Chapter 2-1

397 Words
Chapter 2 I’m late! I’m late! For a very important date! The words from her favorite fairytale screamed through her head as her car skidded and rocked down the road. Glancing away from the oncoming cars to catch her image in her rearview mirror, she smacked her lips together and fluffed her naturally red hair to dry it. Looking at it, she remembered Zack’s words. To hell with lipstick rings. I’m hungry for some red-headed cunt. Damp like it was, the color was muted and dark, but when the sun shone on it, she had been told it gleamed as if it were on fire. She patted it with approval and smiled at the reflection in the mirror. Sure, she knew it wasn’t fun having a rendezvous suddenly interrupted, but Zack would have to understand she had certain responsibilities. It seemed funny, though. For years women were the ones left alone and lonely. Thank God times had changed, and women could give the men in their lives a great big taste of their own medicine. Now, looking around in the dark, she happened to notice a lonely, vacant road that she knew to be a direct shot to the airport, and turned into it at the last moment. She didn’t see how she had any choice. It was getting close to two now, and she had no time to waste. To make her boss happy, she’d scrambled around like a crazy person, and after throwing a few essentials into her bag, she hurried out to her car with no makeup on, and her hair wet from a shower. Looking ahead, the vacant road looked endless, so she thought it safe enough to take a quick look into her mirror once again while fluffing her hair to hurry the drying process. When her gaze shifted back to the road ahead, her eyes widened in fright. The sky was lit up with what looked like a sizzling bolt of lightning dropping from the sky and stabbing the road in front of her. She pumped on her brakes but couldn’t stop until she found herself enclosed in the brilliance, and her car falling forward into what felt like a deep hole. She bounced around like a rubber ball, her seatbelt the only thing keeping her from being thrown from the car. The last thing she remembered before darkness overcame her was the hiss and sizzle of a dying fire.
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