Chapter 9

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There was no hiding the fact that Peter Philips looked happy that evening when he drove into the compound. He tipped the guards and even engaged in a humorous banter with them before getting to the house where he went to the kitchen. Hugged Velma, that came as a surprise he even promised them a five percent raise for the month, some Ben Richards kind of magic when it came to taking care of employees. Behind that joy was a favor he wanted to ask of them in a week or so. He wanted his engagement party to be the best in fort canon, the food, the music, the guests and the dress code all of it he wanted everything to be of great quality. The friendly gesture was preparing the floor for him to pitch his request. “You look happy” Kristen said meeting him in the gym room. He was on a treadmill, upbeat music was blasting the speakers from the four corners of the large gym room with giant mirrors on the walls. “I met my in-laws in a pair of shorts and a grey polo T-shirt” “You’re kidding?” Peter shook his head in denial. He had on a pair of navy blue cotton shorts with a light-blue ribbon around his waist visible every time he lifted his grey baggy singlet, on his feet he had white sneakers with protruding white socks. His sister Kristen was donning pink gym clothes with a matching pink water bottle and sneakers. “You are one tough SOAB” Kristen said picking up dumbbells, “Mum would chase anyone dressed as such from this compound” “It’s not all” peter said stopping to catch his breath, he went for his water bottle, “They found us spooning on the coach watching Netflix I almost jumped out of my skin siz” “You’ve been a bad boy brother, am glad you are happy” “Enough about me, let’s talk about you” Peter said going back to the tread mill. “I spent my day indoors working on new dress designs and listening to music, cooking God it sucks to stay in the compound” “I thought you had mum and dad for company” “They went shopping and left me here all alone” She said doing some push-ups on the floor made of rubber, “I doubt though” Kristen enjoyed spending time with her big brother. If peter was around her day would have been a little better. During their free time they read books together, played PlayStation and watched Netflix. They also went for nature walks in the Philips family compound, sometimes they rode their bicycles the same way they used to do while they were teenagers. Both of them enjoyed it. “Anyway I need your help” Peter said slowing down. “Anything for my big brother, please let killing mum and dad be on top of that list” “Not that, be nice Kris...I want to organize an engagement party...” “Count me in, we are going to throw one hell of a party” “And on this you’ll have to work with Anita” “Finally some bonding time with my in-law been waiting for this like forever pit, I will need her phone number” Kristen said going for her phone, “Look who is having fun” she added showing Peter a picture of Arya and Scott. It was one of those they took in the club with their fans. Peter took the phone from her hand. “He has always been a bench mark” peter said admiring the picture, “And now his relationship is” “You will be my benchmark” Said Kristen. “Saved it” After the work out session they both went to their respective rooms to take a shower. Kristen was worried about breaking the bad news to peter. She was no fool, of course she was aware their parents had gone to visit Selina. Being their daughter she knew how relentless they were when it came to showcasing their power over them. Kristen could already see Peter and Anita’s love story being a bumpy ride since it was going against their parents wish. She hoped her obedient brother was ready for it. Kristen herself couldn’t do much other than support his choice. Later that evening the Philips converged for dinner. It came late as usual but what was not usual was the fact that none of them complained. They walked downstairs one after another, wearing smiles on their faces, complementing the aroma in the room. Cole even invited Alfred and a couple of maids to share the table with them and Gabriella had no problem, her lioness stare did not come out that night. The sudden change of behavior got Peter happy and Kristen still had her doubts but she didn’t want to ruin the dinner. “This is delicious” Cole said looking at the head chef, sassy English woman in her mid-forties with a blazing red hair. “Welcome sir” she said her hand on her chest to show appreciation and humility. “Maybe dinner should be coming late” Peter said eating like an inmate, quickly with short pauses. “Slow done there son” Said Cole, “am sure there is enough to last a lifetime” “Why is everyone so happy today?” Kristen asked staring