
Legally Mrs. Billionaire (Vincenzo's Obsession)

poor to rich
friends with benefits

Legally Mrs. Billionaire follows the story of a successful psychologist Hazel Willows, who after being rejected for a job, finds herself in a unique contract with a billionaire to play the role of a mother figure to his young son.

As she grows closer to the child and the billionaire, she realizes that the arrangement is not as simple as it seems, and she must navigate a web of family expectations, personal feelings, and societal pressures in order to find happiness.

With the arrival of Vincenzo's disapproving grandmother and betrothed, the stakes are raised, and Hazel must make a choice that will impact not only her own life but also the lives of those around her.

Will she continue to play the role of the surrogate mother, or will she follow her heart and take a chance on love?"

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My Rules, His Dad Is A Gay
My Rules… (His Dad Is Gay). Hazel's POV. First day at work after the Christmas holiday and all I just felt at that moment were discontempt, displeasure and anger. I scared most people away from me by yelling or nagging at their sight and most of them saw it as me being rude but I never cared and will never give a damn to their thoughts. Being a psychologist was one of the worst choices I made in life. My mom felt good about it, thinking it gave me more gains or profit but I personally knew that it was tougher than expected. I needed to find something else to do if I really wanted to be the pride of the family as always. With the cool winter breeze that came in through my office windows and my hands drawing only God knows what on my desk, I thought about how I was going to end my job and find a well paying job for the year. I heaved a heavy sigh as I looked at the empty hallway outside my door. It has been that way for weeks, maybe months and it pissed me off most times. "When do I get to see nice and sweet patients just like my other colleagues? Or am I not capable of handling a patient?" I pondered, still staring blankly at the door before me. I was still caught up in trance when suddenly, I heard the telephone that was kept beside me beep. It was a call of duty and I felt so excited to pick up the phone knowing that I might get a miracle credit alert soon. "You are needed at the ER department immediately!!!" The texts that had popped into my phone read. I had no business in the ER department but that didn't mean I wasn't going to get my patient. With a smile on my face, I stood right up to go see who needed me there. I grabbed my white lab jacket and dashed out of my room without hesitation. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier… I am a psychologist at St. Antonio's hospital in Missel town and there are rules I must follow or set for myself. One; Do not fall in love with a patient no matter the circumstances and … Two; Always remember rule number one no matter what. I made these rules just to avoid my heart from being broken and to focus on my goal to save my mom from her illness. I am Hazel Willows and this is my story, this is how I turned out to be the most important and irresistible psychologist in Missel town after a meeting with him…. ********** "Where the hell have you been? We called you an hour ago and look at the time you're arriving, smiling to your stupid self!" Sarah, my senior colleague, scolded me with a tsk and an irritating look at me. "She's always clumsy Sarah.. you shouldn't be surprised. That's why patients never want to associate with her" Mandy spoke ill about me without thinking twice. I forgot to mention this but to survive in St. Antonio's hospital, you need tolerance and perseverance. They were obviously taunting me at that moment but I just had to ignore them. "Why was I summoned here?" I asked with my hands clenching to my dress and anger written all over my face. "So much nerves she's got…. Give her the child Mandy!!" Sarah scoffed as she ordered with her face turned away from me. "Wait!! A child? I was…." I was going to say but then Mandy shut me up by bringing the little boy before me. "You thought it was a patient? You wish dummy. Here you go and make sure you entertain him! He is no ordinary child of a beggar " She mocked before going back to what she was doing with Sarah. For a second, I wondered why they had given me such an innocent looking boy to take care of when they could just do it themselves. "Where are we going? I really wish to see my dad…" He said with so much elegance and courage which made me smile. I took his hand and dashed out of the room, ignoring Mandy and Sarah's silly acts. And Judging from how composed he was, I bet he was from a wealthy family and that was why I was asked to take care of him properly. "Here , my dad is here!" He halted the moment we got closer to the senior doctor's office. "Are you really sure that your dad is here? This is the doctor's office.. is he by chance, sick?" I squatted to his height as I asked out of curiosity. I doubted the fact that the child could make the right speech about his father anyways but he acted more mature than expected. "Dad told me never to open up to anyone! It is a secret for the sebastian family ma'am … " His sweet and tender voice divulged with a smile erupting from his lips. "The Sebastian family? I think I've heard that before…." I tilted my head to the left as I gave it a quick thought. I stood to my feet and went over to the doctor's door to meet his father. I knocked on the door but no one responded. Instead, I kept on hearing moans and chattering inside the office. Curiously, I opened the door slightly and peeping through it, I saw the doctor standing before a man who was sitting down. I couldn't get a proper view of what was happening inside the office but I was sure they were involved in something not right. " Ahhh.. doctor, take it easy!" The man sitting exclaimed as I saw the doctor's hand touching his shoulders like a way a man touches his wife. I was still trying to get the right information, leaving the unknown kid behind when suddenly, my phone rang out so loud. "f**k it!!" I gasped as I shut the door immediately to end the call. I tried leaving the office with the boy when the doctor's door opened. I was caught now and nothing was going to save me, I guess. "Who are you?" A deep and domineering voice questioned from behind me after the door was opened. It gave me chills in my spines that made me freeze in silence hearing him question me but was surprised to see that the child wasn't moved in his presence. "Daddy!!" He called out with excitement as he rushed to meet his dad who was probably still struggling to put on his suit jacket. "Daddy? His Dad is gay?" I pondered with a confused gaze at the empty hallway before me. My back was turned against him so he couldn't see my face or know what I looked like which was perfect. "Who are you?? Show your face this minute!!" He ordered, making me scared of what might become of me now. I was going to turn around, I was going to let him see my face but then, my phone rescued me again. The blaring sound it made immediately gave me an idea. I picked up the call and acted as though it was an emergency call from my other colleagues. "I'd really love to attend to you sir but I have somewhere else to be.. bye!!" I ran off with my hair covering my face so he wouldn't see me. It was rather an awkward situation and knowing that he was a gay alone made it difficult to face him. I guess that is the ……Sebastian's secret after all.

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