Chapter 17 The Yuzhou Magic Guards

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"Burp! It sure is good to be rich." Zhou Kai touched his round belly as he sat on the chair lazily. "No wonder the people of the big families progress faster on their cultivation roads. Even the food they eat every day is beyond the imagination of ordinary people." Li Kong sighed. His parents worked hard to pay for their living expenses every month, but the money could not cover his expenses. Especially after he had awakened the five elements, his expenses shot up sky high. Before he became a mage, his family had more than enough money to live. Now that he was one, he had to find ways to cover for himself. He couldn't help but think of his master and wonder about his whereabouts. He missed the caring but strict old man. The medicine baths his teacher prepared were much better than these. Quickly, he cut his own thoughts and murmured to himself, "You're thinking too much." "Li Kong, what's wrong?" Zhou Kai asked curiously. "Nothing. I was thinking about ways to crank up more money from Zhao Qingyun in the future. He can be our long-term meal supplier." Li Kong smiled. He felt the need to find a job and earn money. The kind where he can get combat experience and money at the same time would be the best. So he decided to go to the recruitment hall later to have a look. Night came quietly. A person wearing a demonic mask and carrying an ordinary wooden box on his back quietly appeared in the recruitment hall. It was Li Kong. He snuck out to relieve his boredom. "May I ask what I can help you with?" A soft voice reached Li Kong's ears. Following the voice, he saw a beautiful woman in a red cheongsam. "I need to find a job." Li Kong deliberately deepened his voice. "Then may I ask if you are a mage?" The woman asked tentatively. It was not strange to see oddly dressed people here. Everyone who posted a bounty or accepted a mission here dressed weirdly, some of them were even dressed more exaggeratedly than this, so she was already used to it. "Yes, an advanced Second Grade Senior-level mage." "Please follow me." Following the woman to the recruitment hall, Li Kong looked at the crowded recruitment hall and could not help but comment, "As expected of a high-level place only in high-level cities." "This is the reward pool, all kinds of missions and their corresponding rewards are in here. If you want to accept a mission, you just need to go to the front desk to report its mission ID." The woman pointed at the huge screen in the center and explained. "Thank you." "I wish you good luck." The woman wished him luck and walked away. "Find the missing ring. Reward - 500" "Find my lost dog. Reward - 300..." Li Kong felt disappointed looking at the requests. What are these? There was nothing he wanted to take. He shook his head in disappointment. Just as he was about to leave, he saw a line at the bottom of the screen. Do you want a good salary? Do you want to get extra training? Then come and join the Yuzhou City Magic Guard. The Magic Guard, Li Kong stared at the line and pondered for a while. Then, a satisfied smile appeared under the mask. Following the directions, he arrived at a room filled with people. As he got close, he heard someone shouting. "Get lost! Did you really think you are worthy of this? With your strength, go home and drink milk." A burly man held a middle-aged man by his collar and threw him out of the room. The man landed heavily on the floor in front of Li Kong. The middle-aged man stood up and patted the dust off his body. "Damn, what kind of recruitment attitude was that?" The people started chitchatting with one another. "Another person failed, this place is hard to get it." "This place wasn't open for registration before and somehow opened up today. So lots of people are here for a shot. And now another one got thrown out." "Excuse me, is this place to sign up for the Yuzhou City Magic Guard?" Hearing the discussions around him, Li Kong walked forward and asked politely. Looking at the strangely dressed person in front of him, the middle-aged man was a bit dazed. This body size... looks like a child, he thought to himself. "Excuse me, is this place to sign up for the Yuzhou City Magic Guards?" Looking at the distracted middle-aged man, Li Kong asked again. "Ah, yes. Are you going to sign up?" The middle-aged man asked curiously. "Yes, I want to try." "I'd advise you not. See what happens to me? I'm a Second Grade mage and I got thrown out." The middle-aged man said unhappily. "I think I should give it a try. Thank you." With that, Li Kong walked towards the room's door. "Look, another person went in." "That person is dressed strangely." Discussion stirred among the crowd. "People nowadays really don't listen to others." The middle-aged man sighed as he tidied up his wrinkled clothes and walked back toward the main hall. "Hey Old Wei, did you find any suitable mission?" The middle-aged man asked a man with glasses next to him. "No, couldn't find anything suitable. By the way, didn't you go to apply for Yuzhou City Magic Guard? Why are you here? Did you throw him out?" The man with the glasses asked with a smile. "Don't mention it. It's f*cking embarrassing." The middle-aged man said gloomily. "When I came out, a masked man went in. I think he will probably get thrown out soon." Looking at his companions gloating, the man with the glasses became interested and said, "You said that someone else went in behind you?" "Yes." "We should go and watch the show. There's always a good show every time someone tries for that position." The man with the glasses suggested. His eyes filled with anticipation. "Really?" The middle-aged man asked. "Yes, seriously. Hurry and let's go and watch the show." The man with the glasses dragged the middle-aged man toward the recruitment room of the Yuzhou City Magic Guards. "Registration?" The burly man asked without raising his head. "Yes." "Did you see what happened to that person just now? Are you prepared? This is not a joke." The burly man saw the young face under the mask and warned. "I've thought it through." "Let me ask you a question. Why do you want to become stronger?" "To protect what I want to protect." Hearing Li Kong's answer, the burly's body shook. He then regained his composure and said, "Tell me your strength and attributes." "Second Grade Senior-level mage, Fire and Earth elements." Li Kong said after some thought. "Can you prove what you've just said? Think carefully, this is not a joke, or else." The burly man asked in disbelief. A dual-element Second Grade Senior-level mage wielding dual elements could easily join a large family. Why would such a person fancy a job here? He questioned in his mind. 'Flame Fist', suddenly a burst of raging fire roared toward the burly. A blue light appeared on his body and dispersed the flame. "Do you believe me now?" He asked slowly. Looking at the distance he was pushed back, the burly found it hard to believe that he, a Fourth Grade Mid-level mage, was knocked back by a Second Grade Senior-level mage's attack. Even though he didn't use his full strength to block, he still found it unbelievable. After a long time, burly finally regathered his thoughts and said, "My name is Zhang Han. a Fourth Grade Mid-level made using water elemental spells." "Hello, Big Brother Zhang Han. My name is Wei." Li Kong cupped his fists towards Zhang Han. "Wei, why are you dressed like this?" Zhang Han asked in confusion. Li Kong did not explain. Zhang Han could figure that Wei did not want to expose his identity. He shook his head and explained, "The Yuzhou City Magic Guard's mission is to protect the citizens from the dark beasts. We are organized in small teams and I am the vice-caption. Now let me take you to see the other members. You should get to know each other. This will help you guys cooperate better in missions." After saying that, Zhang Han packed up and shouted to the people outside, "The recruitment is over. There are no more open positions left. Everyone gathered here can disperse now." The crowd was filled with disbelief. Many who wanted to give the position a try showed regrets on their faces. The middle-aged man who had just arrived with his companion was shocked. He asked around and heard that the masked youth who entered after him just got recruited. When he heard this, the man with the glasses smacked his lips. His eyes revealed his jealousy. Li Kong saw the stunned middle-aged man as he followed Zhang Han out. He walked over and said, "See I made it." Then, he hurried away to catch up with Zhang Han and left. The words "I made it" deeply pierced the heart of the middle-aged man. His companion next to him patted him and tried to comfort him," There are some people that we just can't compare to. It's better if you don't think too much about it."
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