Chapter 8

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The family of three was sunbathing by the beach. Little Amber was playing with her toys on a mat between the two parents. They were sipping juice from their glasses in long straws. The wind was howling, the air was fresh, the skies were clear and the evening sun was splashing its golden flickers. Scott was bare chest showing off his barrel chest and abs, with sunglasses and a pair of blue beach shorts his don Jovi hair style made him look like a rock star. Arya was looking sexy in a matching blue bikini, her long soot black, lustrous hair tied in a round fist sized ponytail dangling behind her back like a pendulum. Amber had a blue swim suit and her face was covered in sand giving her a funny innocent look. "Hunnie, you called home?" asked Arya. "Yeah they are all fine" "Can we do something fun today, I want to see the other side of Scott Richards" she said staring at him lustfully. "The party monster side or you want another Amber?" He asked biting his lower lip. Amber looked at her father with her grey iris floating in the milky cornea of her eyes. She thought he was asking for her. "Keep playing sweetheart am not calling you" Scott said helping her with her toys. Arya was restraining laughter. "We can go party or something, Ruth and Ian will look after her" "Mummy, Ruth" she said. "Yes Ruth will look after you while we are gone" Arya said. "Ruth" she said this time pointing. They all looked at the direction of her index finger. Ruth and Ian were walking towards them. Scott and Arya smiled with pride. Their little bundle of joy was smart as she was supposed to be. After all she was a Richard, they bled gold instead of blood. "You guys have been up to something" Scott pointed out. "No sir" Ian said handing over a flyer. "What's this?" Scott asked skimming through it, "Might be what we were looking for baby" "A party?" Arya asked. "You guys need one" Ruth said. She looked like a model in a green bikini. Ian had loosened up a bit, instead of a suit he was in a pair of green beach shorts and a matching green vest showing his strong arms and tattoos. His earpiece and sunglasses were still intact. "Okay let's go back to the apartment and prep" suggested Arya. "Before you go" Ruth said getting out a camera. "Join us Ian" Scott invited. He joined them on their feet. Scott was carrying Amber and Arya was leaning on his shoulder her tongue sticking out and her fingers making the love sign. Ian was standing like a tree trunk but he still looked great. The picture was perfect. They exchanged roles with Ian taking the camera this time while Arya and Ruth hugged like besties. After the photo session they had to walk slowly to where their car was parked because Amber insisted on walking, the wind was blowing on their faces, and the sun was setting creating a beautiful horizon. Ruth took a couple of shots of Scott and his family before they proceeded to the car. At the apartment Ruth cleaned up Amber while Scott and Arya went to take their usual couples shower. "Pit called he wants to talk" Scott said brushing. "About what exactly?" Arya asked joining him. Although she could see him in the mirror Scott was stealing glances at her ass. Their shower time was among their best moments of their day especially because Amber was busy terrorizing their pillow talk with the new words she had learned during the day, then she maintained on sleeping between them. Yeah, keeping watch in case mum and dad were planning to cut short her breastfeeding by introducing another kid. "You know I can see you" "I own that ass" he said s******g her lightly. She glared at him. The glare might have reminded him of something she hated and repeatedly warned him against. Knowing the drill he prepared for another lecture on s****l violence against women. Arya stopped brushing and leaned on the ceramic sink. "Am sorry" "You should stop doing that, next time you'll find yourself s******g your female employees" Scott smiled. "Am being serious I can't deal with furious Tina and Kristen complaining that my husband has been s******g the s**t out of them in the office. Am your wife I can take it but they can't its offensive to some women" Me for one thought they all loved it. That was until I met Arya. What do you think? "Okay baby am sorry, what can I do to make it up to you?" "You'll do anything?" "Apart from call your mum and tell her how we are doing yeah, she scares the crap out of me" Arya giggled adjusting her shower cap. "Am not going to ask you to do that, come on we are going to be late" she said going back to brushing. "So am off the hook just like that?" "No, you're washing me" "That's easy" he said with a grin. "No funny business" she said undressing, her eyes were glued on him. "None cooking in my head!" Scott said his arms in the air. It was hard to keep his promise. The funny business she was taking about was the fact that in nine out of ten occasions Scott turned the shower time to s*x. **** A smart mind like peter knew how to invest. He was independent with a fleet of businesses of his own apart from his family stash of money he was supposed to inherit. One of his business partners was Brian Cage. Young like peter rich and flamboyant. He was at Scott and Arya's wedding although he left earlier. He had been off a little bit and the cracks were not yet visible to his partner. That Sunday Brian was at home. Seated in the garden all alone with a copy of the fort Canon daily. His curl cut looked perfect on him, he had a white shirt and khaki shorts, brown sandals on his