. After I rejected Gunner I felt no pain at all, my heart didn’t break from the bond being broken, my head didn’t hurt from the pain of rejecting him, there was nothing and it made me think that maybe he wasn’t really my mate after all. I could only sigh as I shook my head at the reality that I had mated with the wrong man. I gave myself to the wrong man and now I was mated to Alpha Jackson, but I couldn’t just jump right into bed with my real mate, not after I had just slept with another. I wasn’t that type of woman and I never would be. I unlocked his door with the key he had given me and walked inside, turning to the side and feeling down the wall to find the light switch. I flicked it on and turned back to the room to see how beautiful it was. There was a queen size bed with two huge pillows on either side, the blanket looked new with blue sheets and matching pillow cases. There were two night stands with lamps on either side of the bed and on the right side of the room was a black leather couch, a love seat and two chairs. On the wall was a huge flat screen and on the other side of the room were two huge dressers, one was long and the other was tall. There were two doors on the left side of the room and when I opened the first one I saw that it was a walk-in closet, but only one side of it was filled with Alpha Jackson’s things. Has he been waiting and preparing to find his mate all this time? The other door led to the bathroom and after fiddling around trying to find the switch I finally turned the lights on. His bathroom was just as nice as the bedroom, with a tub that looked like it was made of marble and the sinks matched it perfectly, his shower looked like it could fit tons of people inside it. I really needed to shower, like more than a couple hundred times, to get the feel of his flesh on mine and his scent off me. I had already showered once at his hotel room, but I still didn’t feel clean just yet. I stripped out of my clothes and threw them in the bin, not wanting to bother washing them after he had touched them, especially as no matter how many times they were cleaned I would never be able to look at them without thinking of him and I would sooner forget that horrible mistake. I got into the shower and turned the hot water on, then grabbed the shampoo and started washing my hair. After rinsing my hair I grabbed the body wash and felt as if I had poured the whole bottle onto me, then I started scrubbing at my skin until it was nearly red raw. I washed myself over and over again, just wanting to get rid of his scent and when my whole body was red from the hot water and scrubbing I finally turned the water off. I got out of the shower and dried myself off, then wrapped the towel around me, but when I turned around I saw that there was a robe hanging on the back of the door. That wasn’t there before, was it? I grabbed it and put it on, then made sure that the bathroom was clean. I didn’t want to leave it in a mess, especially as we had only just found out we were mates. After all, what sort of impression would that make? When I walked back into the bedroom a few Omegas were there, putting my things away and I immediately saw my friend, Sabby. We have been friends ever since we were pups and as soon as she saw me she ran over to me and hugged me tightly. “Joanie, you’re the Luna of our pack now.” Sabby said and I giggled. “Sabby, you know you’re not an Omega, right? You have shifted and you’re strong, so come with me and we will talk to the Alpha together. I will ask him if you can be a trainer or better yet, my Gamma.” I replied and Sabby gave me a shocked look. I knew that she had been training in secret and that she was going to speak to the Alpha in a few days to ask if she could train with the others, but I also knew that she didn’t want to be an Omega, especially as she was stronger than that. Don’t get me wrong, Omegas were strong and a pack couldn’t survive without them, some were happy just being Omegas, but I knew that Sabby wasn’t one of them. Sabby nodded and I quickly took her hand in mine, leading her out of the bedroom and downstairs to Alpha Jackson’s office. I could tell she was nervous, but she held her head up high as we walked through the door. “Alpha Jackson, I was thinking that Sabby shouldn’t be an Omega. She has heard her wolf, shifted and she’s been training, getting stronger. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to make her my Gamma? You have a Beta, so I could have a Gamma.” I asked and Alpha Jackson looked up at me in surprise. Oh s**t, had I overstepped my place? Was he going to turn me down? “First off, Joanie, don’t call me Alpha, call me Jackson. We are mates, equals in every way and I don’t want you to ever call me by my title. Secondly, I have known that Sabby has been training hard and I have even seen her shift into her wolf and run through the woods. You have a beautiful wolf, Sabby. Thirdly, yes, she can be your Gamma, but she will need to train, so I will send her to classes tomorrow. Sabby, you will be gone for a month, so go pack and don’t worry, everything will be fine.” Alpha, I mean Jackson replied, making me smile. Sabby hugged me tightly before rushing out of the office to go pack her things. “I spoke to the lycan king and informed him of what happened, he said to tell you good job on rejecting him and his mate said welcome to the Luna family. They are both very proud of you for getting out of there.” Jackson said and I smiled brightly at him, proud of myself too. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head on his chest. “Thank you.” I said, breathing in his scent. I felt so relaxed, but then I suddenly remembered that I was only wearing a robe, so I quickly pulled away from him, blushing furiously as he started chuckling. Gunner’s (the hunter) P.O.V I had been waiting in this room for the past hour before I started to pack up my stuff and I suddenly started to feel this sharp pain in my gut that quickly took me down to my knees. I don’t know how long I was on the floor for, but the pain was unbearable and when I got back up it was dark. I felt alright after a few minutes, but something told me that this woman, my so-called mate, wasn’t coming back. I got up off the floor and finished packing my things before leaving the room and dropping my key off at the front desk. I left the hotel and got into my car, needing to find a place where I knew that I couldn’t miss this girl. I plan on finding her and getting rid of her. I was tired of waiting for her to come out, so I’m going to hunt her down until I find her. I’m fed up with wondering where the hell she is all the time. She is obviously hiding somewhere and I am going to find her, but first I need to find a f*****g witch. That’s just what I needed, a witch to help me locate her because it was obvious my trackers weren’t getting the job done. I knew just the witch to go to, but I would have to go into the darkest part of the woods to see her. I started my engine and drove to the woods, then stopped right at the edge and got out of my car. I’ve been to this witch a few times, that's how I got my poison and the poisoned darts I use, so I grabbed my bag and started my journey, trying to remember everything that is ahead of me, lurking in the shadows. This b***h is going to suffer when I find her and I’ll make it hurt even more because of all the s**t I’ve had to go through to find her.

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