Breaking Up With You Has Always Been What I Desired

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Breaking Up With You Has Always Been What I Desired. Hazel's POV. "Who the f**k kept on calling me that way? I thought I cleared all my debts?" I said as I took my phone out of my pocket to see who had saved me from the gay father. Panting and trying to catch my breath because of how far I had run to get to my office was really not what I expected for my day. It was getting tougher than expected. Who would have also imagined that the senior doctor was actually a gay and his patient was in love with him. "They were actually touching themselves inside his office? f**k!" I exclaimed feeling disgusted as I recalled what I saw back there in his office. I swiped my phone's screen to the right as I continued with what I was going to do before the ugly scene came into my head. "It was Micheal… was it that urgent that he just couldn't wait an hour before calling me back? Or he missed me?" I giggled at the thought of this. Micheal is my boyfriend and we've been dating since high school. I've had a lot of sacrifices to make for him and I did that because of Love. He had the same goal with me since high school and because of me, he got the chance to be the best surgeon in Italy. He came back to the states recently and I was sure I met him a few days ago so seeing his constant calls on my phone made me smile and wonder too. I was going to call him back, but on second thought, it was time to be relieved of my duty for the day. I went into my office and packed my stuff. I was ready to leave the hospital now to go meet my husband to be, Micheal. Pardon my manners though but Micheal and I were to be married in the next eight weeks and our families were aware of this arrangement between us. I shut my door behind me the moment I left my office. I was heading for Michael's house or should I say his mansion. Constant smiles weren't lacking on my face as I thought about him while going to his house. He gave me joy and I will forever love him for that. Soon, I got to his house, climbed out of the taxi that had carried me there and made my payments. Standing before his house with my blue gown at knee length and long sleeve and my golden ear ring , covered half way with my blonde hair, I gazed at his massive building that was before me. I was so excited at this point more than ever that I had forgotten about what happened at the hospital earlier that day. I marched into his building and without delay, made my way to his bedroom where his servant had told me he was. Giggling, I stretched my hand to the door handle and turned it open with the mindset that he was going to welcome me in with open arms. "......" I choked on my words as I just couldn't believe what was happening before my eyes in his room, in our supposed matrimonial bed. I placed my hand on my mouth in a gasp as a torrent of tears came running down my eyes which I couldn’t hold in. Micheal, my soon to be husband, was In bed with another lady, enjoying himself to the extent that he didn't realise I walked into his room. I watched him suck on her n****e with those lips I loved kissing so much and his fingers running through her hair as he made her moan in pleasure. She held him so tight at that point and I bet she was enjoying him as well. I went blank for a while the moment I saw the lady's face of whom he was in bed with. If it was another lady , I would have reacted but it wasn't . She was someone I held so high but despised so much in life because of her rude attitude. "Sarah?" I mumbled seeing her face clearly which immediately drew their attention to the door where I was standing. "What the f**k are you doing in my room? Why didn't you call?" Michael who had stopped f*****g Sarah asked as he climbed out of the bed. He grabbed the towel that was beside his desk and walked closer to me, who was in tears. "Are you yelling at me right now? You were caught in bed with my senior colleague and all you could do was yell at me? My husband to be??" I questioned in surprise as I tried maintaining my voice. I couldn’t believe the kind of pride he had all of a sudden. The Micheal I knew back then in high school wasn't the kind with pride. "Look who's talking!!" He chuckled mockingly as he turned to Sarah who was still relaxing on his bed with a smile on her face. "What do you mean?" I asked, tightening my fist in anger. "When was the last time we had s*x , Hazel? When was the last time we kissed deeply if your job wasn't going to be the discussion for the day?" He asked rhetorically as he looked me straight in the eyes. "You don't have anything to say right? That's because we've never had s*x , Hazel. You've never placed Me so high enough to have s*x with me. I am a man and of course, I Need my d**k properly massaged daily by the woman I call my own!!" He divulged, making me more furious at that moment. "But no, that woman choose to keep it till her f*****g wedding night!! Listen to me closely Hazel.. I will not and will never have anything to do with you ever again , do you get that? Not when I can have Sarah to myself!" He revealed, through his gritted teeth, that I couldn't help but react to what he said to me. I raised my hand in anger and the next minute, It was landing on his face so hard that I didn't believe I was going to do such a thing. I took a step backwards realising what I'd done to him at that moment. He could hit me back too without looking at my face. "How dare you slap my husband, Hazel?" Sarah climbed off the bed, enraged with anger as she came closer to where we were standing. "Get out , now!! Get the f**k out of my house with your filthy virginity!!" He bellowed knowing that Sarah's interference in our discussion would result in a fight. "I loved you so much Micheal.. I…." "Enough of your whimpering, Hazel. Get out of the house and I promise to pay you back everything you gave me when the time comes. Get out!!" He insisted but then, I hesitated as I wished none of these had ever happened. Seeing how reluctant I was to leave his house, he gripped my arms and forcefully sent me out of his room and not just his room but his compound which was embarrassing. "I'll inform your mom about the new arrangement… bye!!" He asserted, leaving me to my agony before his gate. I sobbed silently that I didn't know when I went on my knees because of the pain I felt. If anyone was to betray me, then it shouldn't have been Micheal. He was the reason I couldn't go abroad to further my education and be the best doctor. He was my only hope in getting more money in the future knowing how much I sacrificed for him. Now, he was with a bigger dog, the chairman's daughter, Sarah and he wishes never to set his eyes on me again. "You will pay for this Micheal!! I promise to make you lose everything you've earned through me… I promise!!" I cried out as I yelled on top of my voice. He was never going to know peace until I made him pay, I thought to myself with my heart bleeding.
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