
The Slave


They say love is for everyone, that no matter how you are or who you are, love comes to us all.


Just maybe-

Maybe it's not true.

I hope I'm wrong. I really do.

But I'm a slave

Love is dangerous, the most deadly weapon ever known to man. It has turned great kingdoms to dust, brought down great kings, heroes, great men, to their knees. But it's so beautiful, how can something so beautiful be so dangerous?

If you could make me fall in love with you, then I'll be a fool in love. But would you love me back, would you value me?

I'm just a slave.

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Index 1
I'll advise you to read this very well, in other for you to understand the book better. Saxson City: Also known as the capital of Iykos Country. Seth and Lieon are the Alphas of Saxson City which makes them the Alphas of Iykos Country.   Iykos Country: The word 'Iykos' means 'wolf'. Iykos Country is a country whose original citizens are werewolves. The federal capital territory is Saxon City. Seth and Lieon are the Alpha Kings of Iykos Country.  So I'm going to use my country, Nigeria as an example, in order for me to explain the ins and outs of Iykos Country. Nigeria has 36 states and capital with one federal government territory, which is called Abuja. In those 36 states we have one governor and three senators. We have 300 tribes in Nigeria ( which is one of the many problems of Nigeria). Just like Nigeria, Iykos Country has 36 states and one federal government territory, which is called Saxsan. Also, just like Nigeria has 36 governors, Iykos Country has 36 Sub-Alphas. But unlike Nigeria, with 3 senators for each state, Iykos Country has 2 senators which are called Betas and Gamas. Each state is a Sub-Park of Iykos Country. When all these sub-parks are put together they form 1 park, which is called Iykos Country. But Unlike Nigeria that has 300 tribes, Wolf Country only has 1 tribe and 2 major languages Wolfgre and Zaton. Minus the general language of communication, which is english.  Wolfgre: It is the official and original werewolf language.   Zaton: It is a blend or the mixture of Wolfgre, English and Greek.  The same way Nigeria has pigeon English or broken English, is the same way that Iykos Country has Zaton. To Iykos Country, Zaton is the pigeon Wolfgre or broken Wolfgre.  Seth: One of the Alpha Kings of the two Alpha Kings of Iykos Country.  Lieon: One of the Alpha Kings of Iykos Country.  Human male pregnancy: Biologically, human males can not get pregnant when having s****l i*********e with a fellow male. But when having s****l i*********e with a supernatural and the male human is on the receiving end. Then the human male would definitely get pregnant. Male humans do not consist of wombs. So in other to carry the child, a temporary womb is created. This temporary womb is like a bag or it is a bag. It's inside this bag known as the temporary womb, where the child or children would develop on till the child or children is ready to come out or the dew date of delivery. When it's time for the child or children to be born, since human males naturally have no means for the child or children to be born. A C-Section is done, in other to remove the child or children. When this C-Section is being done, since the child is inside the temporary womb, the bag would be removed with the child in it then the bag would be broken in other to remove the child from the bag.  The bag can't be left inside the male human, if not, the bag would rotten, which would kill the human male.  Supernatural submissive male pregnancy: This is just like every female pregnancy. Supernatural submissive males, which are commonly Omegas and some few Sub Betas. They naturally have reproductive systems that allows them to carry children and also to give birth to them, naturally. The only difference between supernatural submissive male pregnancy and female pregnancy in general, is that for females they give birth through the v****a while supernatural submissive males give birth through the a*s hole. Mates:  Okay. So we all know the cliche definition of mates. Know my definition of mates is almost the same with that. But first let's talk about how supernaturals find their mates. •Identification: In order for a supernatural to identify their mate they have to have The Dream. The Dream is when a supernatural have a dream about their mate. Supernaturals naturally cannot dream, Until they have The Dream. After The Dream, then they would slowly but surely start to dream about other things.  There is no specific age for one to identify their mate, but one thing was for sure. When a substantial enters puberty or starts to show signs of puberty, he or she has the possibility of sensing their mate or having The Dream. Although it's not everyone that identifies their mate ones they reach this stage. It might take years before they finally have The Dream, even after they have reached puberty. But puberty is a starting stage.  Rejection: Rejecting ones mate is not allowed. If a person rejects their mate, he or she would die seven days later, along with their rejected mate. But the person who did the rejection, would spend the seven days before their death in nothing but agony.  While the person that was rejected would start to fade away in the most painless way possible. He or she would lose weight and their strength, till it becomes impossible for them to move. Then they'll die.   Love: There is no such thing as love at first sight with supernatural mates. The supernaturals are sexually attracted to their mate or mates and they can't live without their mate, by their said.

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