Chapter 1

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 Shower me with kindness. Show me that heart stopping smile of yours. Be the wolf in sheep's clothing and I'll be the dumb bunny. Lure me into your half thought out trap. Kill me. I won't die. Then do it again. I'll still fall. ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~  Darkness.   That was all I could see. I felt as if I was falling, just falling. Falling into a bottomless dark pit. Never ending. I was so deep into this pit, that it was impossible for me to even see a flash of light. It was so dark that I couldn't see anything even if I tried. To others they would find such a dream scary, a dreadful nightmare, while others would see it as a work of witchcraft. Well, I see it as the best dream ever. Not dreaming of anything but dreaming of nothing.   Just falling, in an endless pit of darkness.  It's nothing but comforting, peaceful.   I hate dreams and I hate dreaming. I hate dreaming about the life I have or a life that I would never have, I hate dreaming of something I would never have. When I was seven, I dreamt of freedom. I dreamt that I was free, free to do whatever I want, go wherever I want and say whatever I want. I was not restricted, chained or bound to any master. I was free. I was not a slave to anyone and most of all to myself.   I was demon free.   When I had woken up from that dream, I had hit my head a hundred times. Scolding my subconscious state for it's stupidity. I would never be free, only in death would I be free and death seemed to hate me. At the age of seven, I had already known that I'll never be free. So why dream about freedom? Why dream about something, you would never have? It was pointless, painful and stupid.  After that night I had never dreamed of freedom again, although I had dreamt of other things, but for the life of me. I couldn't remember them. But I know it consisted of the construction of lights, shapes, sounds, shadows and darkness. But I had no solid memory of what I dreamed about.  It's good that way. Nothing to torment me.         An irritating beeping sound drew me out of my state of peace, something that I hardly experience when I'm conscious. Forcing my tired eyes opened. At first I couldn't see clearly, it was as if my eyes were covered with something. Making me blink repeatedly for about five times, before I could see clearly. The room I was in was illuminated by dim white lights, highlighting the gray colored walls.  'Where am I?'  That was the question that popped into my head, like a pumped up balloon, when I realized that I was in an unfamiliar room. The door to my left opened, making me to snap my head in that direction. A dam of pain broke, flooding into my neck then moved like a snake to other neighboring parts of my neck. But I was too tired to physically react to it. Or maybe I was just used to it. Too used to pain.  Three men stood frozen by the door, their eyes wide open with the obvious sign of shock on their faces. Two of the men where tall and big maybe six feet five. I'm not sure, but they where of the same height. They where both beautiful men. One possessed a with demonic beauty, while the other possessed an angelic beauty. If you could call men beautiful, they were a perfect example. The word beautiful, was not enough to do justice to this men. The were beautifully handsome. It was the perfect word, used to describe these men. They were more beautiful than any woman I had ever seen and more handsome than any man I had ever seen. They were just, unreal. They looked like warriors. Big, strong, tall. They had muscles in all the right places. They weren't packed with muscles in an irritating way. They didn't have that type of muscles, that made you want to empty out the contents of your stomach on them or wrinkle up you nose in annoyance. They where just big and perfect men.  One of the men had emerald green eyes, with black hair that made his eye color pop out like popsicles. He was the one I'll describe as a demonic beauty. He looked like those villains in books, that are overly good looking and just made evil look desirable. But something told me he was far from evil. It was more like a feeling. While the second one was the perfect description of an angelic beauty. He had silver blond hair, golden eyes, strong but kind face. He was the perfect description of a hero in a fictional book.   The third man that stood in front of them was small. Well, calling him small would be a big fat lie. Infact he was far from small, because he was obviously taller than me. But he was not as big and tall as the two other men. He had ginger red colored hair, green eyes that shined brightly with shock. He looked like the small, kind, red haired handsome version of the black haired man with green eyes. He was also wearing a white lab coat which made me to believe that he's a doctor.  The three of them snapped out of their six seconds of shock that seemed to have lasted for a year, at the same time.  They walked into the room, the door closing behind them as they walked closer to the uncomfortable hospital bed I was lying on.  "Hi," the red haired said with a small cute smile on his face as he looked at me. "I'm doctor Timi, I've been the one treating you ever since you were rushed in here. The two men behind me –"  "I'm Seth," the black haired demon cut in.  "While I'm Lieon," the one with golden eyes said with a world pausing smile on his face.   I didn't know what to say. I just looked at them with a dumb expression on my face. A minute passed in an awkward silence, then I finally opened my mouth and said with a crackled voice, "Please.... Water."  "Aw yeah. Sorry about that," doctor Timi said. But before he could move to get me water, Seth had appeared by my side with a glass of water. I collected the water and greedily drank it all.  "Please more, Sir." I said. And more was given to me. When I was done with my third glass I said, "Thank you," to Seth. He smiled at me with a nod. I swear his smile killed me and brought me back to life again.   "So, ummm. How did I get here? Where am I?" I asked.  "Well you were found in the woods, on our lands. And you're in our private hospital." Timi answered. "Okay," I said dumbly. "Is there anybody we could call for you?" Lieon asked, with an indifferent expression on his face.
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