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I NEED HER CLOSE TO BE ABLE TO KEEP MY SECRETS. Vincenzo's POV. "Get out of my office this minute! Having you here is already making me feel like my company is crumbling!" I ordered as I felt anger boiling up in my veins. I was and still remained the president, the billionaire in Missel Town, California and she was expected to obey every word I say to her. I walked closer to her but then paused, seeing how scared she had become. I didn't mean to make her scared but she wasn't needed in my office. She immediately turned around with her face still bowed to the ground in shame. She dashed out of my office, shutting the door without looking back. She made sure she avoided making eye contact with me while she was in my office and I didn't know why. I guess she was pretty scared of my voice just like other staff in the company. I couldn’t even get a single soul that could walk up to me as a friend. They were either after my money or disliked everything about me. I only had Rigel who was alway by my side as my best friend and my son , Luca. Speaking of Luca, I suddenly heard his voice outside my door and calling aunty was a weird Act. I wondered for a second whom he was referring to as Aunty and the moment I opened the door to my office, I saw him with the same lady I had sent out of my office. Staring at the young clumsy lady holding my son, I felt nothing but disgust at that moment. I would never have believed that Luca would know someone as shaggy as she was. He had his likes as dislikes and she was supposed to be looked at as a beggar by him but he smiled at her instead. I looked at the elevator direction but I got disappointed as I couldn’t see or find the one person I needed for Luca. I felt so angered at him, at the little five years old boy because he had refused to get a mother for himself. Seeing how he was just so engrossed with the lady before me made me more furious. I had to stop them from speaking to each other, I had to end their union right away. "Luca? Get out of that lady's arms this minute!!" I ordered, but he wouldn't do as I commanded him, immediately. "But dad, She's the one that took care of me at the hospital.. I think I like her" He divulged, pulling me off my feet. "You think you like her? You think you want to be with her?" I scoffed as I found it rather unbelievable that he liked a poor looking lady. "Wait a minute " I was going to yell at him for saying such when it suddenly popped into my head. If she was the one who was with him at the hospital that day, then she was surely the one who opened the doctor's door. She is the one aware of my Predicament. She knows my secret and will say it to her colleagues without thinking twice. I said inwardly, trembling in fear for the first time in a long while. I panicked knowing this, I immediately grabbed Luca from her without thinking twice and ordered him to go into the office which he obeyed. She stood to her feet and turned to my sight, she froze for about thirty seconds. I bet she was assessing my body just as other ladies would do but that wasn't my emergency. I went into my office , still panicking, with my hands on my waist and my senses restless as I roamed around the place. Luca was still a little kid so I bet he knew nothing about what I was going through. If she knew my secrets then it would be known to everyone soon and it could affect my rule in the company. How was I going to avoid such havoc from happening? How was I going to protect my position and fight my dad's battles?. I was totally lost at that moment that I had forgotten I was still alive for a second. I was still trying to gather my facts together and get a solution when Rigel suddenly entered my office with a smile on his face. "Are you still bothered about Luca not getting a qualified mother to look after him?" He questioned the minute he came into my office, seeing me worried. Luca's mom had died in an accident years back and that was due to someone's carelessness. Since then, Luca has been acting all strange and in order to avoid him from behaving in an odd manner, it was decided that he would be given a mother. I vowed never to fall in love or get married to any lady , not when I still felt love for my dead wife. In order to give him the mother figure which he desired, I had to go into the public to find one lady for him. But Luca has always been so selective. He never liked any of them, saying that they were too old or too dull to him. I would have given up, but that's my only son and I just couldn't lose him because of a mother. "That's not my issue right now , Rigel. Luca can find his mother later today, but for now, I have a better issue to settle!" I responded with a loud but worried tone as I stared at Rigel who was looking lost. "If you say so , Friend. And… that reminds me, who is the lady outside? She looks like she's in need of a job" Rigel blurted out, pointing his finger to her direction "She is… " I paused for a second, staring at Rigel. It was at that point that it came to me, a solution to hiding and keeping my secrets from the world came to me. I immediately dashed out of the office to go meet her but she was nowhere to be found. If I was going to keep my secrets to myself, then I needed to hire her, I needed to make her stay close to me, I needed to make her Luca's mom.
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