First love

2222 Words
King Alexander I was in my office, buried in paperwork. It had been a long day of nonstop work when I heard a knock on the door. “Yes, who is there?” I answered. “It’s me, Alex,” the voice replied. It was Maria. “Come in.” I stood up as soon as she stepped inside. “Maria, what are you doing here?” I questioned. I held her hand and sat her down on the leather sofa. “Alex.” She touched my face gently. “I’m here because I miss you.” “You should have summoned me instead of coming here. Why are you stressing yourself out?” She had been the only person I had cared about since my parents’ deaths. I felt bad seeing her in this state. She was so sick that she couldn’t move without the assistance of others. Maria was poisoned because of me. “Where are your maids?” “Don’t you want me here?” she asked. “Are you fed up with me?” “No. Don’t misunderstand me, Maria. I’m worried.” I tucked a strand of dark, silky hair behind her ear. “We don’t know what will happen to you if you get sick again. You know how much I despise it when you get sick.” “I know.” She smiled. Her smile lit up my world. How could someone as sweet as her get sick if not because of me? She saved me. If it weren’t for her, I would have been the one everyone would be looking after. “My maids are right outside your office.” “Okay. I won’t be able to talk to you for long, Maria, because I need to finish my work.” “I understand. You should go back to work. I’ll be right here.” I stood up and went back to work, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Maria. I hurried to finish my work and then left the office with her. “I’m hungry, Alex,” she uttered. I led her to the kitchen and asked the head cook to make her some delicious, light food. I escorted her to her bedroom after double-checking that everything was in order. Maria and I were talking when someone knocked on the door. It was her chef, Kira, delivering the food. “My king,” she articulated, bowing her head. I took the plate and slowly started feeding her. “It’s okay, Alex. I’m full.” “Please eat more. It’s for your own good. The doctor says you need to eat. Try to finish your food.” “No.” I put the fork down and looked softly into her eyes. “I will grant you anything you desire if you finish your food.” Maria leaned in and hugged me tightly. “Really? Are you sure?” “Yes. A king never goes back on his word.” “Okay. I will finish my food.” Maria started eating her food until she finished it. “Good girl.” I caressed her hair. “So, tell me, what do you desire?” “I don’t know yet, but I’ll think of something later.” I stayed with her in her room. It was late by the time I left her quarters. Her place wasn’t far from mine. I was kind to Maria, not only because she saved me but also because she was my first love. I’d had feelings for her since we were kids, and we always assumed we would end up together. But our moon goddess had other plans for us. No one could ever take her place in my heart, even though she wasn’t my fated mate. I made a vow to treat her like the queen she deserved to be. I made a rule in the pack that required every family to send their daughter to the palace because I knew Maria couldn’t bear my child. I wasn’t seeking a mate to crown as my queen but rather a mate who could give birth to my child. I wanted Maria to be a mother, even if she wasn’t the child’s biological mother. Despite my efforts, I couldn’t find my so-called mate among the girls provided for me. None of them were suitable to bear my child. I was desperate to find her quickly so that I could crown Maria as my queen. To do that, I needed an heir to the throne. I needed a mate to carry my child for her. *** The next day, I was in my office, working as usual, when Marcus walked in. Marcus was my friend and my beta. “Good morning, my king.” He greeted me with a bow. “How are you, Beta?” “I’m good, my king.” Marcus passed me the letter he was holding, which was addressed to me. I took it and opened it. “How dare they?” I growled. “My king. What is wrong?” He asked. “Josh sent this letter. He said some people are trying to ruin my company. They want to take over it.” “What?” “Anyone who chooses to cross me chooses to die. I won’t hesitate to kill any of them. Get ready, Marcus. We need to leave.” “Yes, sir.” I rushed straight to Maria’s chambers to tell her about my trip to the human realm. “Are you going to search for your mate again?” Maria asked me, her brows knitted together. I sighed. I understood why she was scared. Ever since I found the ancient book about mates, she had been acting like this. According to the book, it was not possible for wolves who were not mates to have a child together. “Maria, I’m going to the human realm to look after my company. My mate won’t be a human. You know it won’t be possible for a human to bear my child.” “I’m scared,” she muttered. “What if you find her and abandon me, Alex?” “You don’t have to think like that. I love you. No one can replace you in my heart. My heart, body, and soul belong to you.” “Are you sure? You won’t replace me?” “Yes, relax. I’m yours forever.” She leaned on my chest. “I love you, Alex.” “I love you too.” I rose to my feet. “I’ll be back soon.” I turned around and faced her maid. “I want you to take good care of her, Miranda.” “Yes, sir.” I walked