chapter 38

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Hey guys, I will be traveling back home tomorrow. It all depends how tired I am, but I will try and post a chapter when I get home. Edited. Warning: s****l Content. Gunner’s (the hunter) P.O.V Months, months had gone by, but I still hadn’t found this b***h and I was starting to get pissed off. What the f**k is going on? Does she have some kind of power to cloak or hide herself that I don’t know about? I can’t find anything on her, not even a scent of her power, so there has to be something wrong. I knew that I needed to call that b***h she-lycan back so we could make a plan. I think that she would be happy to have her gone and it would work to my advantage as well, but she still wouldn’t tell me where this woman was or how she knew where she was. I barely got a chance to speak on the phone because she wouldn’t shut up and then she hung up on me, but I got the gist of what she wanted and then a thought occurred to me. This b***h was going to betray me and kill the one I was after herself or better yet, torture her and then kill her. Well, maybe I will just leave her to do my job for me, but I will be there to watch and if she fails, then I will kill her and finish the job myself. I just want to know how she is going to get to her because if I knew that I could do it myself. I rented a room for a few nights away from the woods, but it was owned by wolves and they already knew what I was. They didn’t like me much and I kept to myself, spending way too much time in my room. I went out for a bit to find something to eat because I couldn’t trust the wolves to not poison my food if I ordered room service. I also wanted a female to keep me company for a few nights. I picked up a woman and already knew that she was a wolf, but I just wanted to have some fun and then send her on her way, plus it would make me happy to know that I f****d her before her mate, but the problem was that this b***h thought I was her mate. She was pretty looking and had a bob cut, but I loved the colour of her hair. One side was pink, the back was purple and the other side was red, but they blended together perfectly. She told me her name was Joanie and I asked her about her hair, then she told me that she wanted to be different from the rest of her pack, which she definitely succeeded in doing. The only thing on my mind was f*****g the living daylights out of her, so I took her back to my room and threw her down on the bed to have my way with her, but before I knw what was happening she was on top of me, pounding away on my d**k, riding me hard and fast. I was so into it, then she leaned forward and I felt her tongue slide across my neck. She was licking me and it was kind of a turn on, but then she bit into me and wouldn’t let go. I screamed and tried to push her off me, but she wouldn’t budge and then the pain turned into a pleasure that I have never felt before. When she finally let go of me I pushed her off and then got behind her, pushing her face into the mattress and lifting her ass in the air. I pounded into her for hours, making her moan and scream until we both came. I felt my neck and she f*****g bit me. I can’t believe that she f*****g bit me. I have heard these assholes mark their mate when they have found them, but seriously, what the actual f**k?! f**k that, I’m not biting her, but I will f**k her brains out and that’s exactly what I did. I f****d her for hours and when I was finally done I fell on top of her, exhausted as I tried to catch my breath. It was so weird that I just couldn’t get enough of her, but it was also really great as well. Fine, if she is going to be with me then I might as well tell her exactly who I am, what I do and what my plan is. If she was with me then good, but if she isn’t then she will just have to go on her merry way and leave me the f**k alone. “Listen Joanie, my name is Gunner and I don’t know if you know this, but I’m a hunter and I only have one goal in mind, to get this b***h and kill her. After I kill her I’m going to go back home to Australia. I have been searching for her for too many years to let her get away from me now and there is no way she is going to get away from me this time.” I said, explaining everything to her except the actual plan. I wanted to see where she stood with all of this, but the look on her face wasn’t giving anything away. Joanie’s P.O.V What the hell did I get myself into? I had no idea that he was a hunter or that he was the one after the Queen of all Queens. He thought I would go along with all of this? Seriously? This guy was crazy if he thought I was going to go along with this, but he could also kill me if I didn’t, so I would have to play along with his plan, at least until I can get away from him. I began to come up with a plan fast, but the whole time he was staring at me, waiting for my reply. I sat down on the bed next to him and started to talk to him, but I made sure that I spoke normally, no stuttering and not talking fast or he would know that something is going on. “I’m going to go shower, then I’m going back to my pack house to pack up my things. We are mates and I’ll stand by your side, where you go, I’ll go, just give me two hours and I’ll be back.” I replied and Gunner nodded. “Alright, you have two hours and if you're not back by then I’m going to leave. If you're right and we are mates then I know that you’ll track me down. I know that wolves can smell their mates scent from miles away, so you will find me.” Gunner said and I nodded, walking into the bathroom to shower. s**t, s**t, s**t, a hunter is my f*****g mate. How is that even possible? If I’d have known sooner I would have rejected him and gone straight back to my pack, so that I could at least have a chance at finding my second chance mate. I needed to get out of here, so I hurried to shower in his small bathroom, wanting nothing more than to get his scent and the feel of his touch off me. I dried off and hurried to get dressed, but when I went back into the bedroom he was standing by the window, looking out. “Two hours. You have two hours to get back here and if you’re even a second over the time then I’m gone. I’m determined to get that b***h and I won’t wait a second longer.” Gunner said and I sighed before walking over to him, playfully slapping his butt. “I’ll be back, don’t worry, Gunner.” I replied, picking up my purse and keys. I walked out of the hotel room and straight to my car, then drove off. I didn’t look back once, not wanting to be reminded of the mistake that the Moon Goddess had made. I hadn’t said the words just yet because I felt that if I did he would come after me, so I waited until I crossed the border of my pack. The White River Moon pack. I parked my car and quickly got out, running into the pack house and straight to the Alpha’s office. I burst through the door, making Alpha Jackson look up at me and when he saw the look on my face he got up and hurried over to me. “Joanie, what happened? Are you alright? The last I heard was that you met your mate last night, he didn’t reject you, did he?” Alpha Jackson asked and I quickly shook my head no. “Alpha, please sit down because you are going to have the shock of your life when I tell you what happened, then we are going to need to make a phone call.” I replied and Alpha Jackson nodded, but looked confused. This had to be some sort of a mistake, that was the only explanation, I just hoped and prayed that was how Alpha Jackson saw it.
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