Chapter Forty. Davina.

1646 Words

Chapter Forty. Davina. Why did I freak out last night? Can I not just trust him? Did I completely ruin the night for both of us? The answer to those questions is haunting me as the sun awakes from its slumber, shining its orange hue through the gap in the curtains. I glance at the time on my phone, without moving from the safe and secure arms of Mars. It is early, really early. Yet I am wide awake, after little to no sleep last night. I should have just done what my body was screaming at me to do. But, deep down, I know that to mate with Mars and then to say goodbye and be apart the next day would send my mind into panic overdrive. I don’t want to feel like that, I want to be with him in the days after. Call me sentimental, but after what happened the night, we made Max, I cannot

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