
The Erotic Ghost


"Dana is a 21st Century woman who doesn't think in terms of carriages, chaperons, or calling cards. Then, one night during an electrical storm, she tumbles into her favorite historical romance novel. When she awakens, she finds a world full of images that are not real, a foreboding old mansion filled with magic tricks, and a dark, tortured paper hero who lives alone. Is he real, or is he a ghost?

He comes to her as a spirit, his voice whispering soft, enticing accents in her ear. His presence is a seductive wind,-a mist that fondles her. He wants to capture her, hold her close,-have her always to love. But how can he when he is no more than a figment of someone's imagination?

Is there no way out for Dana? Will these lovers be imprisoned forever between the pages of this book, or will the closing of the last page rip them apart?"

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 His hot breath smelled of warm whiskey. His kisses thrilled her, and his dark midnight eyes glittered, adding to the mystery of a dark room and flickering candles. Had it been only two months since he had stopped her for speeding? She thought back to the day she saw him walk up to her car. Dark uniform, motorcycle, the wind blowing his long, sexy hair, jeez, he must have been ten feet tall. And how he filled out that uniform. As they talked one thing led to another, a little flirting followed by an enticing proposition, and before she knew it she had a date. Now, as he looked down at her with those sinful, midnight eyes, she almost moaned out loud. “Did you enjoy the Pink Lady?” Zack’s voice had the breathy sound of someone who was getting his c**k deliciously handled. “Sure did,” she whispered. “You really spent a bundle there, Zack. Why wouldn’t you let me help?” “Hell, Dana, I can afford it. I’m a New York City cop, remember? Sure, my paycheck sucks, but being part of a secret society, you’d be surprised how many favors we get just for the hell of it. It’s a ‘You scratch my back, I scratch yours’ kind of thing. Works real good.” “Sounds shady to me.” “Well, we could have gone to Weird Willie’s for a hotdog. Would that have made you happy?” “Hey,” she whispered seductively. “Want me to eat you?” “I like your hand better, plus you don’t get a lipstick ring around my dick.” “I thought you liked my lipstick rings,” she teased while looking at him with her sexy, slumberous eyes. “To hell with lipstick rings, I’m hungry for some red-headed cunt.” He rolled her over and gave her a long, hot kiss while passionately burying himself inside her. The invasion was like an electric charge. His rock-hard c**k made her jerk as it rubbed against her over-sensitive clit. The sensation sent her climbing into heaven—climbing so fast, she couldn’t resist clinging to him while rolling her hips loosely. As he nudged in deeper and deeper, her cunt dripped over him, keeping him wet and slick as he pounded in and out of her. Her legs widened involuntarily and her back arched, offering him her breasts. She quivered as his warm lips nibbled her neck first, before making a moist trail as they moved down to her n*****s. The licking and sucking of his wicked tongue caused several lusty moans to come sliding out of her throat and into the dimly lit bedroom. God, she was ravenous! Her fingernails dug into his back as the wild rhythm of their s*x built fire after fire between her legs. While she was caught up in this red-hot haze, all at once a sound rang in her ears. It came just at the zenith, the apex, the silver height of her orgasm, making it seem far away until she floated back down to earth and heard the jarring sound next to her bed. Brrrrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnggggg! Her eyes flew open. She immediately felt Zack’s moist lips whispering next to her ear. “Let it ring, babe, just let it ring.” She wanted to, God how she wanted to, but there was something about a ringing phone she couldn’t ignore. It beckoned her with every ring. Waiting as long as she could, she finally pushed Zack away and reached for it. “Damn!” he growled as he rolled away. “Hello!” she almost shouted into the receiver. “Dana, thank God you’re there. Being Friday night, I was sure you’d be out.” “Mr. Sherman!” She suddenly felt naked, and quickly reached for a sheet and wrapped it around her. “What’s wrong?” “I’m in one hell of a pickle, that’s what’s wrong. I just got out of an all-day meeting with Masters and Ford.” “Those bastards from the cosmetics firm? Why did they keep you so long?” She glanced at the clock on her bedside table. “My God, it must be—what—after ten there.” “Ten twenty-two to be exact. I just got back to my hotel room. I gave them everything I had, and they still turned me down. I’ve managed to put them off until tomorrow. They say if they don’t see something they like by noon, they’re going with another advertising agency. I’m sorry, Dana, but you’re going to have to take the first flight out to San Francisco.” “Fly all the way to San Francisco? Why can’t I give you the information over the phone? I have my brief—” “I’m afraid not, Dana. These guys won’t be satisfied with a few statistics. You’ll have to do your whole presentation from beginning to end. You know, pictures, diagrams. Hell, give them a graph full of pretty colors and they’ll be as happy as a couple of kids in kindergarten. Ideas, they’re not buying. A big fat guarantee is what they want. Goddamned bloodsuckers, if it wasn’t such a big account, I’d tell them where to stick it.” “You mean do the presentation myself? Sir, I can’t…” “Don’t bother with a taxi. I’m staying at the Carlton Ritz. Call me when you get here and I’ll pick you up at the airport.” “But what about the office? Who’ll run it?” “Roland can handle things.” “Mr. Sherman.…” “Dana, don’t screw this up. You know cosmetics, and this is a multi-million-dollar account.” “I can’t do this. I’ve never—I mean, I’ve only assisted before.” “Dana, this is exactly what you’ve been training for. Hell, I’ll be there with you to give you all the support you need. Remember when you showed up in my office right out of college? I kept my eye on you and I wasn’t disappointed. The day I gave you that corner office was the best decision I ever made.” “Well, I…” “We make a good team, Dana. Men’s stuff I can handle, but this is cosmetics. Who the hell knows more about that than a woman? After all, Masters and Ford Cosmetics is the biggest in the business. Their Midnight Pleasure line is their newest baby, and they want to launch it big. Ad campaigns, TV commercials, the whole nine yards. If you can put this one in our pockets, it could mean a big fat bonus for you, possibly a promotion. How does a partnership sound? All you have to do is drop this juicy account in our laps.” She gulped. “Yes, sir.” After slamming the phone down, she leaped up and ran around the room packing while still dressed in her seductive outfit of slit panties and spider-web hose. Zack sat up. “What the hell are you doing?” “That was my boss. I’ve got to get to San Francisco pronto!” “Oh, God, not again.” Finally getting up, he snatched at his clothes with angry movements, and began to dress. “I’m really sorry, Zack, but this could mean my job.” “How long will you be gone?” “Only a few days, as far as I know.” “Dana—hell, this job of yours is driving me crazy. We never have any time together anymore.” “Now is not the time, Zack,” she called out before she stepped into a steaming shower. “It’s my own damned fault,” he muttered, “I never should have got myself mixed up with a brainy female. From now on, it’s empty heads and big boobs.”

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