out of her quarters and headed out. “Are you ready?” “Yes, sir,” Marcus replied. I calmed my thoughts and opened the portal, which immediately transferred us to the human realm. “The car is ready, sir.” Marcus opened the car door for me, and we drove off to ‘Alexander LTD’ headquarters. “Good morning, Mr. Chairman,” the employees eagerly greeted me at the door. I walked past them and entered my office. “Aria, I need you to call an emergency shareholder meeting.” “Yes, sir. Right away.” I took my seat after Aria left. She was the general manager of my company. She was one of my trusted people. After a few minutes, she walked back in. “Sir, they are all present. They are waiting for you in the meeting hall.” “Okay.” I stood up, picked up my jacket, and walked out. As soon as I stepped inside, they all rose to their feet and greeted me. “We welcome you, Mr. Chairman.” I took my seat. The air was tense as they waited for my instruction. “Sit.” “Yes, sir.” They took their seats one after the other. “We are delighted to welcome you back to the company, sir,” Henry remarked. I knew they didn’t want me back. Nobody wanted me to be here. They were all plotting to take over what was rightfully mine. I’d shown them why I was feared throughout the werewolf realm. Pitiful humans. “Bring me the papers, Aria.” I slammed the papers filled with their corruption in front of them. “Sir, what is the meaning of this?” Lars, the oldest man, asked. He was the company’s second-largest shareholder. I gave him a lethal stare and watched as he fought off a shiver. Scared? They should be. I relished the thought. “Do you think I am a fool? How dare you think of stealing what is mine?” “Sir, you got everything wrong.” They picked up the papers and passed them around the table. “Someone is trying to frame us.” “Framed you? Who?” They all looked at each other’s faces. They stayed silent. I knew what was going on, but I needed to handle this fast and get back to Maria. She must have been missing me badly. “I’m not going to say much,” I scoffed. “But I vow to lock you all up for the rest of your life. I’ll make sure you rot there.” “What? You can’t do that, Mr. Chairman,” they all spoke over each other. “I have no time to waste on people like you.” I needed to get back fast. If I handled it the way I wanted to, I would be letting her wait for a long time. “Aria, are the cops around?” “Yes, sir. They are waiting for your order.” “Good, let them in.” Aria left, and after a minute, she walked in with two police officers. “Good morning, Mr. Chairman,” they said. “Good morning to you. I want you to arrest these evil people.” I pointed at them. “I want them to rot in jail for wanting to take what isn’t theirs.” “Yes, sir.” “Sir, you can’t do this to us. Please forgive us.” One by one, the shareholders were escorted out until only I remained. I appreciated the silence for a moment, and then I stood up from my seat and walked out. “Sir, where are we heading now?” Marcus asked. “I need to go meet Josh. I need to thank him for helping me keep an eye on them.” Josh was an alpha wolf whose pack was under me. He managed a number of human-related enterprises and spent most of his time here. “I don’t think he will be available now, my king.” “Oh? Then, I won’t be able to go back to my realm today. Let’s go back to the mansion.” “Yes, sir.” Marcus obeyed without questioning me. He drove to the mansion I had in the human realm, and I waited a second to take it in before I got out of the car. The grounds were perfectly kept, and the majestic door crafted from rich mahogany towered with timeless elegance. “We’re here, sir,” he announced. My housekeeper, Lily, greeted me with a polite smile. “You’re here, sir. Good to see you.” “Yes, Lily. How are you?” “I’m good, sir.” I left for my room after the greeting exchange. I didn’t know when I dropped off, but by the time I woke up, it was night. “Marcus,” I called, walking down the stairs. “My king, you call me.” “I want you to get the car ready. We will be leaving for Josh’s club.” Our journey was deafeningly quiet. Marcus rarely spoke or showed his emotions. When I was with him, I was constantly bored. We arrived at the club quickly. Everything was aggravating me, including the noise in the club. I would never have been in a place like this if it weren’t for him. “My king, how have you been?” Josh approached me in long strides from his back office. “I’m good, Josh.” He led me in the direction he had appeared from and gestured toward the chair across from his desk. “Here, have a seat.” I sat down, and a young woman served me some wine. “Thank you for helping me. I have to know what those old, treacherous men were planning.” “It’s my duty to serve you, my king.” Josh and I began talking. After a while, I rose and excused myself. I was thinking about Maria as I walked to the restroom. I had no idea what was going on with her right now. I felt a body collide with mine as I rounded the corner, followed by an utterance of apology. I pulled her away. She stared at me with a lustful gaze that disgusted me. I felt a wave of anger wash over me. She was dirty. A human pest. “How dare you stare into this king’s eyes?” I hissed in a strong, commanding tone. “Are you sick of living, human?”
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