feet. Beside him was a coffee stool on it a bottle of wine and a glass, his two phones and car keys. "Good evening sir, peter is here" the family butler said. "Alone?" Brian asked. "Yes sir, should I bring him over?" "Yeah" He was definitely not happy to see Peter. Not with the financial crisis he was having. It was just a matter of time before he started realizing that the company funds were going missing and he had no specific answer for that. "Dude" Peter said. "Congratulations my man saw the news, sorry I left early" "Thank you, how are you?" Peter asked giving him a brotherly hug. "Good, please seat" "So what are you up to?" "Nothing just going through the paper staying updated with the upcoming mayor by-elections" "I'll give my vote to Ronald" peter said confidently looking around. It was beautiful. All kinds of flowers, the shade and free flow of fresh air made the surroundings comfortable for a chit chat. The grass was carpet green and the evening sun was still shining bringing with its warmth. The butler brought him a glass of cold juice. "Because your family is good friends with the Richards?" "What does any of this have to do with the Richards?" "Come on everyone knows where Ronald's loyalty lies, I'll still vote for him anyway" "It's hard to hate the Richards” peter said and sipped his juice, “I've just come from her place man in a pair of shorts and I T-shirt, her parents bumped into us watching Netflix on their coach and I was so scared" "Thank God you not dead my father would have killed you" "I know right....her family is so cool. Almost thought of becoming a live-in son-in-law" "Jokes aside when is the party?" Before Brian mentioned it the idea of an engagement party had not crossed his mind. Perhaps he was so focused on getting laid. "What party?" "The engagement party dude you can't just do things the old fashioned way" "Ooh, honestly I didn't think of that I should organize one, see you at the office" peter said quickly getting on his feet after drinking his juice in a single gulp. “You should stay for dinner” “I have to plan for the party” “You can do that tomorrow, you don’t have to come at the office I have everything under control” Brian said in a convincing tone. If inquisitive peter showed up at the office the next day there were chances he was going to smell a rat about their accounts. But for how long was he going to keep his partner away? The problem was, Brian had no plan on how to supplant the missing cash. Funny thing, Peter would have loaned him any amount of money if he just asked. But why didn’t he? Ego, fear you name it. Personally I don’t blame him. The world back then and even right now was divided into two groups. Those who need help and those who give help, the latter had no respect for the former. Same scenario with the whites. “Next time dude, tomorrow I won’t come at the office dad wanted me to take care of some family business” “You have nothing to worry about everything is under control” Assured Brian. “Okay let me pass by and say hi to your old man before I go” “He is inside watching football” “Addicted to the game” Fist bombing his friend. *** The local music was booming from a distance. Scott was driving that evening. A grey suit, white shirt, black loafers with no tie. Arya was donning a red silky slip dress. Her lips were red hot like pepper but they were cherry, only Scott could confirm that. The two kissed more than they blinked. “Focus on the road baby in a few minutes this thighs will all be yours” Arya said slipping his arm away from her left thigh. “Okay, you look beautiful tonight” “You flatter me” she tucked her hair flashing a warm smile, “And you look like a snack baba Amber” “Going Swahili on me, want a bite?” “We will see about that” she said looking away. They arrived at the event. The stage was set where the hype DJ had erected his tools from which good upbeat music was coming from making the people dance like they were possessed. There was a makeshift bar where all kinds of drinks were being served. A mixture of perfume and sweat could be smelt in the air. “Are you ready for this?” Scott asked holding her hands. “Hell yeah! Let’s get wild baby” Arya said leading the way, swaying her body to the beat, Scott grabbed her hand pulling her back, “What are you doing?” “Nothing just want to feel you” Scott said grabbing her ass in two huge chunks before he kissed her deep to let all the men in the building know she was his. “Marking your territory I see” she said kissing him back, “My turn” she said. Arya turned around, Scott forced her to bend a little with his hands on her waist. She was grinding her ass on his d**k stylishly in slow but steady up and down movements. They were both feeling it as she started moving left to right supporting her arms on her knees. The music suddenly changed to a romantic tune. Scott grumbled angrily he was really enjoying himself before the DJ ruined the moment now he had a bulge to deal with. They were now dancing elegantly their arms around each other, romantic but boring for a young couple on fire. The blinding disco lights splashing on their faces going with the rhythm. It didn’t take long before the floodlight focused on them. “You really thought you’d sneak in here” The DJ said, Ladies and gentlemen Scott Richards and the beautiful Mrs. Arya Richards in the building!” The crowd cheered swarming in around them. That’s how their dance was ruined as they spent the night taking pictures and talking to their fans but at least they got out and had fun.
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