Chapter 19 The Story

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"The Blue Broken Mountain Range is a famous mining area of the Yu Kingdom. Its steep ranges made it difficult for the military government to maintain control. Over time, it became a ruthless land filled with mercenaries, killing, and death." "There was a boy. His father left him and his mother when he was very young. He was a good boy and never mishaved. His mother couldn't take the pressure and eventually chose to remarry when the boy was nine. The nine-year-old him became a burden so his mother abandoned him." "In order to survive, the little boy travelled from place to place. One day, he met someone else that shared his past. They banded up and depended on each other. Although their days were very bitter, they survived. Misfortune came very suddenly. They got kidnapped and were taken to the mines by the human traffickers. There, they met a five-year-old girl with the same fate. The three children were in a living hell. Those mercenaries were like devils, they bullied and tortured the children. Not only so, the children had to work extremely long hours and got barely anything to eat. The girl was the youngest and often couldn't finish the overwhelming workload. So she's always starving as there was no food for her. To help her, the two boys worked extra hard to finish their loads early." "The girl who couldn't stand the pain cried every day. The two boys tried all sorts of things to cheer her up. They endured the hard days for over two years. The pain and t*****e they had suffered from was unimaginable." "And one day, the boy's magic powers awakened. He had thunder powers. With his powers, he decided it was time to escape with his friends. After overcoming countless difficulties, the boy did it. With his courage and wisdom, he successfully brought the three of them out of the Blue Broken Mountain Range and to Yuzhou City." "Because he had awakened his thunder element, he was allowed to join the Yuzhou City Magic Guard. This gave him a stable income to support the three of them. As time passed, the nine-year-old girl awakened wood element powers while the other boy awakened the water element powers. The eldest boy was very happy. He spent a long time and found them corresponding magic skills. The two did not let him down. They both became Second Grade mages and joined the Magic Guard." "According to the rules, the eldest boy was very talented and was admitted by better squads. He denied the offers and he chose to stay with the two children to protect them. He took the initiative and applied to be the team captain. This way, no one could punish or bully the two children. It was the happiest time for the three of them. The girl naively thought that her older brothers were strong enough to protect her so she neglected her cultivation and played all day. Her two brothers had no way to deal with her, so they both cultivated crazily. They felt that the girl should have a carefree life like a princess. Dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel." At this point, Xu Qing looked at Li Kong with her tearful eyes. "Do you know what happened after that?" Li Kong shook his head. "They were given a very simple mission. But when they arrived, they realized that it wasn't as easy as it was described. They were faced with several blue dark generals and dozens of yellow dark soldiers. In order to protect the girl, the boys used all their strength to escape. The girl was unconscious, but when she woke up, she realized that she will never see the big boy's smile again. The beautiful princess dream shattered. The other boy lost his smile and his temperament began to grow." "However, there was one thing that had not changed. He still doted on the girl like before. He was afraid that the girl would cry, afraid that the girl would feel unhappy, afraid of everything that the girl was afraid of. He changed. He became even crazier than before. He crazily accepted missions and trained. It was of the promise he made with their elder brother - let their only sister live a princess's life." Xu Qing was sobbing, her sentences became more and more broken. "Since then, the girl no longer had the dream of being a princess. She began to cultivate with all her might. She did not want to lose her remaining brother to any accidents." Looking at Xu Qing who could no longer speak, Li Kong handed her a tissue. She wiped her face and looked up at him, her red eyes filled with pain. "Do you think that girl is selfish?" "No, she's already doing very well. I'm sure her big brother is very happy to hear that she's stopped being naughty."Li Kong comforted. He could feel the change in the girl's mentality. "Do you want to know who that girl is?" Xu Qing looked at Li Kong. "It should be you, right?" "Yes, the girl is me. The big brother is called Zhao An, and the other brother is called Zhang Han." Hearing the explanation, Li Kong's mind became clear. No wonder Zhang Han doted on Xu Qing so much. The next second, Li Kong froze. He looked at the mask taken off by the girl in disbelief. He had let his guard down. Luckily, the girl was merely curious and had no bad intentions. Otherwise, the consequences would have been unimaginable. Seeing the childish face, Xu Qing was stunned. She thought he would at least be around her age or older. The result was unexpected. She smiled awkwardly, forming a sharp contrast with the sobs just now. "You are so young?!" Xu Qing felt she had been struck by a blow. She was surprised to see someone this young and already a Second Grade Senior-level mage, moreover, with dual powers. "I said so. You won't listen to my words and had to look. You even bothered to make up a story." Li Kong pursed his lips and explained as if it wasn't his fault. Looking at his cute expression, Xu Qing could not help but pinch Li Kong's cheek. "No, little brother, I didn't lie to you. This story is true." "Do you know why I told you this story?" Xu Qing tilted her head and asked. "No idea." Li Kong shook his head. "Because you said the same words as he did. You said you wanted to become stronger and protect the people and things that need to be protected. I think second brother accepted you because you said these words." She slowly explained and returned the mask back to Li Kong. "Don't worry, only I know what you look like and I will keep it a secret." Seeing Xu Qing wink at him, Li Kong nodded back. He felt if he used his trump cards while wearing a mask, no one would know who did it. This would protect his safety. After all, many geniuses were short-lived. "I really am envious. You look like you're only 13 or 14 and you're already so talented." Hearing Xu Qing's praise, Li Kong scratched his head with a modest expression. "Don't flatter me. I'm very average, how can I compare to you?" Looking at Li Kong's annoying expression, Xu Qing also gritted her teeth and pulled out her fist to hit Li Kong. How could Li Kong let her do as she wished? He titled his head and easily dodged it while making a face at Xu Qing. He quickly moved his body to slip away and left the room without looking back, leaving Xu Qing there angrily stomping the ground. "You sly fox." As soon as Li Kong left, a burly figure appeared in the office. "How do you feel about this child?" "Very much like him." "Yes, he said the exact words as big brother had. Wish he was still here with us." The burly man slowly walked over to sit beside Xu Qing and rubbed her hair. She lay in Zhang Han's arms and burst into tears. "Second brother, it's all my fault. If I weren't that weak, it wouldn't have happened." "It's not your fault. Blame the Mission Bureau for not investigating properly." Looking at the fragile girl, Zhang Han felt distressed. He always hoped that the girl could vent out all the sorrow in her heart, instead of enduring it alone... The burden in Li Kong's heart finally disappeared. He finally found his ideal job. He found an empty place and put his mask and box into the space storage device. He put on a new coat. He needed to head back to school. Though the school allowed him to go in and out freely, he must be back at his dorm before anyone noticed. Otherwise, if the others realized that he had not slept, they would be suspicious... With Zhou Kai's big mouth, the entire school will know in a second. If so, how could he secretly practice...
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