at them. She was looking for a fight with her mother who had been quiet the entire evening. And she picked the bait. “Is it a bad thing?” Gabriella asked. “No, it’s just that you are always up to something when you hide your villainous side with a smile, is that right mum?” Gabriella smiled widely then frowned the glitter in her eyes disappearing with the dilation of her pupil. The typical killer glare was back. "Kristen Please" Cole said. "I agree with dad in this one time happiness is not a bad thing, you and mum shouldn't always be enemies" "We are not enemies just saying" Kristen said and went back to eating. Without knowing Peter's number one supporter might have ruined his ticket to making the big announcement. He wanted to use the happiness to his advantage while unveiling his big step in his relationship with Anita. Peter cleared his throat and so did Cole. They looked at each other and burst into laughter. Coincidentally, they both had something to say at the same time. “You go first son” “No, you’re the father here. You lead and I follow” “Thank you, I wanted to ask if your engagement is like done or we should expect more” Kristen looked at peter, Gabriella stared at Cole. It was hard for her to tell which side he belonged to. Just when she thought they were on the same page Cole would fall off the top they had really struggled to get to. “Exactly what I wanted to say. You read my mind” “There is a party!” excited Kristen announced. There is? When?” Gabriella asked surprised. An engagement party would have made her look bad. She had promised Selina to do everything in her power to make sure the two were married and she wanted to keep her word. Her reputation was priceless. “I actually wanted to settle for Saturday in the compound if that’s cool with you guys...” “It’s your home Peter, why not? Since when do you have to ask for permission to have guests at your own home?” “Is it really necessary?” asked Gabriella. “There she is” mocked Kristen, “don’t worry mum, it won’t cost much” “Am not talking about the money, we have enough to light up the furnaces of hell for eternity” “Expound then” She looked at the boys but they were of little help. Kristen had finally managed to corner her mother and put her in a very tight spot. The boys looked like they were also waiting for her to explain herself to the family. The non-family members started leaving the table one after another until it was Alfred who was left. “Leave us Alfred, can’t you see we are having some sort of family meeting here?” “Am sorry Mrs. Philips” he said leaving the table. That small distraction was enough to help Gabriella think of something to tell her family. It was going to be a surprise to all of them. “You didn’t let me finish, I wanted to it really necessary” she shifted her gaze to peter, “to claim am your precious mother if you can’t tell me first?” “Am sorry mum...” “I think what peter wanted to say is that lately you have been far from supportive to this union therefore he has every reason not to trust you” “Kristen” Peter glared at his sister, “Be polite, this is mum we are talking about here” Gabriella had her head held high. It was nice to see peter stand up for her. Basically he was just paying a debt. Gabriella never wanted to remained peter of how many times his father wanted the worst for him but she stood firm and critiqued every choice he made. There was a time when peter wasn’t doing so well in school, the first couple of semesters in college and Cole wanted him to quit school and help run the family business but Gabriella said no. Instead they paid for a shrink. “Son, fix this” Cole said. “Are you thinking what am thinking dad?” “Ooh so now you complete each other’s sentences and co-share a brain, please!” Gabriella mocked. “Both of you are planning for the event am not hiring anyone to do it” Peter said. Cole was quick to give his son a round of applause. They really were thinking about the same thing. “Let’s go to the man cave” Cole said leaving his seat. “There is no man Cave in this house” Kristen claimed relaxing her back. Peter joined his father. “There is a lot you don’t know, have fun boys” Gabriella said. “I know you both love me so much, you’ll find a way to work together and make it happen” peter said. The two women both nodded. It was true they loved him both, what was not a guarantee was whether they were going to work together. And Gabriella had no idea Anita was on the team. It was not a secret, she didn’t like Anita. If that’s the case, which it is, why the hell had she agreed on helping with the preparations? What was she planning? Gabriella. It made me feel so bad just thinking about it, but it had to be done. And no one saw it coming.
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